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A unique form of dental bilophodonty and a functional interpretation of peculiarities in the masticatory system of Arsinoitherium (mammalia,Embrithopoda)
Authors:Nicholas Court
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Paléontologie, U.R.A. 327 du C.N.R.S. , Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution USTL Montpellier II , Case Courrier 064, Place Eugène Bataillon, Montpellier Cedex 05, F‐34095, France
Abstract:The highly autapomorphic upper molar bilophodonty of the Oligocene mammal, Arsinoitherium (Embrithopoda) is an extreme form of dilambdodonty effected by lingual positioning of normally buccally situated cusps with reduction of lingual cusps. This effectively limits the molar dentition to a single phase shearing occlusal motion. Molar and premolar morphology is very different, premolars exhibiting high longitudinal ectolophs and typical two phase occlusal morphology. A double faceted mandibular condyle and angular discontinuity between lower molar and premolar dentitions is interpreted as a means of separating premolar from molar occlusion. A bifunctional masticatory system is proposed whereby efficient premolar occlusion is achieved only after a repositioning of the temporomandibular joint. Loss of phase II occlusion in the molars is compensated by maintenance of a crushing/grinding mode in the premolars. This coupled with the ability to maintain high occlusal pressures along the length of the mandible explains the unbroken dental arcade. Arsinoitheres therefore possess an extremely specialised masticatory apparatus and are interpreted as highly selective browsing herbivores.
Keywords:Dentition  mastication  bifunctional  interpretation  embrithopod  oligocene
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