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Chlorophenol degradation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium
Authors:R.Rubio Pé  rez,G.Gonzá  lez Benito,M.Peñ  a Miranda

Dpto. de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Valladolid, 47011, Valladolid, Spain

Abstract:Degradation of chlorophenols by P. chrysosporium in static cultures has been studied. The influences of mycelium acclimation, co-substrate concentration and nitrogen source on phenol degradation were analyzed. With non-acclimated mycelium the maximal concentrations degraded were 150 ppm of o-chorophenol and 100 ppm of the isomers m- and p-chlorophenol. The substituted ortho-position on the aromatic ring was the preferred attack position. Meta- and para-positions were less reactive and resulted in a slower degradation rate than the ortho position. Nevertheless, with acclimated mycelium, an increase in the ability to degrade chlorophenol and a higher reactivity in meta- and para-positions were observed (degraded chlorophenol increased by up to 70% for the o-isomer and 50% for the m- and p-isomers with respect to non-acclimated mycelium). A decrease in glucose concentration caused a decrease in chlorophenol degradation rate. Twelve days were needed for complete degradation of o-chlorophenol with 10 g/l of glucose and 22 days when glucose concentration was decreased to 2.5 g/l. The reduction of ammonium tartrate caused a greater lag time, but not a decrease in chlorophenol degradation rate. Replacement of ammonium tartrate by ammonium chloride caused a decrease in chlorophenol degradation rate.
Keywords:Phanerochaete chrysosporium   chlorophenol isomers   degradation
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