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引用本文:张友元,夏玉芳. 香椿木材解剖构造及其物理力学性质[J]. 植物分类与资源学报, 2013, 35(5): 641-646. DOI: 10.7677/ynzwyj201312173
作者姓名:张友元  夏玉芳
作者单位:1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所山地生态系统研究中心,云南 昆明650201;2 贵州大学林学院,贵州 贵阳550025
基金项目:贵州省林业厅项目“香椿人工林多用途效益研究” (2006-15)
摘    要:
为扩大和培育香椿资源和填补国内经济建设及人民生活对优质木材的需求,为其开发和利用提供一定的基础数据及科学的理论指导,依照GB1927-91实验方法对其木材的解剖和物理力学性质做了系统研究。结果表明:香椿纤维13年生后形态均匀,长宽比46.18,双壁厚11.00μm,纤维壁腔比0.56,腔径比0.76;导管分子平均长度383.52μm,宽度143.98μm;基本密度和气干密度分别为0.415g/cm3和0.475g/cm3,属“轻”型;差异干缩为1.93;木材的抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量和顺纹抗压强度分别为67.85MPa、6179.82MPa和38.23MPa,综合强度106.08MPa,均属“低”级,香椿的综合品质系数为2556.1×105 Pa,为高等级材。综合分析表明香椿材质优良。

关 键 词:香椿  解剖构造  物理力学性质

Wood Anatomy and Physical and Mechanical Properties of Toona sinensis (Meliaceae)
ZHANG You-Yuan-,XIA Yu-Fang-. Wood Anatomy and Physical and Mechanical Properties of Toona sinensis (Meliaceae)[J]. Plant Diversity and Resources, 2013, 35(5): 641-646. DOI: 10.7677/ynzwyj201312173
Authors:ZHANG You-Yuan-  XIA Yu-Fang-
Affiliation:1 Centre for Mountain Ecosystem Studies, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Kunming 650201, China; 2 Guizhou University, College of Forestry, Guiyang 550025, China
 Research on Toona sinensis is important for its cultivation in China and provision of a high quality timber resource. We used the GB1927-91 Test Method to examine the anatomy and  physico mechanical properties of Toona sinensis wood. We found that fiber morphology is shaped, on average, after 13 years of growth, with an aspect ratio of 46.18, double wall thickness of 11.00μm, fiber wall cavity ratio of 0.56, and cavity diameter ratio of 0.76. Average length and width of vessel elements was 383.52μm and 143.98μm, respectively, basic density was 0.415g/cm3 and air dry density was 0.475g/cm3. The wood may be described as a “light and low type” timber with differences in shrinkage of 1.93, wood bending strength, modulus of elasticity and compressive strength of grain rolls of 67.85MPa, 6179.82MPa and 38.23MPa, respectively, an integrated strength of 106.08MPa, and a comprehensive quality factor of 2556.1×105Pa. Based on our findings, Toona sinensis may be considered to produce a form of high-quality wood.
Keywords:Toona sinensis  Wood anatomy  Physical properties  Mechanical properties
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