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引用本文:邵晶,郑青松,刘兆普,宁建凤. 磷对海水胁迫下芦荟幼苗离子分布的影响[J]. 生态学报, 2005, 25(12): 3167-3171
作者姓名:邵晶  郑青松  刘兆普  宁建凤
摘    要:研究了磷对海水胁迫下库拉索芦荟(A loe vera)幼苗干物质积累、植株含水量、在器官和组织水平上离子分布的影响。增磷显著缓解海水胁迫对芦荟生长的抑制,明显提高海水胁迫下芦荟幼苗的干物质积累和含水量。器官离子含量和X射线微区分析结果都表明,30%浓度海水胁迫下,外源磷水平的提高能显著降低芦荟幼苗根系N a 、C l-的吸收,增强K 、C a2 向地上部的运输和分配,从而维持叶片较高的K /N a 、C a2 /N a 比率,而这很可能是增磷提高芦荟对海水胁迫抗性的主要原因之一。

关 键 词:芦荟    海水胁迫  缓解  离子稳态  吸收  分配

Effects of phosphorus application on ion distribution in aloe seedlings under seawater stress
SHAO Jing,ZHEGN Qingsong,LIU Zhaopu and NING Jianfeng. Effects of phosphorus application on ion distribution in aloe seedlings under seawater stress[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(12): 3167-3171
Authors:SHAO Jing  ZHEGN Qingsong  LIU Zhaopu  NING Jianfeng
Affiliation:College of Natural Resourc and Environmental Science, Nanjing Agricultural Uniersity , Nanjing 210095
Abstract:How to enhance plant salt tolerance has always been focus issue up to present.It has been reported that phosphorus application can increase plant tolerance to osmotic stress by elevating anti-dehydration of protoplast.Intracellular ion homeostasis is a fundamental process for keeping physiological activity of living cells and ion flux regulation is necessary for plant cells to exclude toxic ions and to accumulate essential ions to a proper level.The effects of exogenous phosphorus on ionic homeostasis of plant under salt stress might be important in exploring physiology and salt tolerance mechanism of plant under salt stress by studying.Xerophyte Aloe vera,a member of the Liliaceae plant family,is widely cultivated because of the high medical values.However few studies can be documented on effects of environmental factors on the growth of Xerophyte Aloe vera as well as its inner adaptive mechanisms related.Therefore,pot experiments were carried out to study the effects of exogenous P on dry matter accumulation,water content,Na~ ,Cl~-,K~ and Ca~(2 ) contents of aloe seedlings and their relative contents in various tissue cells under seawater stress by chemical analysis and X-ray electron probe microanalysis.Two P levels and two seawater concentrations used in this experiment were 0.5 mmol P L~(-1) and 1.5 mmol P L~(-1),and 0 and 30%,respectively.The results obtained were listed as follows.Exogenous P application increased dry weight and water content of aloe seedlings under seawater stress significantly.No significant differences of dry weights and water contents of aloe seedlings were found between high P and low P treatments on the condition of no seawater stress.Exogenous P application could decrease the relative contents of Na~ and Cl~-in various tissue cells of aloe seedling roots but could dramatically increased the relative contents of K~ and Ca~(2 ) in epidermis cells,phloem cells and xylem cells in aloe seedling roots exposing to seawater stress.The same trend could be summarized on Na~ ,Cl~-,K~ and Ca~(2 ) concentrations in aloe seedling leaves and roots from the chemical analysis.Supplement of P to the plant under seawater stress hardly decrease the relative contents of Na~ and Cl~-of aloe seedling leaves.However,exogenous P application could increase to a great extent the relative content of K~ in various tissue cells of aloe seedling leaves and relative content of Ca~(2 ) in epidermis cells,cortex cells and aqueous cells of aloe seedling leaves.At the same time,high K~ / Na~ and Ca~(2 )/ Na~ in leaves of aloe seedlings could be maintained under seawater stress by supplement of P,which indicated that application of P could improve selective absorption and transportation of K~ and Ca~(2 ) from root to shoot of aloe seedlings under the seawater stress condition.And this might be attributed to the enhanced tolerance of aloe seedlings to seawater by P application.
Keywords:aloe  P  seawater stress  alleviation  ionic homeostasis  absorption  distribution
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