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The behavioural responses and tolerance of freshwater benthic cyclopoid copepods to hypoxia and anoxia
Authors:Stuart Tinson  Johanna Laybourn-Parry
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, U.K.
Abstract:The response of four benthic cyclopoid copepods,Acanthocyclops viridis (Megacyclops viridis) (Jurine, 1820),Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine),Eucyclops agilis (Koch, Sars) (Eucyclops serrulatus) (Fischer, 1851) andParacyclops fimbriatus (Fischer), to hypoxia and anoxia was investigated. All of these species died within six hours when confronted by totally anoxic conditions, but all survived four days at oxygen saturation levels as low as 25%. Males succumbed to the effects of anoxia more rapidly than the larger females of each species, and larger species survived for shorter periods than smaller species. In artificially stratified columns, where the lower layer was anoxic, all four species displayed an upward migratory response towards oxygenated conditions. Where the artificial hypolimnion was hypoxic, however, the migratory response was not observed. The results suggest that some benthic copepods cope with seasonal anoxia in eutrophic stratified lakes by migration rather than the various physiological adaptations shown by planktonic and semi-planktonic species.
Keywords:anoxia  behaviour  copepod  hypoxia  migration  respiration
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