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Presence of γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Rat Ovary
Authors:Rafael Martin del  Rio Amparo Latorre Caballero
Affiliation:Departamento de Investigacifin, Centra Especial Ramon y Cujal, Madrid, Spain
Abstract:Abstract: As γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was first discovered as the free acid in the mammalian central nervous system, it has been assumed that GABA is generally to be found in significant amounts only in the brain, in spite of reports of its presence in a number of non-neuronal tissues. In this study, GABA was detected amongst the free amino acids in most rat tissues that were examined. The highest concentration outside the brain was in the ovary (0.59 μmol/g fresh tissue). It is concluded that the synthesis of the GABA is intragonadal and probably of metabolic importance.
Keywords:γ-Aminobutyric acid    Glutamate decarboxylase    Ovary
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