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Continuous Changes in Triacylglycerol Molecular Species Composition by Fatty Acids in Porcine Adipocytes
Abstract:It has been demonstrated that the composition of molecular species of adipose tissue triacylglycerols (TGs) from farm animals are not equally synthesized and that some molecular species are preferentially synthesized. The objective of the present study was to determine whether exogenous fatty acids (FAs) would affect the TG composition. To this end, the composition of TG molecular species stored in porcine adipocytes differentiated with several long-chain FAs was analyzed by gas chromatography. The addition of each FA for 6 d increased TG molecular species having two or three added FAs. However, the molecular species compositions at 15 d after the addition of each FA resembled those of cells with no added FAs. Moreover, some common molecular species in all experimental cells increased, as well as cells with no added FAs. It was concluded that the addition of FAs increases the contents of specific molecular species, but does not affect the synthetic processes of individual TG molecular species.
Keywords:pig  adipocyte  molecular species  triacylglycerol  fatty acids
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