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Clastogenic activity in urine of workers occupationally exposed to pesticides
Authors:R H See  B P Dunn  R H San
Affiliation:Environmental Carcinogenesis Unit, British Columbia Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver, Canada.
Abstract:Genotoxicity in the urine of orchardists occupationally exposed to pesticides was investigated. Urine samples were obtained during pre-spraying and spraying periods from 22 non-smoking orchardists who spray large amounts of pesticides during the fruit growing season. For comparison purposes, urine was collected from 11 non-smoking personnel at an agricultural research station located near the application site and from 21 non-smoking individuals (reference controls) in a non-agricultural area. Organic material was isolated from urine by preparative reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography, and assayed for clastogenic activity using Chinese hamster ovary cells. Urine samples collected during the pre-spraying period showed no significant differences in clastogenic activity compared to that found for the reference control group. However, clastogenic activity of urine specimens collected during the spraying period was significantly elevated (p less than 0.001) for the highly-exposed orchardists, but not for the research station personnel. Clastogenicity of orchardists' urine was observed within 8 h of pesticide application.
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