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Trend Analysis of Biological Parameters in the Baltic (1976-1988)
Authors:Sigurd Schulz,Wolfgang Kaiser,Gü  nther Breuel
Abstract:Eutrophication of the nature is one of the most relevant problems for the human society today. In comparison to terrestrial and limnological ecosystems, however, the marine environment is affected with some exceptions of coastal waters in a minor degree. On the basis of data from 1976–1988 trend analysis for chlorophyll, primary production, zooplankton biomass and water transparency have been carried out for the Mecklenburg Bight and different areas of the Baltic proper. As expected from the longterm increase in the nutrient levels, also for some pelagic biological variables increasing trends could be observed. At least for chlorophyll they are significant in the 95% probability level for all investigated areas. Primary production shows also an increase, however, not significant for each subarea. For zooplankton nearly no changes could be observed. All data reflect a high interannual variability, which can partly be explained by meteorological and oceanological conditions. The results are discussed from an ecological point of view. The increase in phytoplankton variables is considered to be at least partly related to the eutrophication of the Baltic.
Keywords:eutrophication  chlorophyll  primary production  zooplankton  trend analysis
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