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Tertiary structure and carbohydrate recognition by the chitin-binding domain of a hyperthermophilic chitinase from Pyrococcus furiosus
Authors:Nakamura Tsutomu  Mine Shouhei  Hagihara Yoshihisa  Ishikawa Kazuhiko  Ikegami Takahisa  Uegaki Koichi
Affiliation:1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-8-31 Midorigaoka, Ikeda, Osaka 563-8577, Japan
2 Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 3-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
Abstract:A chitinase is a hyperthermophilic glycosidase that effectively hydrolyzes both α and β crystalline chitins; that studied here was engineered from the genes PF1233 and PF1234 of Pyrococcus furiosus. This chitinase has unique structural features and contains two catalytic domains (AD1 and AD2) and two chitin-binding domains (ChBDs; ChBD1 and ChBD2). A partial enzyme carrying AD2 and ChBD2 also effectively hydrolyzes crystalline chitin. We determined the NMR and crystal structures of ChBD2, which significantly enhances the activity of the catalytic domain. There was no significant difference between the NMR and crystal structures. The overall structure of ChBD2, which consists of two four-stranded β-sheets, was composed of a typical β-sandwich architecture and was similar to that of other carbohydrate-binding module 2 family proteins, despite low sequence similarity. The chitin-binding surface identified by NMR was flat and contained a strip of three solvent-exposed Trp residues (Trp274, Trp308 and Trp326) flanked by acidic residues (Glu279 and Asp281). These acidic residues form a negatively charged patch and are a characteristic feature of ChBD2. Mutagenesis analysis indicated that hydrophobic interaction was dominant for the recognition of crystalline chitin and that the acidic residues were responsible for a higher substrate specificity of ChBD2 for chitin compared with that of cellulose. These results provide the first structure of a hyperthermostable ChBD and yield new insight into the mechanism of protein-carbohydrate recognition. This is important in the development of technology for the exploitation of biomass.
Keywords:CBD, cellulose-binding domain   CBM2b-1, internal xylan-binding domain of xylanase D from Cellulomonas fimi   CBM2b-2, C-terminal xylan-binding domain of endo-1,4-β-xylanase 11A from Cellulomonas fimi   CBDCex, CBD of exo-1,4-β-  smallcaps"  >d-glycanase from Cellulomonas fimi   CBM, carbohydrate-binding module   ChBD, chitin-binding domain   HSQC, heteronuclear single quantum coherence   NOE, nuclear Overhauser enhancement   NOESY, nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy   ORF, open reading frame
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