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Molecular phylogenies support multiple morphological reductions in the liverwort subclass Marchantiidae (Bryophyta)
Authors:Boisselier-Dubayle Marie-Catherine  Lambourdière Josie  Bischler Helene
Affiliation:CNRS FR 1541 "Systématique moléculaire", MNHN, 43 rue Cuvier, F-75005 Paris, France. dubayle@mnhn.fr
Abstract:The phylogeny of one of the putative basal-most group of land plants, the Marchantiidae, is estimated with morphological characters and with sequences of the nuclear (LSU) rDNA gene (first four domains of the 5' end of the 26S rRNA and four subsequent regions) from 34 species and 27 genera. Molecular and morphological data display high degrees of incongruence. The molecular tree topology predominates in the combined analysis. A trend from complex towards simpler morphological traits is apparent from the molecular and combined trees, whereas a trend from simple towards complex traits prevails in the morphological tree. Previously published molecular data corroborate the molecular results. It is suggested that the incongruence stems from the presence of coherent sets of reduction-related morphological traits varying in concert in the morphological data. Marchantiidae is traditionally subdivided into Marchantiales, Sphaerocarpales and Monocleales, with the majority of taxa referred to the first group. The molecular and the combined data both indicate unequivocally that Sphaerocarpales and Monocleales are nested within Marchantiales, and this result is not explicitly refuted by the morphological data.
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