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Formation of novel endoplasmic and cortical microtubular arrays inAdiantum protonemal cells induced by blue light irradiation and acropetal centrifugation
Authors:Christian Wunsch  Masamitsu Wada
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minami-Ohsawa, Hachioji, 192-03 Tokyo, Japan
Abstract:Protonemal cells ofAdiantum capillus-veneris were grown under red light conditions over 6 days and exposed to blue light for 8 hr (and then dim green light for 1 hr for technical reasons), before they were centrifuged acropetally over at least 1 hr at 2,000×g. After this treatment, an arrangement of endoplasmic microtubules (MTs) that resembled the shape of a tadpole could be detected some distance below the nucleus in about 40% of the cells. The percentage of protonemata bearing this Mtstructure was dependent on centrifugation time as well as the time of blue light irradiation. The size of the structure was constant at any time of its existence. Additionally, a wide belt of transversally oriented cortical MTs in the upper part of the protonemata was detected in many cells after blue light irradiation and acropetal centrifugation. Its formation rate seemed to be also dependent on the period of blue light irradiation and centrifugation time. None of the endoplasmic and few of the cortical transverse MT patterns could be seen without blue light irradiation. A strict coincidence in the formation of both MT patterns was not seen. Further, a few tadpole-shaped MT arrays remained during mitosis, whereas the cortical transverse MT pattern was found in stages other than metaphase and anaphase.
Keywords:Adiantum   Blue light  Centrifugation  Fern  Microtubules  Protonema
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