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A twist in time--the evolution of spiral cleavage in the light of animal phylogeny
Authors:Hejnol Andreas
Affiliation:Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Thorm?hlensgate 55, NO-5008, Bergen, Norway. andreas.hejnol@sars.uib.no
Recent progress in reconstructing animal relationships enables us to draw a better picture of the evolution of important characters such as organ systems and developmental processes. By mapping these characters onto the phylogenetic framework, we can detect changes that have occurred in them during evolution. The spiral mode of development is a complex of characters that is present in many lineages, such as nemerteans, annelids, mollusks, and polyclad platyhelminthes. However, some of these lineages show variations of this general program in which sub-characters are modified without changing the overlying pattern. Recent molecular phylogenies suggest that spiral cleavage was lost, or at least has deviated from its original pattern, in more lineages than was previously thought (e.g., in rotifers, gastrotrichs, bryozoans, brachiopods, and phoronids). Here, I summarize recent progress in reconstructing the spiralian tree of life and discuss its significance for our understanding of the spiral-cleavage character complex. I conclude that more detailed knowledge of the development of spiralian taxa is necessary to understand the mechanisms behind these changes, and to understand the evolutionary changes and adaptations of spiralian embryos.
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