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The Chicken Pan-Genome Reveals Gene Content Variation and a Promoter Region Deletion in IGF2BP1 Affecting Body Size
Authors:Kejun Wang  Haifei Hu  Yadong Tian  Jingyi Li  Armin Scheben  Chenxi Zhang  Yiyi Li  Junfeng Wu  Lan Yang  Xuewei Fan  Guirong Sun  Donghua Li  Yanhua Zhang  Ruili Han  Ruirui Jiang  Hetian Huang  Fengbin Yan  Yanbin Wang  Zhuanjian Li  Guoxi Li  Xiaojun Liu  Wenting Li  David Edwards  Xiangtao Kang
Abstract:Domestication and breeding have reshaped the genomic architecture of chicken, but the retention and loss of genomic elements during these evolutionary processes remain unclear. We present the first chicken pan-genome constructed using 664 individuals, which identified an additional approximately 66.5-Mb sequences that are absent from the reference genome (GRCg6a). The constructed pan-genome encoded 20,491 predicated protein-coding genes, of which higher expression levels are observed in conserved genes relative to dispensable genes. Presence/absence variation (PAV) analyses demonstrated that gene PAV in chicken was shaped by selection, genetic drift, and hybridization. PAV-based genome-wide association studies identified numerous candidate mutations related to growth, carcass composition, meat quality, or physiological traits. Among them, a deletion in the promoter region of IGF2BP1 affecting chicken body size is reported, which is supported by functional studies and extra samples. This is the first time to report the causal variant of chicken body size quantitative trait locus located at chromosome 27 which was repeatedly reported. Therefore, the chicken pan-genome is a useful resource for biological discovery and breeding. It improves our understanding of chicken genome diversity and provides materials to unveil the evolution history of chicken domestication.
Keywords:chicken  body size  pan-genome  major gene  IGF2BP1
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