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Nutritional studies on Chloroflexus,a filamentous photosynthetic,gliding bacterium
Authors:Michael T. Madigan  Sandra R. Petersen  Thomas D. Brock
Affiliation:(1) Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, 53706 Madison, Wisconsin
Abstract:Nutritional studies on four different strains of Chloroflexus, a new genus of filamentous, photosynthetic bacteria are described. This organism appears to be related to several different procaryotic groups, and in particular to the green sulfur bacteria and blue-green algae. Unlike these autotrophs, however, Chloroflexus is nutritionally diverse, being able to grow aerobically as a light-independent heterotroph, and anaerobically as a photoautotroph or photoheterotroph. Numerous organic carbon sources including hexoses, amino acids, short chain fatty acids, organic acids, and some alcohols are utilized under various growth conditions. These results suggest that this organism may be among the most nutritionally versatile organisms known.
Keywords:Filamentous, Photosynthetic Bacteria  Nutritional Studies  Gliding Bacteria
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