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引用本文:刘文惠,胡懿君,胡文超,洪波,关晓庆,马世瑜,贺达汉,. 苜蓿邻作麦田地表步甲和蜘蛛种群动态及其对苜蓿刈割的响应[J]. 生态学杂志, 2014, 25(9): 2677-2682
作者姓名:刘文惠  胡懿君  胡文超  洪波  关晓庆  马世瑜  贺达汉  
作者单位:(;1.宁夏大学农学院, 银川 750021; ;2.宁夏盐池县农业技术推广中心, 宁夏盐池 751500; ;宁夏大学西北退化生态系统恢复与重建国家重点实验室培育基地, 银川 750021)
摘    要:
设计苜蓿-麦邻作与麦-麦邻作的农田界面捕食性天敌空间分布对比试验,在距离交接界面3、6、9、12、15、18、21、24和27 m处设诱集小区,采用陷阱法诱集调查地表步甲和蜘蛛种类与数量.结果表明: 不同界面麦田边缘地表步甲和蜘蛛物种多样性和多度都表现出一定的边际效应.苜蓿 麦界面15~18 m范围内边际效应明显,超过20 m, 边际效应逐渐消失.麦-麦界面的边缘效应明显弱于苜蓿 麦界面.苜蓿的刈割使苜蓿田中的天敌向邻作麦田迁移,苜蓿刈割后10 d内,邻作小麦田20 m内地表步甲和蜘蛛种类和个体数都有所增加,其中个体数的增长幅度大、速度快.绘制了苜蓿-麦界面地表步甲和蜘蛛的物种多样性和优势种(毛青步甲和星豹蛛)种群数量空间动态分布图,能直观地看出天敌由苜蓿向小麦田的迁移过程.

关 键 词:苜蓿-麦邻作  物种多样性  边际效应  步甲  蜘蛛  苜蓿刈割

Population dynamics of ground carabid beetles and spiders in a wheat field along the wheat-alfalfa interface and their response to alfalfa mowing.
LIU Wen-hui,HU Yi-jun,HU Wen-chao,HONG Bo,GUAN Xiao-qing,MA Shi-yu,HE Da-han,. Population dynamics of ground carabid beetles and spiders in a wheat field along the wheat-alfalfa interface and their response to alfalfa mowing.[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2014, 25(9): 2677-2682
Authors:LIU Wen-hui  HU Yi-jun  HU Wen-chao  HONG Bo  GUAN Xiao-qing  MA Shi-yu  HE Da-han  
Affiliation:(;1.College of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China; ;2.Yanchi Center of Promotion of Agricultural Techno logy, Yanchi 751500, Ningxia, China; ;Cultivation Base of ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Restoration and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Northwestern China, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China)
Taking the wheat alfalfa and wheat wheat interfaces as model systems, sampling points were set by the method of pitfall trapping in the wheat field at the distances of 3 m, 6 m, 9 m, 12 m,15 m, 18 m, 21 m, 24 m, and 27 m from the interface. The species composition and abundance of ground carabid beetles and spiders captured in pitfalls were investigated. The results showed that, to some extent there was an edge effect on species diversity and abundance of ground carabid beetles and spiders along the two interfaces. A marked edge effect was observed between 15 m and 18 m along the alfalfa-wheat interface, while no edge effect was found at a distance over 20 m. The edge effect along the wheat-wheat interface was weaker in comparison to the alfalfa-wheat interface. Alfalfa mowing resulted in the migration of a large number of ground carabid beetles and spiders to the adjacent wheat filed. During ten days since mowing, both species and abundance of ground carabid beetles and spiders increased in wheat filed within the distance of 20 m along the alfalfa-wheat interface. The spatial distribution of species diversity of ground beetles and spiders, together with the population abundance of the dominant Chlaenius pallipes and Pardosa astrigera, were depicted, which could directly indicate the migrating process of natural enemy from alfalfa to wheat field.
Keywords:alfalfa-wheat interface   species diversity   edge effect   ground beetle   spider   alfalfa mowing.
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