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引用本文:刘艳,皮春燕,田尚. 重庆主城区地面苔藓植物群落特征及其与环境的关系[J]. 生态学杂志, 2015, 26(10): 3145-3152
作者姓名:刘艳  皮春燕  田尚
作者单位:(重庆师范大学生命科学学院, 重庆 401331)
摘    要:通过对重庆主城区44个样地的地面苔藓植物进行样方调查,应用物种多样性指数和典范对应分析(CCA),研究了该地区苔藓植物种类组成、物种多样性和群落与环境因子的关系.结果表明: 石生群落共有苔藓植物25科43属86种;土生群落共有苔藓植物22科28属46种.相比公园、风景区和缙云山国家级自然保护区,大学校园的石生和土生苔藓植物物种多样性水平较高.双向指示种分析结果将石生群落划分为3种类型,土生群落划分为2种类型.典范对应分析显示,林冠郁闭度是影响公园和大学校园内石生苔藓植物的主要环境因子;海拔、相对湿度和人为干扰程度是影响自然保护区和旅游景区内石生苔藓植物的主要环境因子.土壤〖JP2〗pH值、人为干扰程度和林冠郁闭度是影响公园和大学校园土生苔藓植物的主要环境因子;海拔、相对湿度和土壤含水量是影响自然保护区和旅游景区内土生苔藓植物的主要因子.

关 键 词:苔藓植物   多样性   双向指示种分析   典范对应分析   城市

Relationships between characteristics of ground bryophyte communities and environmental factors in urban area of Chongqing,China.
LIU Yan,PI Chun-yan,TIAN Shang. Relationships between characteristics of ground bryophyte communities and environmental factors in urban area of Chongqing,China.[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2015, 26(10): 3145-3152
Authors:LIU Yan  PI Chun-yan  TIAN Shang
Affiliation:(College of Life Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China)
Abstract:The present study focused on bryophyte species composition, species diversity and the relationship between bryophyte communities and environmental factors in urban area of Chongqing City, by using biodiversity indices and the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), based on the data of 44 plots. The results revealed that 86 species belonging to 43 genera and 25 families were found in saxicolous bryophyte communities, while 46 species belonging to 28 genera and 22 families were found in terricolous ones. The diversity indices of both saxicolous and terricolous bryophyte communities from campuses were higher than those of parks, natural scenic resorts, Jinyunshan National Nature Reserve. TWINSPAN classified saxicolous and terricolous bryophyte communities into three and two groups, respectively. CCA results showed canopy density was the major environmental factor of saxicolous bryophyte communities influencing bryophyte distribution in parks and campuses, whereas altitude, relative humidity and human disturbance were the major environmental factors in natural scenic resorts and nature reserve. Soil pH, canopy density and human disturbance were the major environmental factors in terricolous bryophyte communities in parks and campuses, whereas altitude, relative humidity and water content of the soil were the major environmental factors in those of natural scenic resorts and nature reserve.
Keywords:bryophyte   diversity   TWINSPAN   canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)   urban area.
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