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The phylogenetic position of taxaceae based on 18S rRNA sequences
Authors:Shu-Miaw Chaw  Huei Long  Bin-Shin Wang  Andrey Zharkikh  Wen-Hsiung Lie
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, 11529 Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China;(2) Center for Demographic and Population Genetics, The University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston, 20334, 77225 Houston, TX, USA
Abstract:The evolutionary position of the yew family, Taxaceae, has been very controversial. Some plant taxonomists strongly advocate excluding Taxaceae from the conifer order and raising its taxonomic status to a new order or even class because of its absence of seed cones, contrary to the case in the majority of conifers. However, other authors believe that the Taxaceae are not fundamentally different from the rest of the conifers except in that they possess the most reduced solitary-ovule cones. To resolve the controversy, we have sequenced the 18S rRNA genes from representative gymnosperms: Taxus mairei (Taxaceae), Podocarpus nakaii (Podocarpaceae), Pinus luchuensis (Pinaceae), and Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgoales). Our phylogenetic analysis of the new sequence data with the published 18S rRNA sequence of Zamia pumila (a cycad) as an outgroup strongly indicates that Taxus, Pinus, and Podocarpus form a monophyletic group with the exclusion of Ginkgo and that Taxus is more closely related to Pinus than to Podocarpus. Therefore, Taxaceae should be classified as a family of Coniferales. Our finding that Taxaceae, Pinaceae, and Podocarpaceae form a clade contradicts both the view that the uniovulate seed of Taxaceae is a primitive character and the view that the Taxaceae are descendants of the Podocarpaceae. Rather, the uniovulate seed of Taxaceae and that of some species of Podocarpus appear to have different origins, probably all reduced from multiovulate cones.Correspondence to: W.-H. Li
Keywords:18S rRNA genes  Yew  Pine  Podocarpus  Ginkgo  Monophyly of conifers
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