Abstract: | 1H nuclear magnetic resonance has been employed to study the calcium-binding properties of the NH2- and COOH-terminal calcium-binding sites of the porcine intestinal calcium-binding protein. The protein was titrated with calcium in the presence of the chelator EDTA in order to determine the association constants of the protein for calcium relative to the known association constant of EDTA for calcium. The resulting data were compared with various models for the binding of calcium to two sites on the protein. Models were considered for which the two sites in the apoprotein have either intrinsically equal or unequal affinities for calcium. For each of these two cases, positive cooperativity, no cooperativity, and negative cooperativity were considered. The data fit best for the case of random binding to two independent sites with equivalent association constants of 1.0 +/- 0.1 X 10(7) M-1. The case of ordered binding to two sites with intrinsically different affinities, with concomitant positive affinity between the two sites so that the effective association constants were made equal, could not be mathematically excluded when only one protein NMR resonance is considered but can be shown to be implausible when the whole spectrum is considered. |