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Phosphorylated Thiamine Derivatives and Cortical Activity in the Baboon Papio papio: Effect of Intermittent Light Stimulation
Authors:L. Bettendorff,E. Schoffeniels,R. Naquet,C. Silva-Barrat,D. Riche,C. Mé  nini
Affiliation:Laboratory of General and Comparative Biochemistry, University of Liège, Belgium.
Abstract:The effect of intermittent light stimulation (ILS) on the distribution of thiamine derivatives in three brain areas (occipital, motor, and premotor) was compared in photosensitive and nonphotosensitive baboons. ILS induces paroxysmal discharges in the motor and premotor areas of photosensitive animals only. In baboons submitted to ILS, thiamine triphosphate (TTP) decreases in both photosensitive and nonphotosensitive animals; thiamine monophosphate (TMP) increases in photosensitive animals, which present ILS-induced paroxysmal discharges, whereas it is unaffected in nonphotosensitive animals. The variations are the most significant in the occipital (visual) cortex. A consumption of TTP may result from electrical activity induced by light stimulation in the occipital area. No correlation between ILS-induced paroxysmal activity and a decrease in TTP contents was found. However, photosensitive animals are affected differently from nonphotosensitive animals, as their content of TMP in the cerebral cortex increases on stimulation. However, as long as the exact role of thiamine compounds in relation to membrane excitability in the nervous system remains unknown, it is impossible to conclude whether the differences observed in the metabolism of thiamine compounds are the cause or the consequence of the photosensitivity in the baboon Papio papio.
Keywords:Thiamine metabolism    Baboon Papio papio    Paroxysmal activity    Photosensitive epilepsy
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