Abstract: | Incubation of plasminogen with the subendothelial extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesized by cultured bovine corneal and aortic endothelial cells resulted in generation of fibrinolytic activity, indicated by proteolysis of 125I-fibrin in a time-and dose-dependent manner. Both tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) were identified in the ECM by fibrin zymography, immunoblotting, and inhibition of plasminogen activation by anti-u-and anti-t-antibodies. Most of the ECM-resident plasminogen activator (PA) activity did not originate from intracellular PA release occurring when the endothelial cells were lyzed and the ECM exposed, since a comparable amount of PA was associated with the ECM when the cells were lyzed with Triton X-100 or removed intact by treatment with 2 M urea. Active u-PA and t-PA were released from ECM by treatment with heparanase (endo-β-D-), indicating that some of the ECM-resident PA activity is sequestered by heparan sulfate side chains. These results indicate that both u-PA and t-PA produced by endothelial cells are firmly sequestered in an active form by the subendothelial ECM. It is suggested that ECM-resident plasminogen activators participate in sequential matrix degradation during cell invasion and tumor metastasis. PA activity may also function in release of ECM-bound growth factors (i.e., basic fibroblast growth factor) and activation of proenzymes (i.e., prothrombin), resulting in modulation of the ECM growth-promoting and thrombogenic properties. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. |