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Comparison of atrial premature depolarization topography during vagal stimulation and humoral acetylcholine administration
Authors:Sharifov O F  Rozenshtraukh L V  Zaĭtsev A V  Kaliadin A Iu  Beloshapko G G  Iushmanova A V
Affiliation:Cardiological Research-Industrial Complex, Moscow, Russia.
Epicardial atrial mapping in open-chest dogs during different cholinergic influences has shown that, in acetylcholine administration and vagal stimulation, spatial distribution of atrial premature depolarisation (APDs) seems to be similar to prevalence of ectopic sources from both atria and atrial septum. Spatial distribution of the APDs in acetylcholine administration in the sinus node artery was limited to the region of this artery so that the APDs mainly arise from intercaval area of the right atrium and from atrial septum, but never from the left atrium. The latent pacemakers spread over both atria and atrial septum, could participate in initiation of cholinergically-induced APDs and atrial fibrillation. A direct effect of acetylcholine seems to be necessary for development of arrhythmic activity of the latent pacemakers.
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