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The influence of the cytosolic oncotic pressure on the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane for ADP: implications for the kinetic properties of mitochondrial creatine kinase and for ADP channelling into the intermembrane space
Authors:Gellerich  Frank Norbert  Kapischke   Matthias  Kunz   Wolfram  Neumann   Wolfram  Kuznetsov   Andrey  Brdiczka   Dieter  Nicolay   Klaas
Affiliation:(1) Dept. of in vivo NMR spectroscopy, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University, Bolognalaan 50, NL-3584 CJ Utrecht, The Netherlands;(2) Present address: Department of Transplant Surgery, Clinical and Interdisciplinary Bioenergetics, University Hospital of Innsbruck, Austria;(3) Institut für Biochemie der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Magdeburg, Germany;(4) Klinik für Orthopädie der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Magdeburg, Germany;(5) Fakultät für Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Germany;(6) Laboratory of Bioenergetics, Cardiology Research Center, Moscow, Russia
Summary Cytosolic proteins as components of the physiological mitochondrial environment were substituted by dextrans added to media normally used for incubation of isolated mitochondria. Under these conditions the volume of the intermembrane space decreases and the contact sites between the both mitochondrial membranes increase drastically. These morphological changes are accompanied by a reduced permeability of the mitochondrial outer compartment for adenine nucleotides as it was shown by extensive kinetic studies of mitochondrial enzymes (oxidative phosphorylation, mi-creatine kinase, mi-adenylate kinase). The decreased permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane causes increased rate dependent concentration gradients in the micromolar range for adenine nucleotides between the intermembrane space and the extramitochondrial space. Although all metabolites crossing the outer membrane exhibit the same concentration gradients, considerable compartmentations are detectable for ADP only due to its low extramitochondrial concentration. The consequences of ADP-compartmentation in the mitochondrial intermembrane space for ADP-channelling into the mitochondria are discussed.
Keywords:mitochondria  creatine kinase  adenylate kinase  compartmentation  oncotic pressure  metabolic channelling
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