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Factors affecting the performance of membrane bioreactor for piggery wastewater treatment
Authors:Thipsuree Kornboonraksa  Seung Hwan Lee
Affiliation:Department of Environmental Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gyeongbuk 730-701, Republic of Korea
This study was conducted to identify the factors affecting the performance of membrane bioreactor (MBR) for piggery wastewater treatment. The change of organic and nitrogen concentrations in piggery wastewater was studied to investigate the treatment efficiency. The increase of COD, BOD and NH3–N from 1150 to 2050 mg/L, 683 to 1198 mg/L and 154 to 248 mg/L has led to the decrease of treatment efficiency. Removal efficiencies of COD, BOD and NH3–N have decreased from 96.0% to 92.0%, 97.0% to 92.7% and 93.2% to 69.5%, respectively. The effects of biomass characteristics on membrane fouling were determined based on Pearson’s correlation coefficient (rp). It was found that MLSS had a negative correlation with permeate flux (rp = −0.745, at significant level of 0.05) while sludge floc size a positive correlation (rp = 0.731, at significant level of 0.05). MLSS and sludge floc size were found to be the dominant factors that controlled the membrane filterability while sludge viscosity, EPS, SMP and SV30 have taken as the sub-factors affecting membrane fouling.
Keywords:Piggery wastewater   Membrane bioreactor   Extracellular polymeric substance   Sludge floc size   Statistical analysis
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