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Ready and Waiting: Delayed Hatching and Extended Incubation of Anamniotic Vertebrate Terrestrial Eggs
Authors:MARTIN   KAREN L. M.
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Pepperdine University 24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, California 90263-4321
Some anamniotic aquatic vertebrates lay eggs in a terrestrialhabitat that is hostile to the survival of hatchings or larvae.These terrestrial eggs are ready and able to hatch at a particulardevelopmental time, but do not hatch until presented with suitableconditions for aquatic larval survival. Beyond this time, hatchingis possible whenever aquatic conditions occur. The durationof extended terrestrial incubation is dependent on the availabilityof energy for metabolism from the yolk. Extended incubationis useful for anamniotic eggs laid in terrestrial habitats whereconditions suitable for larval survival arrive with unpredictableor variable timing. Examples of anamniotes with delayed hatchingand extended terrestrial incubation can be found among teleostfishes, anurans, and caudate amphibians. This paper characterizesthe embryonic period, compares this mode with other forms ofdevelopmental plasticity in anamniotes, evaluates the constraintsand advantages of this life history mode, and examines how somefishes and amphibians are able to obtain the benefits of terrestrialityfor their eggs when the timing of the return to aquatic conditionsis not entirely predictable.
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