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Sequence divergence of the mitochondrial DNA of Pacific Ocean salmon
Authors:L K Ginatulina  S V Shed'ko  I L Miroshnichenko  A A Ginatulin
Restriction assay of mtDNA has been made in 6 salmon species form the genus Oncorhynchus and one species from the related genus, i.e. Salvelinus malma. The size of the mitochondrial genome was found to be identical and equal to 16.7 kilobases. The digestion patterns of mtDNA cleaved by 5 restriction endonucleases (Eco RI, Bgl I, Bgl II, Hind III, and Pst I) were used for analysis of the levels of interspecific variation and for estimation the matrix of mtDNA sequence differentiation. It was found that the level of nucleotide sequence divergence (p) in the genus Oncorhynchus varies within 1.7-6.7%. Minimum p value was observed in a pair O. keta--O. gorbuscha, maximum one--between O. masu and other species. With respect to similarity in their mtDNA, three groups may be distinguished: 1) O. gorbuscha--O. keta; 2) O. nerka--O. kisutch, O. tschawytscha; 3) O. masu. Mean value of intergeneric level of sequence divergence between Oncorhynchus and Salvelinus was found to be equal to 8%. On the basis of mtDNA analysis, the dendrogram of similarity of the species was plotted which is consistent in principle with current viewpoints on phylogenetic relations among the Pacific salmon.
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