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Influence of the activation of the immune system cells on the parameters of lipid metabolism in macrophages
Authors:Dushkin M I  Perminova O M  Safina A F  Vol'skiĭ N N  Shvarts Ia Sh  Kozlov V A
The influence of tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-alpha) and media, conditioned by activated macrophages and lymphocytes and containing a complex of biologically active compounds (including cytokines), on the parameters of lipid metabolism in macrophages was studied. The addition of recombinant TNF-alpha and immunocompetent cell-conditioned media to mouse peritoneal macrophages culture stimulated labelled oleate incorporation into cholesterol esters and triglycerides, as well as labelled glycerine incorporation into cholesterol esters, but inhibited labelled cholesterol incorporation into cholesterol esters. One of the mechanisms of the influence of activated immunocompetent cells on cholesterol metabolism in macrophages was, supposedly, the stimulation of sphigmomyelinase activity by a complex of anti-inflammatory cytokines produced by these cells on their activation.
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