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Changes in ultrastructure and protein metabolism of tobacco plants infected by tomato spotted wilt virus
Authors:Kovalenko O H  Shepelevich V V
As the result of electron microscope investigation of ultra-thin sections of the tissues infected by tomato spotted wilt virus it was shown that ultrastructural changes in the cells depend on the virus virulence. The isolate with low virulence induces mostly virus-specific changes (virus particles and virus inclusion bodies); the isolate with high virulence besides the virus-specific changes causes essential non-specific violation of cell organelle structure that could be the consequence of pathological action of the virus. It was determined that severe virus infection results in the decrease of general content of the proteins in the leaves. At the same time it induces formation of at least three pathogenesis-associated proteins (PR-proteins) and two antiviral factors of the types AVF (6) and IVR (7) active towards tobacco mosaic virus.
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