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A combination of transmission electron microscopy with immunocytochemical methods was used to localize antigenic and allergenic proteins during the maturation and activation processes of Poaceae pollen grains. The intine undergoes a series of modifications that play a decisive role in these processes. Allergenic and antigenic proteins were detected particularly in the intine of activated in vitro grass pollen grains. Labelling of antigenic proteins was more abundant and less specific than that of allergenic proteins. At the time of hydration, the operculum was lifted up, the intine was swollen and labelling of allergenic proteins appeared highly localized in the Zwischenkörper. No significant labelling was observed when the Zwischenkörper gelatinized. Immunolocalization of allergenic proteins in the activated Zwischenkörper indicated the presence of proteins related to activation of the pollen grains. This confirms that the intine function is involved in the processes of pollen tube formation and fertilization, and also suggests the possible mechanism activated in the pollen grains when allergenic proteins reach the mucosa of sensitive subjects.  相似文献   
The pre-meiotic, meiotic and tetrad stages of development in microsporangia of Alsophila setosa were studied with particular emphasis on the early establishment of patterning in the microspore wall and the subsequent development of the sporoderm. The data obtained were compared with corresponding ontogenetic stages of Psilotum nudum. Tapetal behaviour was also examined. During the tetrad period, only one layer, a thin undulating sheet, appeared alongside the plasma membrane of the tetraspores, and this was evidently formed on a pre-patterned structure – a fibrillar layer, corresponding to a kind of primexine matrix. The early free microspores had a wavy plasma membrane with a parallel, sinusoidal, thin initial sporoderm layer. The proximal apertural fold was observed to be an extended outgrowth of this initial spore envelope. Sporoderm ontogeny during the tetrad period in Alsophila and Psilotum show some common points, but also fundamental differences, mainly in the relative timing of events: in Alsophila the end of the tetrad period is the starting point for exospore development, whereas in Psilotum the exospore is already complete at this stage. Considerable differences were also observed in the tapetum of the two species.  相似文献   
鳞毛蕨型孢子类型众多,初步研究表明形态相似的孢子类型其孢壁发育特征存在差异,因此有必要对各代表类群的孢壁发育进行深入地研究。该文利用透射电镜对乌毛蕨科(Blechnaceae)狗脊(Woodwardia japonica)孢壁结构和发育的超微结构进行研究。结果表明:(1)狗脊孢子囊的结构由外向内分别为孢子囊壁细胞、两层绒毡层细胞和孢子母细胞;(2)狗脊孢子具乌毛蕨型(Blechnoid type)外壁,表面光滑,由两层构成,裂缝区域具辐射状的槽;(3)周壁属于空心型(cavity type),由四层构成,从内向外分别为P1、P2、P3和P4层,前三层叠合在一起,层间有不同程度的空隙,P4层与前三层之间具有明显而连续的空腔,并隆起形成片状褶皱纹饰;(4)有小球体和小杆共同参与孢子周壁的形成,周壁部分或全部来源于孢子囊壁细胞。综上所述,狗脊孢子与同属于鳞毛蕨型的贯众(Cyrtomium fortunei)和朝鲜介蕨(Dryoathyrium coreanum)孢壁的发育在周壁结构、周壁各层的发育顺序、周壁来源和参与成壁的特征物质等方面存在差异。该研究有利于进一步理解蕨类植物孢壁所蕴含的分类和演化上的科学意义和价值。  相似文献   
水蕨孢子壁的形成和发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对水蕨科(Parkeriaceae)水蕨(Ceratopteris thalictroides(L.)Brongn.)孢子壁的形成和发育进行了研究。结果表明,水蕨孢子呈辐射对称,三裂缝,表面具肋条状纹饰。孢子壁由内壁、外壁和周壁三部分构成。在四分体阶段外壁已基本形成,其外壁显著,表面光滑,质地均匀,由孢粉素形成,外壁厚约3—5μm,脊高约5—7μm。周壁由绒毡层残余物在外壁表面沉积形成,较薄,厚度只有0.1μm,表面具有杆状突起。研究结果对揭示孢子纹饰和孢子壁各层的形成过程、来源和稳定性有一定的意义,并为蕨类植物孢粉学和系统学研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   
海金沙孢子壁结构和发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对海金沙科(Lygodiaceae)海金沙[Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw.]孢壁的形成和发育进行了研究.结果表明:海金沙孢子壁由内壁、外壁和周壁3部分构成.外壁由2层构成,即薄的内层和厚的外层,其中外层是在四分体分离前通过孢粉素的逐层沉积并浓缩凝聚而形成的均质层,其表面具不明显的疣状突起.周壁由绒毡层残余物在外壁表面逐层沉积形成,可分为周壁内层、周壁中层和周壁外层3部分;周壁中层具辐射状排列的长条形成分,周壁外层形成瘤状纹饰的轮廓.本研究为孢粉学和蕨类植物系统演化分析提供基础资料.  相似文献   
The pollen grains ofSesamothamnus lugardii Stapf (Pedaliaceae of subdesert regions of SE tropical Africa) are associated in acalymmate tetrads (cross wall cohesion), with a tectate and perforate exine and 8–12 colpi. The pollen wall consists of an ectexine with a complete, perforate and ample tectum, columellated infratectum and clearly interrupted and fragmented foot layer. The endexine is built of scanty lamellae and granules. The intine is bistratificate, with a homogeneous, fibrillate layer (endintine or intine-2) and a heterogeneous, more lax and channeled layer (exintine or intine-1). Test for glycoprotein is particularly positive in the homogeneous internal intine and channels of external intine. On the other hand acid phosphatase has been localized in the exine and channeled external intine layers. These observations confirm the general interpretation of the distribution of wall compounds.  相似文献   
The distinctive spores produced byLophosoria, an extant monotypic fern, are examined ultrastructurally and correlated with the sporoderm of fossilCyatheacidites. The morphological and ultrastructural similarity of the two taxa provide additional information that can be used to trace the evolutionary history of this spore type.  相似文献   
Svetlana Polevova 《Grana》2013,52(5):337-349
Pollen ontogeny and sporoderm development in Aristolochia manshuriensis were studied for elaboration of the inaperturete pollen ontogeny in Aristolochia. Despite the formation of apertures in the tetrad period, the sporoderm in A. manshuriensis becomes inaperturate at the end of the free microspore period. A similar immature exine is also detected in A. macrophylla. Variants of aperture formation in the tetrad period in A. manshuriensis or formation of a polar aperture in the free microspore period in A. clematitis are associated with types of microsporogenesis. The ectexine and endexine in A. manshuriensis are formed over a longer time and reached much greater thickness than those in A. clematitis. The endexine and intine in A. manshuriensis do not reach a mature state, similar to A. clematitis. The exine of A. manshuriensis cracks, releasing a pollen tube enveloped by the intine. This fact does not hinder the functioning of the male gametophyte of A. manshuriensis.  相似文献   
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