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 The phylogeny of the genus Gunnera is investigated for the first time. Twelve species representing the six currently recognised subgenera are analysed. Two chloroplast DNA regions, the rbcL gene and the rps16 intron, together provide 46 informative characters out of 2335. A combined analysis of both genes gives four most parsimonious trees, firmly establishing the east South American G. herteri as sister group to the rest of the genus. The African G. perpensa is sister group to two well-supported clades, one including the South American subgenera Misandra and Panke, the other the Australian/New Zealand/Malayan species of subgenera Milligania and Pseudogunnera. Thus, South America is a composite area for Gunnera, showing up at two different levels in the cladogram. Our analysis supports a close biogeographic relationship between Australia and New Zealand. The evolution of some morphological characters is discussed. Lastly, the unusual structure of some of the rbcL sequences is reported. Received July 6, 2000 Accepted October 24, 2000  相似文献   
 DNA sequences of both 5′ and 3′ regions of the plastid ndhF gene were generated in order to study the position of Patrinia and Nardostachys, to check the potential paraphyletic nature of Patrinieae, and to evaluate the possible link between the tribe and Linnaeaceae. Parsimony analysis showed very strong support for Patrinia as sister to all members of Valerianaceae (including Nardostachys) and indicated the paraphyletic nature of the tribe Patrinieae. Additionally, trees were constructed from available rbcL data separately and supplemented with ndhF sequences. Topologies of these combined cladograms are in agreement with the ndhF phylogeny, suggesting that the traditionally circumscribed Patrinieae can no longer be recognized but must be considered as part of a basal grade in Valerianaceae. Parsimony analysis based on a morphological data set supported a monophyletic Patrinieae; combination with the molecular data showed a paraphyletic Patrinieae. Furthermore, the possible link between Patrinieae and Linnaeaceae is evaluated. Received July 12, 2001 Accepted February 25, 2002  相似文献   
Editorial note     
Phylogenetic analyses of the Dasyaceae based on sequence analysis of the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) and 42 morphological characters are presented. Comparative sequence analysis confirms the general view of the Ceramiaceae as a primitive, paraphyletic group giving rise to the Rhodomelaceae, Delesseriaceae and Dasyaceae within the monophyletic Ceramiales. On the basis of both data sets, the Heterosiphonia-like genera (Heterosiphonia, Colacodasya and Dasyella) are the most primitive members of the Dasyaceae, whereas the Dasya-like genera (Dasya, Pogonophorella, Eupogodon and Rhodoptilum) and Thuretia and Dictyurus are of more recent origin. On the basis of morphological data only, Thuretia and Dictyurus form a sister group to Heterosiphonia, and Eupogodon is monophyletic whereas Dasya and Heterosiphonia are not. Primary radial symmetry has arisen once in the Dasya clade but is secondarily obscured in some species by heavy, asymmetrical cortication that gives the appearance of bilateral symmetry. This is illustrated by species of Eupogodon and Rhodoptilum.  相似文献   
The seven currently recognized species of Geranium endemic to the Hawaiian Islands are unusual in their shrubby or arborescent habit and unlobed, parallel-veined leaves rather than the palmately cleft or lobed leaves and herbaceous habit typical of the genus. Their placement within the genus and their biogeographic source have been obscured by this morphological distictiveness and the limited resolution of relationships on the basis of morphology in the very speciose subgenus Geranium. Phylogenetic analysis of rbcL gene sequences provides strong support for the monophyly of the Hawaiian group, and indicates that the Hawaiian clade is deeply nested within section Geranium rather than comprising a separate section. The continental relatives studied to date with the greatest similarity in sequence to the Hawaiian group are native to the Americas rather than Asia or the Pacific. The Hawaiian species are extremely similar to one another in rbcL sequence, while the tree topology obtained is consistent with a basal position for Geranium arboreum within the group.  相似文献   
秋海棠属植物种类繁多,形态变异多样,导致种类的系统放置混乱,近缘种类鉴定困难。利用DNA条形码实现物种快速准确的鉴定技术具有不受形态特征约束的优势,为秋海棠属植物的分类鉴定提供了新的方法。本研究选择4个DNA条形码候选片段(rbcL,matK,trnH-psbA,ITS)对中国秋海棠属26种136个个体进行了分析。结果显示:叶绿体基因rbcL,matK和trnH-psbA种内和种间变异小,对秋海棠属植物的鉴别能力有限:ITS/ITS2种内和种间变异大,在本研究中物种正确鉴定率达到100%/96%,可考虑作为秋海棠属DNA条形码鉴定的候选片段。研究结果支持中国植物条形码研究组建议将核基因ITS/ITS2纳人种子植物DNA条形码核心片段中的观点。  相似文献   
Diversity of the filamentous green algae in the genus Spirogyra (Zygnematophyceae) was investigated from more than 1,200 stream samples from California. We identified 12 species of Spirogyra not previously known for California (CA), including two species new to science, Spirogyra californica sp. nov. and Spirogyra juliana sp. nov. Environmental preferences of the Californian species are discussed in the light of their restricted distribution to stream habitats with contrasting nutrient levels. We also investigated the systematic relationships of Spirogyra species from several continents using the chloroplast‐encoded genes ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/hydrogenase large subunit (rbcL) and the beta subunit of the ATP synthase (atpB). Californian species were positioned in most major clades of Spirogyra. The phylogeny of Spirogyra and its taxonomic implications are discussed, such as the benefits of combining structural and molecular data for more accurate and consistent species identification. Considerable infraspecific genetic variation of globally distributed Spirogyra species was observed across continental scales. This finding suggests that structurally similar species from distant regions may be genetically dissimilar and that Spirogyra may contain a large number of cryptic species. Correlating the morphological and genetic variation within the genus will be a major challenge for future researchers.  相似文献   
The conspicuous macroscopic stage of the freshwater red alga Thorea ramosissima has been re-discovered in the River Thames after a lapse of almost 140 years. In the 1840s it was reported only from Walton-on-Thames, but is now known from 13 localities along a 133 km stretch between Oxford and Teddington. It is transient, often remaining undetected at known localities in subsequent years. All British records are assessed, especially 19th century collections from the Thames. The ecology and the morphology of the macroscopic stage are discussed.  相似文献   
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