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Tadpoles are often considered to be predators of mosquito larvae and are therefore beneficial for the control of certain disease vectors. Nevertheless, only a few species have actually been recorded to prey on mosquito larvae. The mosquito larvae predation rates of tadpoles of three common Thai anuran species (Bufo melanostictus, Kaloula pulchra and Hylarana raniceps) were experimentally tested. Tadpoles in varying developmental stages were used to assess a size/age effect on the predation rate. In addition, different instars of Culex quinquefasciatus were used in order to assess a prey size effect on the predation rates. All three species failed to show any evidence of mosquito larvae predation. Neither small nor large tadpoles fed on mosquito larvae. Prey size also did not affect predation. Although tadpoles do not feed on mosquito larvae, there may be other direct or indirect inter‐specific interactions that adversely impact the development of larvae in shared habitats with tadpoles.  相似文献   
收集黑眶蟾蜍皮肤分泌物,经Sephadex G-25去除大分子蛋白后,利用微量测定法进行抗菌活性分析。结果发现:黑眶蟾蜍皮肤分泌物对革兰氏阳性菌——金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌的抑制作用较强,对革兰氏阴性菌中的嗜水气单细胞菌也表现出较强的抑制作用,对溶藻弧菌、副溶血弧菌、河流弧菌、大肠杆菌的抑制相对较弱。利用胰蛋白酶对黑眶蟾蜍皮肤抗菌肽水解后,其抗菌活性消失。将黑眶蟾蜍皮肤抗菌肽在37~95℃和pH 2.5~5.0下保温,发现其抗菌活性成分对热及酸耐受性较强。黑眶蟾蜍皮肤分泌物在低浓度无溶血活性。  相似文献   
几种化学物质对蟾蜍蝌蚪生存及生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内条件下,采用单因子急性和慢性毒性实验法,分别研究了水环境中的pH、洗涤剂、除草剂、重金属离子(Pb2 、Cu2 、Hg )对黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪的毒性效应.结果表明,这些水体污染物不但对蝌蚪的生存造成危害,还对蝌蚪的红细胞有致畸作用;而其慢性毒害表现为蝌蚪身体畸形,肤色变浅,生长发育迟缓等.据此,可以利用黑眶蟾蜍蝌蚪对水体污染进行监测.  相似文献   
Stomach contents were analyzed from 85 Dall's porpoises, Phocoenoides dalli , taken in the southern Sea of Okhotsk during the summer of 1988. Thirteen species of fish and five species of cephalopods were identified. Fishes comprising 9 families were predominant and made up 79.9% of the total number of prey, with an overall occurrence in the stomachs of 100%. Three families of cephalopods made up 20.1% of the total number of prey ingested, with an overall occurrence of 74%. The Japanese pilchard, Sardinops sagax melanostictus , was the primary prey and represented 72.0% of the total prey in 97.3% of the stomachs examined. The gonatid squid, Berryteuthis magister , ranked second and made up 16.9% of the total prey in 61.6% of the stomachs. Walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma , was the third most abundant prey item consumed and represented 6.0% of the total, with an occurrence of 53.4%. Composition of the sample by the calculated total mass and caloric intake supports the numeric findings on the relative importance of the three major prey species to the DaIl's porpoise diet. The Japanese pilchard was clearly dominant using these indices and constituted 65.4% of the total mass and 80.7% of the caloric intake. Berryteuthis magister made up 26.8% of the mass and 15.5% of the caloric intake. Walleye pollock contributed the least to the diet with 7.9% of the total mass and 3.8% of the caloric intake. Volumetric data indicate that porpoises are feeding heavily on Japanese pilchard throughout the daylight hours. Berryteuthis magister was probably fed upon in the late night or early morning hours. Occurrence of both Dall's porpoise and Japanese pilchard in the coastal waters of the southern Sea of Okhotsk is seasonal. The summer movements of Dall's porpoise into this region may be related to the seasonal migration and abundance of the Japanese pilchard.  相似文献   
生发泡迁移(GVM)是大多数两栖类动物中卵母细胞成熟之前都可以观察到的、涉及细胞核行为的现象。本实验在光镜水平上对激素诱导下的黑眶蟾蜍卵母细胞的GVM现象、以及细胞骨架解聚剂类药物———秋水仙素、细胞松弛B(CB)对这种激素诱导作用的影响进行了研究。同时,采用AZAN染色法观察了GVM过程中生发泡周边纤维骨架的结构变化。将取自刚脱离冬眠期雌体的卵母细胞按不同的培养液、分三个实验组,体外培养不同的时间后,固定、染色、观察。对照组培养液成分为Ringer液中加入人绒毛膜促性腺激素和脑垂体;实验组分别增加秋水仙素或CB。Tab.1和PlateI1,4,5,6,7,8,9表明:经过体外培养4h,各组生发泡均向动物极表面发生了迁移。但是,秋水仙素的作用在培养的前2h,对GVM表现为促进效应(PlateI5);而培养的后2h,却表现为抑制(PlateI8);CB的作用始终是抑制(PlateI6&9)。6h后,各组生发泡均告破裂(PlateI10,11,12)。正常情况下,生发泡周围被一环形纤维包围,其外侧有两个纤维化小体(PlateI2)。发育较快者,纤维化小体消失,植物极附近纤维逐渐加厚(PlateI2  相似文献   
徐大德 《生态科学》2001,20(1):47-50
报道人为设置6种不同生境对黑框蟾蜍(Bufo melanostictus Schneider)幼蛙存活时间的影响研究。结果表明:水深超过体长或干燥环境对都幼蛙不利,存活时间短。水深低于幼蛙体长并设有陆地或保持环境泥沙湿润为适宜的生境。在适应生境条件下,幼蛙平均存活674.86h,最长达35d。  相似文献   
We examined sexual size dimorphism (SSD), mating pattem, fertilization efficiency and female reproductive traits in two bufonid toads (Bufo gargarizans and Duttaphrynus melanostictus) to test the idea that importance of male body size for egg fertilization success depends on the mating pattern. Female-biased SSD was evident only in D. melanostictus. Female B. gar- garizans laid fewer larger eggs nearly three months earlier than did female D. melanostictus. Fertilization efficieneies on average were higher in B. gargarizans (95%) than in D. melanostictus (91%). Though differing in the degree of SSD, body size, breeding season, clutch size, egg size and fertilization efficiency, the two toads were similar in four aspects: (1) both showed size-assortative mating; (2) females did not tradeoff egg size against egg number; (3) male size, clutch size and clutch dry mass were greater in male-larger than in female-larger pairs after accounting for female snout-vent length (SVL); and (4) the ratio of male to female SVL did not affect fertilization efficiency. Our data show that: (1) a female preference for large males is likely not important in terms of egg fertilization success; (2) a male preference for large females is likely important because larger females are more fecund; and (3) size-assortative mating arises from a male preference for large females. Our study demonstrates that male size is not always important for egg fertilization success in anurans that show size-assortative mating.  相似文献   
钱晓薇 《四川动物》2001,20(4):181-184
本文研究温州地区的黑眶蟾蜍、黑斑蛙、中国雨蛙的核型,分析了三个地理居群的黑星期五蟾蜍、四个地理居群的黑斑蛙、三个地理居群的中国雨蛙核型。结果表明不同地理居群的同种蛙有相同的染色体数和核型模式。黑星期五蟾蜍为2n=22,NF=44,核模式6+5;黑斑蛙为2n=26,NF=52,核模式5+8;中国雨蛙为2n=24,NF=48,核模式6+6。但同一种蛙的不同地理居群之间在SM数目和顺序、次缢痕或随体的位置等有所不同。说明不同地理居群的同种蛙的染色体具有丰富的多样性。  相似文献   
黑眶蟾蜍幼蛙适宜生境的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐大德 《生态科学》2001,20(Z1):47-50
报道人为设置6种不同生境对黑眶蟾蜍(Bufo melanostictus Schneider)幼蛙存活时间的影响研究。结果表明水深超过体长或干燥环境都对幼蛙不利,存活时间短。水深低于幼蛙体长并设有陆地或保持环境泥沙湿润为适宜的生境。在适宜生境条件下,幼蛙平均存活674.86h,最长达35d。  相似文献   
对黑眶蟾蜍(Bufo melanostictus)和黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata)消化道5-羟色胺免疫活性细胞的形态、分布进行了免疫组织化学定位。5-羟色胺免疫活性细胞在黑眶蟾蜍和黑斑蛙消化道各段中均有分布,分布密度均呈升-降-升-降的波浪式分布特点,二者在幽门部和回肠都有个分布的高峰值。黑眶蟾蜍回肠最高,空肠、幽门部次之,十二指肠、直肠最低;黑斑蛙幽门部最高,回肠、空肠次之,食道、贲门部、直肠最低。5-羟色胺免疫活性细胞位于胃的胃腺上皮、食道及肠的粘膜上皮,有圆形、椭圆形、梭形、楔形等,有的有胞突。文中讨论了5-羟色胺免疫活性细胞分布型的原因及形态与功能的关系。  相似文献   
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