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早寒武世最早期梅树村期处于“寒武纪大爆发”序幕阶段。在这一时期,生物类群发生了大规模辐射演化及其身体构型的快速革新,形成与前寒武纪生物群明显不同的生物组合面貌。最近在陕南宽川铺地区早寒武世早期灯影组宽川铺段地层中发现了数十枚呈三维立体精美保存的磷酸盐化奇异星状生物化石标本,通过形态功能分析及与其共生的Punctatus的口盘类比表明,该奇异星状生物很可能属于腔肠动物Punctatus的口盘,星状体的中心为该生物的口部。而腔肠动物的出现标志着真后生动物的开始,在生物起源演化历程上占据着极其关键的位置。本文报道的奇异星状生物可能代表了初具原始触手的腔肠动物早期演化类型,为研究真后生动物起源演化、功能进化提供了新的实证材料。  相似文献   
M C Holley 《Tissue & cell》1985,17(3):321-334
Cilia projecting from the surfaces of highly contractile myoepithelia in the sea anemone Metridium senile maintain their basal orientation, and their ability to propel water, at different states of mesentery contraction, despite substantial changes of myoepithelial cell diameter and length. The ciliary basal apparatus in each monociliated myoepithelial cell is structurally well adapted to provide a stable anchorage for the cilium whilst compensating for these shape changes. It is composed of a distal centriole (basal body), a proximal centriole, a striated rootlet 2-3 micron long which is composed of a bundle of 4-6 nm filaments, and an arched rootlet, also striated, which is composed of a relatively loose bundle of 9-11 nm filaments. A single basal foot projects from the side of the distal centriole in the same direction as the path of the cilium during an effective-stroke; its tip is a focus for many microtubules that radiate outward in all directions toward the cell membrane. The arched rootlet forms a single arch in the cell apex, also in the same plane as the path of the cilium during an effective-stroke. The central axis of the basal apparatus, that is through the distal centriole and the striated rootlet, passes through the apex of the arch. The arched rootlet is apparently flexible so that it can increase or decrease its span as the cell increases or decreases in diameter. In pharnyx and siphonoglyph cells from M. senile, which do not undergo great changes in diameter or length, there is no arched rootlet, and the striated rootlet is much longer. The broad structural diversity of the metazoan ciliary basal apparatus must to a large extent be related to the diversity of the structural and mechanical properties of the cells in which it occurs.  相似文献   

Some planktonic coelenterates respond to potentially harmful stimulation by protective involution, others by escape behaviour. Examples of protective involution are seen in the ‘crumpling’ behaviour of various hydrome‐dusae (Sarsia, Euphysa) and of siphonophores such as Hippopodius. Involution may be accompanied by striking visual displays e.g. light emission in Euphysa, light emission and blanching in Hippopodius. These displays probably serve to startle or blind interlopers. In Hippopodius, light emission in the dark would have the same effect as blanching in the light, an example of behavioural self‐mimicry.

Animals employing escape locomotion include the ctenophore Euplokamis, the siphonophore Nanomia and the rhopalonematid medusa Aglantha. All of these forms have evolved giant axons that facilitate escape by reducing response time. The central nervous circuitry underlying locomotion in Aglantha is reviewed.

In a few cases (e.g. Aglantha and possibly Nanomia), the responses described can be seen as defensive against predators, but in the majority of cases, the responses probably serve primarily to reduce the risk of damage due to accidental contact with other organisms.  相似文献   
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