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目的:评价学龄前和学龄期儿童的心功能特点。方法:采用无创性心功能检测方法测定108例健康儿童和126例健康成年人的心脏功能。结果:SV、CO、PEP等九项指标随年龄的增长而增大,且三组间有差异(P〈0.0l);CI、HI、C-dZ/dt、O-dZ/dt、Q-Z间期等五项指标在两儿童组间无差异(P〉0.05),但在儿童与成人组间有差异(P〈0.0l),EF、PEPI、LVETI、PEP/LVET、O/C等五项指标在三组间均无差异(P〉0.05)。结论:学龄前儿童的心功能指标有些与成年人差异很大,所以需要一套特殊指标作为参考,而不宜采用已有的成人标准值来判定儿童的心脏功能。  相似文献   
Most advocates of biogenetic modification hope to amplify existing human traits in humans in order to increase the value of such traits as intelligence and resistance to disease. These advocates defend such enhancements as beneficial for the affected parties. By contrast, some commentators recommend certain biogenetic modifications to serve social goals. As Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu see things, human moral psychology is deficient relative to the most important risks facing humanity as a whole, including the prospect of Ultimate Harm, the point at which worthwhile life is forever impossible on the planet. These risks can be mitigated, they say, by enhancing moral psychology in novel ways. Persson and Savulescu argue that some parents should modify the underlying biogenetics of their children's moral psychology, if such measures were safe and effective, but they admit these interventions may not decouple humanity from Ultimate Harm. Neither are these modifications the only options, they concede, for addressing risks to humanity. Even with these concessions, saving humanity from itself is a fairly poor reason to modify the moral psychology of children. In most ways, adults would be better candidates, morally speaking, for modifications of psychology. Even then, there is no direct link between morally enhanced human beings and the hoped‐for effect of better protection from Ultimate Harm. Asserting a general duty of all to contribute to the avoidance of Ultimate Harm is a better moral strategy than intervening in the moral psychology of some, even though meeting that duty may involve substantial interference with the free exercise of one's interests.  相似文献   
扁桃体切除术是耳鼻咽喉科最常见的手术之一,临床上治疗由于扁桃体肥大所致的儿童睡眠阻塞性呼吸暂停综合征,最常用的手术方式为双侧扁桃体切除术。扁桃体在儿童生长发育过程中具有重要的免疫功能,完全切除扁桃体对儿童的免疫功能具有一定的影响。且扁桃体全部切除术后常见一些并发症如出血及疼痛,这使得许多学者提出了扁桃体部分切除术。扁桃体部分切除术较扁桃体全部切除术相比,手术时间短、术后并发症少,在缓解儿童阻塞症状的同时,保留了一部分扁桃体,对于免疫功能也有一定的保留。本文将从扁桃体部分切除术治疗儿童睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的临床疗效以及术后出血、术后疼痛方面作一综述,为扁桃体部分切除术应用于临床提供合理依据。  相似文献   
A preliminary assessment of the cumulative exposure to heavy metals among Finnish preschool children is reported. Cadmium, lead, arsenic,and mercury affect many of the same organs in the human body. The effects are mostly caused by oxidative stress or disruption of enzyme function. The cumulative effects of the heavy metals on the central nervous system and on the kidneys are determined based on national concentration and consumption data, and comparison of the relative toxicity of the heavy metals is based on dose–response values found in the literature. The cumulative effects were assumed to be additive. The main contributors to kidney toxicity among the studied population groups were cadmium and lead, while lead was the main contributor to neurotoxic effects.  相似文献   
目的:探讨儿童血清视黄醇结合蛋白-4(retinol-binding protein4,RBP-4),视黄醇,甲状腺素运载蛋白(transthyretin,TTR)等维生素A相关指标与肥胖、胰岛素抵抗以及代谢综合征组分之间的关系。方法:分别随机选取本地区13-15岁体检学生,其中正常对照组和单纯性肥胖组儿童各50例,测定其血清RBP-4、视黄醇、TTR水平;利用空腹胰岛素和定量胰岛索敏感性检测指标评价其胰岛素抵抗;同时测定代谢综合征部分组分水平和亚临床炎症指标。结果:仅5%的青少年存在维生素A营养不足状态。排除年龄、性别、感染等因素的影响后,血清RBP-4水平、视黄醇、RBP-4/TTR摩尔比值以及RBP-4/视黄醇摩尔比值与体重指数、体脂含量以及体脂的中心分布(WHR)等密切相关;RBP-4与代谢综合征组分的甘油三酯水平则存在明显的正相关,而RBP-4/视黄醇摩尔比值则与空腹胰岛素水平存在显著的正相关。结论:RBP-4可能通过视黄醇依赖和/或非视黄醇依赖的方式参与肥胖和代谢综合征的病理过程。  相似文献   
Using a modified postmodern perspective, Canada's policy of multiculturalism and the emphasis upon ‘unity within diversity’ are related to the theme of globalization and the development of ‘a new world order’. It is argued that Canada is not unique in its efforts to come to terms with the contradictions and conflicts generated by postindustrialism and the realignment of superpowers. Questions of identity, collective self‐determination and the problematic relation between universalism and particularism, in relation to sovereignty, legitimacy, human rights and participation are explored.  相似文献   
Chronotype can be classified as morningness types, people who prefer morning hours for their physical and mental activities; eveningness types, people who prefer the afternoon or evening hours; and intermediate types, those who show characteristics of both morningness and eveningness types. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been linked with disturbances in chronotype, particularly increased eveningness. Despite the possibility of an association between chronotypes, sleep disturbances and ADHD symptoms, there is little evidence of this association considering the child population. The purpose of this study was to examine chronotype preferences in children aged between 7 and 12 years who were diagnosed as having ADHD in the context of sleep disturbances. The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version, Conner’s Rating Scales, Children’s Sleep Habit Questionnaire and Children’s Chronotype Questionnaire were used for the evaluation of children with ADHD and healthy controls. The ADHD group was 73% combined-type, and the eveningness scores of the ADHD group (n = 52) were significantly higher than the control group (n = 52) (p < 0.01). There was a positive correlation between the higher scores of eveningness and total scores on resistance to sleep time (p < 0.09), respiratory problems during sleep and daytime sleepiness in the ADHD group. CSHQ total score was found to be a predictive factor for eveningness among children with ADHD (p < 0.01). These findings highlight possible reciprocal links between ADHD symptoms, sleep disturbances and chronotype in children aged 7–12 years, which might lead to individualized treatment options.  相似文献   
A complex study of the functional state of the sympathoadrenal system and adrenal cortex in 10–15-year-old children of both sexes was carried out using the indices of daily excretion of adrenaline, noradrenaline, 17-ketosteroids, and 17-hydroxycorticosteroids. A synchronism in the functional activity of the mediator component of the sympathoadrenal system as well as of the androgenic and glucocorticoid functions of the adrenal cortex was observed with age and during pubertal development of children. At the same time, heterochronic maturation was observed in the sex groups: in girls at the age of 10 and 12 years and in boys at the age of 14–15 years. The changes of different direction and intensity in the excretion of the studied hormones and hormonal metabolites were observed in the sex and age groups. A sharp increase in the daily excretion of glucocorticoid metabolites accompanied by a considerable decrease in the age index of noradrenaline secretion was observed in 14-and 15-year-old boys from beginning to end of school year; in addition, an increase in the daily excretion of sex hormones was observed at the age of 15 years. In girls, these indices varied within the age range, which points to a more sophisticated neuroendocrine control of physiological functions in girls during puberty.  相似文献   
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