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Summary The non-respiratory vascular system of T. mossambica gill filaments was studied in serial longitudinal and cross sections. Comparatively few scattered vascular communications occur between the afferent filament artery and the central venous sinus (AVAaff). The efferent filament artery, however, is connected by regularly arranged anastomoses (AVAeff), directly, and sometimes indirectly via nutritive vessels, to the central sinus. These AVAeff are about as numerous as lamellae counted on one side of each filament, although they diminish slightly in number towards the filament base. The relation AVAeff to AVAaff was 17.6:1 in the distal and 17.8:1 in the basal filamental region, while in the tip region of 7 filaments 126 AVAeff but only 1 AVAaff were encountered. No direct connection between the lamellar lacunae and the central sinus was detected. According to these results, non-respiratory intrafilamental blood shunting appears unlikely. AVAeff are assumed to be the main route for blood entering the central venous sinus which would consequently flow into the branchial veins.The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to Miss Angelika Krauß for her valuable technical assistance and to Miss Erna Finger for making the photographs. Thanks are also due to Mr. W. Zeltmann for drawing Figs. 2, 5, and 8 and to Mr. K. Herzog for Fig. 7.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der dorsalen Haut der Hinterpfoten von Ratten wurden Klappen am Abgang kleinerer Gefäße von großen Arterien beobachtet. Diese Arterien verlaufen in einer subkutanen, größere Gefäße und Nerven führenden Bindegewebsschichte über den Streckersehnen.Die kleineren Gefäße haben den Wandbau einer Vene und zweigen etwa im rechten Winkel von der Arterie ab. An ihrer Abgangsstelle ist neben den Klappen manchmal ein sphinkterartiger Muskelring ausgebildet.Diese Gefäßabschnitte werden für arterio-venöse Anastomosen gehalten und auf die Bedeutung solcher an dieser Stelle bisher nicht beschriebenen Verschlußeinrichtungen für die Regulation der Kurzschlüsse wird hingewiesen.
Arteriovenous anastomoses with valve mechanisms in the dorsal skin of the hindpaw of rats
Summary In the dorsal skin of the hindpaws of rats valves were observed at those sites where smaller vessels branched from larger arteries. These arteries run in a subcutaneous layer of connective tissue, which lies above the extensor tendons and in which the larger vessels and nerves are found.These smaller vessels, the walls of which resemble those of veins, were seen branching off at approximate right angles to their artery of origin. Besides the valves a sphincterlike muscle ring was observed in some cases at the point of branching.These vascular segments are held to be arteriovenous anastomoses. Such locking devices at these points have not been described until now and seem to be important in the regulation of arteriovenous shunts.
Temperature regulation in bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus , is supported by the characteristic cetacean peripheral circulation, especially notable in the tail flukes. Blood vessels serving this function consist of countercurrent heat exchangers (network of veins surrounding a central artery) favoring heat conservation and an alternate routing via arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs) providing for heat dissipation. We tested the vasomotor responses of isolated segments of countercurrent arteries and AVAs from the bowhead tail flukes to norepinephrine (NOR), the sympathetic adrenergic neurotransmitter. Isometric tension developed during exposure to a micromolar concentration of NOR was consistently higher in AVAs than in arteries. Accordingly, the AVAs are subject to sympathetic vasoconstriction, and this activation directs blood flow to countercurrent heat exchangers and results in heat conservation. In contrast, AVA relaxation by reduced sympathetic activation favors increased blood flow through AVAs and consequent peripheral heat loss.  相似文献   
The present study is based on the hypothesis that nonuniform hemodynamics, represented by large time-averaged wall shear stress gradients, trigger abnormal biological processes leading to rapid restenosis, i.e. excessive tissue overgrowth and renewed plaque formation, and hence early graft failure. It implies that this problem may be significantly mitigated by finding graft-artery bypass configurations for which the wall shear stress gradient is approximately zero and hence nearly uniform hemodynamics is achieved. These fluid flow and geometric design considerations are applied to four different end-to-side anastomoses for the distal end of a femoral artery bypass with an appropriate test input pulse and a typical 20–80 flow division. A validated finite-volume code has been used to compute the transient three-dimensional velocity vector fields, wall shear stress distributions and surface contours of the wall shear stress gradients. It is shown that large anastomotic flow areas, small continuously changing bifurcation angles, and smooth junction wall curvatures reduce local time-averaged wall shear stress gradients significantly and hence should mitigate restenosis.  相似文献   
Roni Aloni  John R. Barnett 《Planta》1996,198(4):595-603
The differentiation of phloem anastomoses linking the longitudinal vascular bundles has been studied in stem internodes of Cucurbita maxima Duchesne, C. pepo L. and Dahlia pinnata Cav. These anastomoses comprise naturally occurring regenerative sieve tubes which redifferentiate from interfascicular parenchyma cells in the young internodes. In all three species, severing a vascular bundle in a young internode resulted in regeneration of xylem to form a curved by-pass immediately around the wound. The numerous phloem anastomoses in these young internodes were not involved in this process, the regenerated vessels originating from interfascicular parenchyma alone. Conversely, in mature internodes of Dahlia, the regenerated vessels originated from initials of the interfascicular cambia, and their phloem anastomoses did not influence the pattern of xylogenesis. On the other hand, in old internodes of Cucurbita, in which an interfascicular cambium was not yet developed, the parenchyma cells between the bundles had lost the ability to redifferentiate into vessel elements, and instead, regenerated vessels were produced in the phloem anastomoses. Thus, the wounded region of the vascular bundle was not bypassed via the shortest, curved pathway, but by more circuitous routes further away from the wound. Some of the regenerated vessels produced in the phloem anastomoses were extremely wide, and presumably efficient conductors of water. It is proposed that the dense network of phloem anastomoses developed during evolution as a mechanism of adaptation to possible damage in mature internodes by providing flexible alternative pathways for efficient xylem regeneration in plants with limited or no interfascicular cambium.This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Isaac Blachmann (deceased 19 November 1995), father-in-law of the senior author, for encouragement and advice throughout the yearsThis research was supported by an International Scientific Exchange Award to R.A. from the Israel Academy of Sciences and The Royal Society.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional pattern of phloem and xylem in 10-d-to two-month-old tumors induced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (C58) and in adjacent Ricinus communis L. stem tissues was studied in thick sections by clearing with lactic acid and by staining with lacmoid. The crown galls contained two types of vascular strands: treelike branched bundles, which developed towards the tumor surface in fast-growing regions, and globular bundles in the slowly developing parts. Both types of vascular bundles contained xylem and phloem and were continuous with the vascular system of the host plant. The tumor bundles were interconnected by a dense net of phloem anastomoses, consisting of sieve tubes but no vessels. These vascular patterns reflect the apparent synthesis sites, concentration gradients and flow pathways of the plant hormones additionally produced in the tumors upon expression of the T-DNA-encoded genes. The A. tumefaciens-induced crown gall affected vascular differentiation in the host stem. In the basipetal direction, the tumor induced more xylem differentiation directly below it, where the crown-gall bundles joined the vascular system of the host. In the centripetal direction, the crown gall caused the development of pathologic xylem characterized by narrow vessels, giant rays and absence of fibers. On the other hand, most probably as a consequence of its gibberellic acid content, the host plant stimulated a local differentiation of regenerative phloem and xylem fibers with unique ramifications, only at the base of the tumor. However, fibers were absent from the main body of the crown gall. The study shows that A. tumefaciens-induced crown galls are characterized by a sophisticated network of vascular tissues in the tumor and are accompanied by a perturbated vessel system in the host. The hormonal mechanisms controlling vascular differentiation in the tumor and neighboring host tissues are discussed. In addition, the gall constriction hypothesis is proposed for explaining the mechanism which gives priority in water supply to the growing gall over the host shoot.We thank Dr. Zs. Koncz (Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, Köln, Germany) for Agrobacterium strains and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 199) for financial support to C.I.U.  相似文献   
Summary The innervation of the arteriovenous anastomoses in the dog tongue has been investigated. At the lightmicroscopic level, the vessels were found to be densely supplied with adrenergic and AChE-positive nerve plexuses and less densely with the quinacrine-binding nerve plexus. At the electron-microscopic level, at least two apparently different types of axon profiles were identified: 1) Small vesicle-containing axons, characterized by many small granular vesicles, variable numbers of small clear vesicles and large granular vesicles. Storage of endogenous amines and uptake of exogenous amines into most small granular vesicles and many large granular vesicles was demonstrated. These axons stained only lightly with reaction products for AChE activity and thus seemed to be adrenergic in nature. Some axons contained numerous large granular vesicles, whose cores occasionally stained with uranyl ions; this suggests a co-localization of ATP or peptides as neurotransmitters. 2) Small granular vesicle-free axons, containing small clear vesicles and large granular vesicles in variable ratio. Most cores of these large granular vesicles were heavily stained with uranyl ions. No storage or uptake of amine into the synaptic vesicles was detected. Some axons appeared to be typically cholinergic, some, typically non-adrenergic, noncholinergic, and the rest, intermediate between the two. All axons stained heavily with reaction products for AChE activity, suggesting their cholinergic nature.  相似文献   
Summary In artery surrounding areas in the periphery of the carotid body of the cat we found arteriovenous anastomoses differing in respect to their character. So far, it is not yet to decide the frequency of their occurrence and their functional significance. The anastomoses were demonstrated by light microscopy of serial sections and by scanning electron microscopy with a more developed corrosion casting technique.
Zusammenfassung In den arteriennahen, peripheren Bereichen des Glomus caroticum der Katze wurden arteriovenöse Verbindungen nachgewiesen, die ihrem Charakter nach unterschiedlich sind. Es ist allerdings noch nicht zu entscheiden, ob derartige Anastomosen regelmäßig vorkommen und wie sie funktionieren. Die beschriebenen Gefäßverbindungen konnten lichtmikroskopisch anhand von histologischen Serienschnitten und mit Hilfe einer weiterentwickelten Korrosionstechnik im Rasterelektronenmikroskop dargestellt werden.

1. 1. To examine whether the increased hand blood flow (BF), mainly arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA) flow, limits an increase in other skin BF during thermal load, 7 healthy male subjects were exercised for 25 min and then rested for 20 min in wrist occlusion (OCCL) and control experiments (CONT), respectively.

2. 2. In OCCL, both wrists were occluded at pressure of 250 mmHg from the 15th min of exercise.

3. 3. In CONT, the wrists were free throughout the experiment. Finger and forearm skin temperature greatly increased in CONT, but did not rise in OCCL.

4. 4. Suppressed hand BF in OCCL induced compensatory increases of skin BF and sweat rate in the chest at least.

5. 5. However, wrist occlusion induced a significant rise in esophageal temperature and a significant fall in mean arterial pressure (MAP).

6. 6. These results suggest that the rising hand BF greatly contributes to limit the increase in other skin BFs without any fall of MAP during thermal load.

Author Keywords: Arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA); wrist occlusion; sweat rate; body temperature; blood pressure  相似文献   

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