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Thermopsis turcica, endemic to Turkey, is in danger of extinction. Studies on this species are very few due to the fact that it was only discovered in 1983 and grows in a small circumscribed area in Turkey. In this study, free radical scavenging activity, total phenolic content, total oxidant status (TOS), and total antioxidant status (TAS) of methanol (TTM) and acetone (TTA) extracts of T. turcica were measured spectroscopically. Free radical scavenging activity was determined according to the elimination of DPPH radicals and total phenol content was determined by the Folin–Ciocalteu reaction. Total oxidant status (TOS) and total antioxidant status (TAS) were measured with commercially available kits. Methanol and acetone extracts of T. turcica were found to have a specific radical scavenging effect. This effect was found to be related to the total phenolic content of the extracts. Since the TTA had a higher phenolic content than the methanol extract, it had a stronger radical scavenging effect. In addition, the total antioxidant capacity of the methanol extract was observed to be higher than that of its acetone counterpart. As a result, due to its antioxidative properties, T. turcica is thought to be a natural source of antioxidants.  相似文献   
Light harvesting and utilization by chloroplasts located near the adaxial vs the abaxial surface of sun and shade leaves were examined by fluorometry in two herbaceous perennials that differed in their anatomy and leaf inclination. Leaves of Thermopsis montana had well-developed palisade and spongy mesophyll whereas the photosynthetic tissue of Smilacina stellata consisted of spongy mesophyll only. Leaf orientation depended upon the irradiance during leaf development. When grown under low-light levels, leaves of S. stellata and T. montana were nearly horizontal, whereas under high-light levels, S. stellata leaves and T. montana leaves were inclined 600 and 300, respectively. Leaf inclination increased the amount of light that was intercepted by the lower leaf surfaces and affected the photosynthetic properties of the chloroplasts located near the abaxial leaf surface. The slowest rates of quinone pool reduction and reoxidation were found in chloroplasts located near the adaxial leaf surface of T. montana plants grown under high light, indicating large quinone pools in these chloroplasts. Chloroplasts near the abaxial surface of low-light leaves had lower light utilization capacities as shown by photochemical quenching measurements. The amount of photosystem II (PSII) down regulation, measured from each leaf surface, was also found to be influenced by irradiance and leaf inclination. The greatest difference between down regulation monitored from the adaxial vs abaxial surfaces was found in plants with horizontal leaves. Different energy dissipation mechanisms may be employed by the two species. Values for down regulation in S. stellata were 2–3 times higher than those in T. montana, while the portion of the PSII population which was found to be QB nonreducing was 4–6 times lower in high light S. stellata leaves than in T. montana. All values of Stern-Volmer type nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) from S. stellata leaves were similar when quenching analysis was performed at actinic irradiances that were higher than the irradiance to which the leaf surface was exposed during growth. In contrast, with T. montana, NPQ values from the abaxial leaf surface were up to 45% higher than those from the adaxial leaf surface regardless of growth conditions. The observed differences in chloroplast properties between species and between the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces may depend upon a complex interaction among light, leaf anatomy and leaf inclination.  相似文献   
将苦马豆和披针叶黄华种子在恒温25℃下吸胀,每24 h取出吸胀种子,16 d后未吸胀的种子为硬实种子(H),硬实种子用硫酸处理后恒温吸胀24 h,与非硬实种子进行发芽试验和各项活力指标测定。结果显示每日内吸胀的种子数量随时间推移以一定比列下降,苦马豆非硬实种子第3天后吸胀率下降到1%,第13~16天突然上升后又下降到1%,披针叶黄华非硬实种子第3天后下降到1%,第9、10天突然上升后又下降到1%。两种豆类都显示出硬实种子发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数、脱氢酶活性、呼吸速率和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性均高于非硬实种子,而电导率、浸出液可溶性糖和丙二醛(MDA)含量低于非硬实种子,缓慢吸胀的硬实种子活力指标高于快速吸胀的硬实种子,这表明硬实种子活力高于非硬实种子,硬实种子吸胀过程中存在吸胀损伤。而在非硬实种子中,根据以上活力指标判断,晚吸胀的种子比早吸胀的种子活力高。  相似文献   
萨仁 《西北植物学报》2005,25(9):1859-1862
通过对标本的比较研究及广泛的野外考察,界定了披针叶黄华,承认了一个种级名称Thermopsis lupinoides(L.)Link.并组合了9个新异名。  相似文献   
披针叶黄华(Thermopsis lanceolata)是我国西部地区早春重要野生蜜源植物,也是一种重要的固沙植物,然而对其繁殖特性的研究甚少.本文在系统调查披针叶黄华的访花昆虫基础上,确定其主要传粉昆虫种类、访花行为、传粉过程以及日活动规律,以期揭示主要访花者行为对其有性繁殖的影响.作者在内蒙古毛乌素沙地设置1个10m×10 m的样方,于2010和2011年在披针叶黄华盛花期,采用目测、拍照和摄像等方式对传粉昆虫进行观测,记录样方内主要访花昆虫种类、数量、访花行为及日活动规律.研究表明,大和切叶蜂(Megachile japonica)和戎拟孔蜂(Hoplitis princeps)是披针叶黄华的主要传粉者,但两种昆虫的访花频率存在显著差异;晴天时,大和切叶蜂在19:00-13:00和16:00-18:00出现两个活动高峰,而戎拟孔蜂只在11:30-16:30出现1个活动高峰,两种蜂的访花活动高峰期存在互补关系.大和切叶蜂访花同时具有盗蜜行为,但其盗蜜行为对披针叶黄华的结籽率没有显著影响.根据种群数量、访花频率综合判断,大和切叶蜂是披针叶黄华优势传粉蜂.  相似文献   
【目的】调查和观测内蒙古毛乌素沙地大和切叶蜂Megachile (Xanthosaurus) japonica Alfken对其蜜源植物披针叶黄华Thermopsis lupinoides (L.)的盗蜜行为。【方法】在披针叶黄华花期内, 设置样方观测披针叶黄华的主要访花昆虫。采用目测, 拍照等方法对大和切叶蜂盗蜜行为进行观测, 记录和统计花被盗蜜后留下的盗蜜孔的数量和在花上的位置。【结果】大和切叶蜂在披针叶黄华传粉蜂中数量上占有绝对的优势。作为初级盗蜜者时, 用上颚在花基部切割出一个纵向裂口, 将口器伸入孔内吸取花蜜。作为次级盗蜜者时, 利用已有的孔洞来吸蜜。在盗蜜时没有表现出寻找已经存在的盗蜜孔来吸蜜的现象, 同时其个体在盗蜜时表现出“偏好”花基部一侧的行为。在13个样地, 已开放花朵被盗蜜率最低为95.4%, 最高达到100%, 而未开放花朵的被盗蜜率最高则达到64.7%。【结论】在毛乌素沙地大和切叶蜂既是披针叶黄华的主要传粉者, 也是其初级盗蜜者和次级盗蜜者。  相似文献   
豆科黄华属植物种子表面特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在扫描电镜下观察了豆科黄华属Thermopsis 18种植物种子的表面纹饰,发现 T.alpina,T.bar- bata,T.inflata,T.lupinoides,T. licentiana,T.smithiana和T.turkestanica的种子表面为粗网状,T californica,T.divaricarpa,T. macrophylla,T.mollis的种子表面为细网状,T.gracilis,T.montana,T. fabacea的种子表面为相对平滑型纹饰,T.alterniflora的种子表面为不规则条形,T.chinensis的种子表 面为粘膜状,T.rhombifolia的种子表面为条形及 T.viuosa的种子表面为碎屑状纹饰。结果表明黄华属的种子表面特征对属下类群的划分有一定意义,对澄清某些混乱的种有一定价值。  相似文献   
采用16S rDNA-RFLP及序列分析方法,对分离自黄华属的披针叶黄华、喀什黄华和光叶黄华根瘤菌进行分析研究.结果表明,分离得到的33株根瘤菌在种水平上具有丰富的遗传多样性,它们分别归属于中慢生根瘤菌属(Mesorhizobium)、中华根瘤菌属(Sinorhizobium)、根瘤菌属(Rhizobium)和土壤杆菌属(Agrobacterium).其中,以CCNWGS0011和CCNWGS0010-1为代表的5株根瘤菌构成独立的分支,可能为潜在的新种.  相似文献   
The new species Zagrammosoma dulanense Cao & Zhu, sp. n., from Qinghai Province, China, is described and illustrated. All type specimens were reared from the pupae of Micrurapteryx sophorivora Kuznetzov & Tristan (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a leafmining moth attacking the plant Thermopsis lanceolata R. Br. (Fabaceae). A key to the three known Asian species of Zagrammosoma is provided. All specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection, the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.  相似文献   
牧马豆生物碱成分研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从豆科野决明属植物牧马豆(Thermopsis lanceolata R.Br.)的全草中分得五个生物碱.经物理常数测定及光谱分析,分别签定为:奥豆碱(Ⅰ),无叶豆碱(Ⅱ),13-0-Acetylbaptifoline(Ⅲ),黄华胺(Ⅳ)和N-甲醛基金雀花碱(Ⅴ).其中化合物Ⅲ和Ⅴ为首次从该种植物中分得.  相似文献   
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