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The rise of two sub-specialties in Physical Anthropology traces back to the Anatomy Departments of Schools of Medicine in Germany and France during the nineteenth century. The study of human diversity in bones and bodies was largely by medically-trained anatomists. There developed Medical Anthropology and Dental Anthropology, employing osteometry and craniometry on the skeleton, somatometry and cephalometry on the living body. As a result cross-sectional studies gave way to longitudinal studies and X-ray techniques were added to purely mensurational procedures. In Medical Anthropology the specialties most directly concerned are pediatrics, plastic surgery, endocrinology, and orthopaedics. In Dental Anthropology the specialties most directly concerned are pedodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, and prosthodontics. The contributions of Physical Anthropology to each is discussed.  相似文献   
本文对广西三江侗族自治县的7-16岁岁村侗族男女中,小学生2087名(男1055,女1032)的头面部9项指标进行测量,并计算有关指数,分析和比较了儿童青少年容貌特征发育与年龄增长的关系。根据头面部指数分型,确定了广西三江侗族自治县侗族儿童青少年的头面部形态,依各项指数,侗族儿童青少年多属圆头型,高头型,阔头型及阔面型。  相似文献   
河南新乡地区儿童头面部测量   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文对河南省新乡地区汉族儿童(4-13岁)头面部进行了测量,比较和分析了儿童体质发育与年龄增长的关系,据儿童头面部各指数数值大小分型,确定该地区汉族儿童面部的形态为:圆头型、高头型、狭头型、狭面型、狭鼻型。  相似文献   
1982年和1988年已经有学者报道了黎族体质人类学研究资料,近年来又报道了黎族的分子人类学研究成果。目前未见关于黎族身体组成成分的研究,也没有当前黎族的体质人类学数据。2014年11月,在海南省五指山市5个黎族村寨进行607例(男为308例,女为299例)黎族成人的人体测量。研究发现,黎族人偏瘦,肌肉较发达。随年龄增长,黎族男性体脂率的增加,主要是躯干脂肪率增大造成的,与四肢脂肪率关系不大。男性由于骨量、躯干和四肢肌肉量的下降造成瘦体质量的逐渐减小。随年龄增长,黎族女性的体脂率呈线性增大,总肌肉量呈线性减小。体脂率的逐渐增大是由于躯干和四肢的脂肪率逐渐增加造成的,总肌肉量的逐渐减小是左下肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量逐渐下降造成的。黎族男女均为圆头型、高头型、中头型、阔面型、中鼻型、中躯干型、中胸型、宽肩型、中骨盆型、中腿型。与30年前黎族头面部资料相比,本文测量的黎族头宽、面宽值较大,头更圆些、更阔些,面更阔些,红唇较薄,形态面高值较小,男性鼻宽值较小。  相似文献   
We examined growth changes in concentrations of plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and testosterone, and somatometric parameters in two captive male agile gibbons from birth to about 4 years of age, to examine the evolution of growth patterns in primates. Plasma IGF-1 concentrations in agile gibbons generally increased with age with values ranging from 200 to 1,100 ng/ml. The growth profiles in plasma IGF-1 in the gibbons were similar to those reported for chimpanzees. The highest concentrations of plasma testosterone (230 and 296 ng/dl) were observed within the first 0.3 years from birth, then the concentrations rapidly decreased and fluctuated below 100 ng/dl. Continuously higher IGF-1 concentrations were observed after 2.6 and 3.5 years of age. The profiles of plasma testosterone in these gibbons also resembled those of other primates including humans. However, their plasma testosterone levels in both neonate and adult stages (60 ng/dl) were lower than those reported for macaques and chimpanzees of respective stages. The obtained growth profiles of plasma IGF-1 and testosterone suggest that the adolescent phase starts around 2.6 or 3.5 years of age in male agile gibbons. The growth trend in many morphological parameters including body weight showed a linear increase without a significant growth spurt at approximately the onset of puberty. Head length and first digit length had reached a plateau during the study period. Brachial index, which indicates the relative length of forearm to upper arm, significantly increased gradually through the growth period. This result indicates that forearm becomes relatively longer than the upper arm with growth, which may be an evolutionary adaptation for brachiation.  相似文献   
为了解壮侗语族族群肌肉分布特点以及探讨随年龄增长壮侗语族族群各个部位肌肉量变化的基本特点,使用人体脂肪测量仪采用生物电阻抗法在海南、贵州、广西、云南、湖南五个省、自治区测量了壮侗语族13个族群的身体肌肉量。总样本量为5098例(男性为2126例,女性为2972例)。采用握力计测量了2685例男性和3793例女性的左手、右手握力。研究发现,壮侗语族族群男性、女性肌肉量总体评价接近标准,上下肢肌肉量判断属于标准水平。男性、女性均为躯干肌肉量最大,下肢肌肉量次之,上肢肌肉量最小。男性总肌肉量、四肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量都大于女性。男性3个年龄组间总肌肉量、躯干肌肉量、上肢肌肉量、右下肢肌肉量的差异具有统计学意义,而左下肢肌肉量彼此接近;女性3个年龄组间总肌肉量、四肢肌肉量、躯干肌肉量差异均具有统计学意义。男性除左下肢肌肉量外,其余5项肌肉量指标均与年龄呈显著负相关关系;女性总肌肉量、躯干肌肉量与年龄呈显著负相关,但四肢肌肉量与年龄无显著负相关。壮侗语族族群肌肉量少于北方族群,具有中国南方族群的特点。在南方族群中,壮侗语族族群男性肌肉量中等,女性肌肉量略多一些。  相似文献   
广西玉林地区汉族儿童青少年头面部发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解广西玉林地区汉族儿童青少年头面型,本文采用分层随机抽样方法对广西玉林地区1119名7-16岁城镇汉族儿童青少年的9项头面部指标进行测量,分析和比较儿童青少年容貌特征的发育与年龄增长的关系,按头面部各项指数分型。结果显示:汉族儿童青少年头面部的9项指标除头最大宽外均随年龄的增长而增大,各年龄组的性别间存在显著性差异。头面型以中头型和圆头型、高头型、狭头型及阔面型和中面型为主。  相似文献   
现代中国人体质特征及其类型的分析   总被引:41,自引:18,他引:23  
文章运用多元分析方法,分析了十六个地区的汉族和廿五个少数民族的体质特征,提出现代中国人的体质特征明显分为两大地区类型,即长江以北的为北部类型和长江以南的为南部类型。并且认为两大类型体征的形成始于我国文化发达的新石器时代.  相似文献   
The intergroup differences between the three groups of Newars of Nepal (Shrestha, Gubhaju and Jyapu) are not significant for any of the morphological and genetical characters studied. In body measurements the Newars on the whole are similar to other Nepali populations and to several populations of the western and northeastern Himalayas. In serological characters the Newars resemble the Nepalis as well as many of the Himalayan and Assam tribal populations. In mid-phalangeal hair, phenyltheourea tasting ability and colour-blindness the Newars are similar to several Cis-Himalayan groups. In dermatoglyphic traits, the Newars are close to some Mongoloid populations of the Far East and several populations with Mongoloid affinities residing in the western Himalayas.  相似文献   
亚洲地区人类群体亲缘关系:活体测量数据统计分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文采用多元统计方法分析了亚洲地区25个人群的活体测量资料以探讨亚洲地区各人类群体之间的相互关系,数据分析结果显示这一地区的人类按活体特征的差异可以划分为两大类型。包括中国、朝鲜、日本等东北亚的人类构成一个组群;东南亚的人类形成另一个组群。南亚地区的人类在分类上与东南亚的人类接近但仍呈现一些特殊性。日本列岛的人类具有两种体质特征类型。本岛居民与东北亚人类接近;而包括阿伊努、硫球群岛岛民及台湾土著在  相似文献   
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