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葱属根茎组8种21居群植物的核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对葱属根茎组Allium sect.Rhiziridium的8种21个地方居群的核型进行研究,以期为解决该组的种间亲缘关系和物种进化机制提供依据。贺兰韭A.eduardii和阿拉善韭A.flavovirens2个种的核型以及辉韭A.strictum的六倍体核型均属首次报道。研究结果表明:贺兰韭A.eduardii、阿拉善韭A.tlavovirens、北韭A.lineare、蒙古韭A.mongolicum和滩地韭A.oreoprasum的各居群均为二倍体,核型类型为Stebbins的2A型;韭A.tuberosum和野韭A.ramosum的各个居群均为四倍体,核型类型为2A型:辉韭A.Jtrictum的4个居群均为六倍体,核型类型为2B型。通过研究可以得出如下推论:(1)该组植物中存在着大量的多倍体或多倍体系列,染色体数目变化与物种进化具有密切相关性,多倍化可能是根茎组植物核型进化的重要机制之一;(2)随体染色体多为st或t染色体,均位于短臂末端;(3)可以认为辉韭是以增加倍性来克服该物种扩大新的生存空间所带来的困难;(4)现今栽培的韭可能是由野生的二倍体韭和四倍体韭经过长期人工驯化而来的,现今栽培的三倍体韭可能是二倍体韭和四倍体韭杂交而来,并且以无性繁殖方式保存三倍体类群的存在。  相似文献   
The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of eight species of Sect. Rhiziridium in Allium (Liaceae). The materials were all collected from their natural populations in east Inner Mongolia, China. The karyotype analysis is made on the basis of Li et al. (1985).The results are as follows (for chromosomes parameters, voucher specimens and localities, see Table 1 and Plate 1--2 the idiograms of the eight species in Fig. 1): (1) Auium leucocephalum Turcz. The somatic chromosome number and karyotype of this species is 2n=16=12m=2sm+2st (2SAT), in Stebbinsl(1971) kayotype classification, which belongs to 2A (Plate 1: 1; Fig. 1: 1). The range of chromosome relative length varies between 8.90--15.55%. Two small satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. (2) A. strictum Schrader has 2n (4x) =32=16m+4sm+12st, belonging to 2B (Plate 1: 2 & Fig. 1: 2). Satellites were not observed., and the range of chromosome relative length is between 3. 67-11.00%. (3) A. ramosum L. 2n=16=14m+ 2st (2SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 1: 3 & Fig. 1: 3), Two small satellies are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. The range of chromosome relative length is between 9.17-16.39%. The chromosome number and karyotype of this species are in accordancewith those reported by Li et al. (1982) with the material from Jinshan, Beijing. (4) A. bidentatum Fisch. ex Prokh. 2n (4x) =32=24m+4sm+4T, belonging to 2B (Plate 1: 4 & Fig. 1: 4). Satellites were not observed. A small median B-chromosome was found in root-tip cells of the population growing in sandy soil, and it is the first discovery (Plate 2: 9). The species has terminal chromosomes, which are seldom seen in Sect. Rhiziridium. The range of chromosome relative length is between 3.32—9.06%. (5) A. tenuissimu L. 2n=16= 10m+4sm+2st(2SAT), belonging to 2B(Plate 1:5 & Fig. 1:5). Two large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosome. The range of chromosome relative length is between 8.27--17.56%. (6)A. anisopodium Ledeb. 2n = 16 = l2m +2sm + 2st (2SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 2:7 & Fig. 1: 7). Two large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. In somatic cells of some plants of this species, a small submedian B-chromosome was found (Plate 2: 10, 11). The range of chromosome relative length is between 8.05-17.08 %. (7) A. anisopodium Ledeb. var. zimmermannianum (Gilg) Wang et Tang 2n (4x)=32=24m+4sm+4st( 4SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 1: 6 & Fig. 1: 6). Four large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 15 and 16th pairs of chromosomes. The range of chromosome relative length is between 4.45--8.35%. This variety is similar to A. anisopodium Ledeb. in morphological characters, and their karyotype formulas are also very similar. The present authors consider that the variety is an allotetraploid derived from A. anisopodium Ledeb. (8) A. condensatum Turcz. 2n=16=14m+2st (2SAT), belonging to 2B (Plate 2:8 & Fig. 1:8). Two. small satellites are attached to the short arms of the 6th pair of chromosomes. In a few individuals of this species median (M) B-chromosome was discovered, and the number is stable (Plate 2: 12). The range of chromosome relative length is between 7.64--17.07%. In short, the chromosome numbers of the species studied in the present work are found to be 2n=16 or 32, and the karyotypes belong to 2A or 2B, highly symmetrical. The karyotypes of Chinese materials of these species are mostly reported for the first time. Threespecies have B-chromosomes.  相似文献   
采用常规压片法,对15种25居群葱属根茎组植物进行核型研究,首次报道荒漠韭Allium tekesicola、蓝花韭A.beesianum的染色体数目和核型,并增补了一些根茎组植物的细胞学资料。结果表明:供试类群为二倍体或四倍体,核型类型为1A、2A或2B;高山韭A.sikkimense壤塘居群和荒漠韭具短臂随体,宽苞韭A.platyspathum的和布克赛尔居群、奇台居群具居间随体;野黄韭A.rude雅江居群和荒漠韭中各存在1条B染色体。结合前人研究结果,我们讨论了中国根茎组植物的染色体基数、随体染色体的多型性、B染色体的进化意义和该组植物的进化方式,探讨了天蓝韭A.cyaneum、齿丝山韭A.nutans的地理分布成因,得到了如下推论:(1)中国根茎组植物的染色体基数x=8;(2)中国根茎组植物的核型进化趋势为:1A→2A→2B→2C;(3)中国根茎组植物的随体染色体具多型性;(4)多倍化和结构变异是中国根茎组植物进化的两种重要方式;(5)天蓝韭和齿丝山韭以多倍化和无性生殖来克服扩大新的生存空间遇到的困难。  相似文献   
葱属根茎组8种植物的染色体数目和核型报道   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
本文对国产葱属根茎组的8种植物进行了染色体研究,发现染色体数目2n=16或32,核型属2A 或2B型,对称性较高。其染色体数目和核型分别为:Allium leucocephalum 2n(2x)=16=12m+2sm +2st(2SAT); A,strictum 2n(4x)=32=16m+4sm+12st;A.ramosum 2n(2x)=16=14m+2st (2SAT); A.bidentatum 2n(4x)=32=24m+4sm+4T;A.tenuissimum 2n(2x)=16=10m+4sm+ 2st(2SAT),A.anisopodium 2n(2x)=16=12m+2sm+2st(2SAT);A.anisopodium var.zimmermanni anum 2n(4x)=32=24m+4sm+4st(4SAT); A.condensatum 2n(2x)=16=14m+2st(2SAT)。多数种的染色体资料为国内首次报道。  相似文献   
Karyotypes of 25 populations of 15 species in Allium section Rhiziridium from China were analyzed to discuss the evolutionary mechanisms of Allium section Rhiziridium and cytogeography of some species. Root tips for the study of mitotic chromosomes were obtained from potted plants and pretreated with paradichlorobenzene at room temperature for 9 hours. After 12-24 hours fixation in 1∶3 acetic alcohol, the root tips were macerated in 1mol·L-1 HC1 for 9 minutes at 60℃ and then stained and squashed in carbol fuchsin. Karyotype asymmetry was assessed by As.K%. Results showed that taxa investigated were diploid or tetraploid. Furthermore, the karyotype types were 1A, 2A or 2B according to Stebbins’ karyotype classification. Karyotypes of A.tekesicola, A.tianschanicum, A.beesianum and A.spirale were reported for the first time. Combined with previous karyotype studies, we suggested that: (1) The basic chromosome number of Allium section Rhiziridium from China is x=8. (2) The karyotype types evolutionary trend of Allium section Rhiziridium from China is 1A→2A→2B→2C . (3) Satellite chromosomes of Allium section Rhiziridium from China are varied in numbers and shapes. (4) Polyploidy and chromosome structural rearrangement are two important evolution patterns in Allium section Rhiziridium from China. (5) A.cyaneum and A.nu tans have exploited new niches through polyploidy and asexual reproduction.  相似文献   
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