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记述了采自陕西省翠华山的新异蚖属1新种,即陕新异蚖Neanisentomonshaanicum sp.nov.。新种主要特征为:前足跗节感器b′-1和c′缺失,感器d极长大;腹部第Ⅴ~Ⅵ节背板缺少前排刚毛A3,毛序为8/16,第Ⅶ节背板缺少前排刚毛A1和A3,毛序为6/16;雌性外生殖器具有明显的鸭头状的头片。该新种可以通过前足跗节感器d的长度和雌性外生殖器等特征与已知种类区分。文中同时列出了新异蚖属的世界种类检索表。  相似文献   
鉴于弹尾目(跳虫)和原尾目的尾部都没有尾须(cerci),Brner于1910年就把这两类归并为一个类群缺尾纲(Ellipura),这一分类阶元长期被许多昆虫学家沿用至今。Kukalová-Peck(1987 )在讨论化石双尾虫(?)附肢的总体结构(ground plan)时,认为跳虫和原尾虫的腹部侧板更原始,附肢无转节,将二者归纳成近昆虫纲(Parainsecta)。但是从形态特征、内部结构、比较精子学、变态类型和胚后发育等的特点以及线粒体DNA和核糖体DNA的测序分析结果,显示弹尾纲与原尾纲之间存在诸多重要差异,不具备较为密切的亲缘关系,我们不支持(弹尾纲+原尾纲)组成缺尾纲或近昆虫纲。据此建议取消缺尾纲(=近昆虫纲)这一分类阶元。  相似文献   
报道了采自我国东北地区吉林省长春市原尾虫1新种,长春巴蚖 Baculentulus changchunensis sp.nov..新种与采自朝鲜的 B.weinerae Szeptycki and Imadaté,1987以及采自日本的B.densus Imadaté,1960毛序相似,均为腹部Ⅰ~Ⅵ节背板Pla毛缺失.其与前者差别主要在于前跗感觉毛d位置、f和g长度、颚腺形状、栉梳形状和齿数,与后者差别主要体现在前跗感觉毛t-3大小、f和g末端位置、下唇须感觉毛形状和雌性生殖器.新种模式标本保存在中国科学院上海植物生理生态所昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   
余山拟异蚖和3种古蚖的精子均为扁圆形,未见顶体,线粒体集中在一侧;核呈环形、边位、中部由膜状体分布其间.领结古蚖的早期精细胞为球形,染色质凝集成团,继而核中裂并沿细胞赤道逐渐围绕成环,染色质呈细沙状,胞间有“桥”相通.核膜一端开始内陷,出现黑点.待发育到中期精细胞,这些黑点逐渐形成奇特的管状核膜陷体;染色质变成短线形,随后排成4—5行.线粒体颗粒状,细胞间仍有“桥”连通.晚期精细胞的染色质凝集成粗带,最后形成光滑质密的核,而多余的核物质,一段一段从精子一端脱离,形成一串孢囊状体夹在精子之间,待精子成熟游离时,这些孢状体分散开来.从观察结果表明拟异蚖精子与古蚖的非常相近.  相似文献   
中国西北六盘山区原尾虫研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过研究中国西北六盘山区采集到的原尾虫标本,对华山蚖Huashanentulus huashanensis Yin,1980进行了重新描述,补充了第Ⅰ幼虫、第Ⅱ幼虫和前成虫的描述,重新描绘了颚腺结构图,并描述了体表腺孔.同时记述华山蚖属1新种,六盘华山蚖Huashanentulus liupanensis sp.nov.,新种的主要特征是颚腺管粗短,前足跗节上感器a极长大,并与华山蚖进行了比较区别.文中列出了六盘山区原尾虫的种类名录,共包括15种,分别是青海夕蚖Hesperentomon chinghaiensis Yin,1982,棘腹夕蚖H.pectigastrulum Yin,1984,中国原蚖Proturentomon chinensis Yin,1984,天目巴蚖Baculentulus tianmushanensis Yin,1963,河南肯蚖Kenyentulus henanensis Yin,1983,九寨肯蚖K.jiuzhaiensis Tang et Yin,1986,华山蚖Huashanentulus huashanensis Yin,1980,六盘华山蚖H.liupanensis sp.nov.,中华诺蚖Nosekiella sinensis Bu et Yin,2008,双腰富蚖Fujientomon dicestum Yin,1977,东方古蚖Eosentomon orientalis Yin,1965,大眼古蚖E.megalenum Yin,1989,日升古蚖E.asahi Imadaté,1961,三纹拟异蚖Pseudanisentomon trilinum Zhang et Yin,1981,小孔拟异蚖P.minystigmum Yin,1979.新种模式标本保存在上海昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   
Midgut epithelium in Filientomon takanawanum is composed of epithelial cells and single, sporadic regenerative cells. In 80% of analyzed specimens midgut epithelial cells, as fat body and gonads, are infected with rickettsia-like microorganism. In non-infected specimens young and completely differentiated epithelial cells are distinguished among epithelial cells. Characteristic for midgut epithelial cells regionalization in organelles distribution is not observed. Autophagy is the sporadic process, but if the cytoplasm of epithelium cells possesses numerous spherites and sporadic autophagosomes, the apoptosis begins. Necrosis is observed sporadically.In the midgut epithelium cells of about 80% of analyzed specimens rickettsia-like microorganisms are observed. The more rickettsia-like microorganisms occur in the cytoplasm, the more autophagosomes are formed, and the process of apoptosis proceeds intensively.  相似文献   
Hexapoda includes 33 commonly recognized orders, most of them insects. Ongoing controversy concerns the grouping of Protura and Collembola as a taxon Ellipura, the monophyly of Diplura, a single or multiple origins of entognathy, and the monophyly or paraphyly of the silverfish (Lepidotrichidae and Zygentoma s.s.) with respect to other dicondylous insects. Here we analyze relationships among basal hexapod orders via a cladistic analysis of sequence data for five molecular markers and 189 morphological characters in a simultaneous analysis framework using myriapod and crustacean outgroups. Using a sensitivity analysis approach and testing for stability, the most congruent parameters resolve Tricholepidion as sister group to the remaining Dicondylia, whereas most suboptimal parameter sets group Tricholepidion with Zygentoma. Stable hypotheses include the monophyly of Diplura, and a sister group relationship between Diplura and Protura, contradicting the Ellipura hypothesis. Hexapod monophyly is contradicted by an alliance between Collembola, Crustacea and Ectognatha (i.e., exclusive of Diplura and Protura) in molecular and combined analyses.  相似文献   
Summary Late stages of oogenesis in Acerentomon gallicum Jonescu have been studied by means of light and electron microscopy. Each of the two ovaries of this species consists of a single panoistic ovariole. Late previtellogenic and early vitellogenic oocytes are enclosed in an electron opaque layer, the so-called primary sheath. The precursors for this sheath are most likely synthesized by follicle cells. The yolk develops through autosynthesis, with free ribosomes, dictyosomes and lamellar bodies being involved in the process. Mature yolk spheres contain proteins and polysaccharides. Besides the organelles that take part in vitellogenesis, mitochondria and cisternal stacks of the rough endoplasmic reticulum occur in the ooplasm.This work was supported by Government Problem Grant ii-1.3.13  相似文献   
Galli L  Capurro M  Torti C 《ZooKeys》2011,(146):19-67
The Italian Protura were studied basing on 5103 specimens from 198 sampling areas, along with bibliographic data from 49 collecting sites. 17 out of the 20 Italian regions are covered. As a result, 40 species have been identified (belonging to 8 genera and 4 families), 6 of which are new records for the Italian fauna.A key to the Italian species is reported, followed by a series of distribution maps and brief remarks for some of them. A preliminary biogeographical overview allowed us to delineate the chorological categories of these species, 10 of which are actually known only in Italy. The comparison with the species richness known for some best studied Central and Eastern European Countries leads us to speculate that widening our research, Italian Protura check-list will be much implemented.  相似文献   
本文报道了在云南新发现的 4种古蚖:热海古蚖Eosentomonrehaiense、腾冲古蚖E tengchongense、大孔古蚖E megastigma和古永古蚖E guyongense。它们的腹板Ⅳ~Ⅶ节毛序都是 6 /9型的。  相似文献   
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