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记述采自云南的拟峰斑螟属Anabasis Heinrich1新种,即郑氏拟峰斑螟Anabasis zhengi sp.nov.。文中附有成虫和外生殖器特征图,提供了拟峰斑螟属包括新种在内的分种检索表。  相似文献   
A new species in the family Pyralidae is described: Megasis kocaki sp. n., of which the adult, head and the male genitalia are illustrated. The new species is compared with the closely allied Megasis hyrcanella Ragonot, 1893.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0136DD7F-0E91-4114-9B3B-A42E6114A985  相似文献   

首次报道桂斑螟属Gunungia在中国的分布,首次报道该属的雌性个体,并据此对属征进行了补充描述。桂斑螟属目前只包括模式种Gunungia rimba Roesler & Küppers,分布于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛。本文记述了采自我国广西、贵州和云南的1新种——凹头桂斑螟Gunungia capitirecava sp.nov.,编制了已知种的检索表,提供了新种的特征图。模式标本均保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。 凹头桂斑螟,新种Gunungia capitirecavasp.nov.(图1 -7) 翅展16.0 -24.5mm。新种与G.rimbaRoesler & K櫣ppers近似,但新种雄性头顶被白色V型鳞毛簇;抱器背在端部1/6处具一齿状突起,阳茎基环两侧臂粗壮,末端圆钝。 正模♂,广西防城港峒中林场, 640m, 2002-04-08 ,郝淑莲、薛怀军采(玻片号RYD04343)。副模: 7 ♂♂,1♀,贵州赤水桫椤, 240m, 2000-09-21 -23 ,于海丽; 1 ♀,云南瑞丽珍稀植物园, 1 000m, 2005-08-05 ,任应党采; 1 ♂,1♀,云南西双版纳自然保护区补蚌管理站,650m,2005—08—25,任应党采。  相似文献   
The genus Ptyobathra Turner is newly reported from China.Ptyobathra recta sp.nov.is described as new;P.hypolepidota Turner,1905 is newly recorded for China.Images of adults and genitalia are provided.  相似文献   
Liu J  Li H 《ZooKeys》2012,(180):41-51
The genus Prorophora Ragonot, 1887 is newly recorded for China. Of the three species treated here, Prorophora (Reisserempista) binacanthasp. n. is described as new; Prorophora (Prorophora) albidogilvella Roesler, 1970 and Prorophora (Reisserempista) mongolica Roesler, 1970 are diagnosed and newly recorded for China. Images of adults and illustrations of genital structures are provided, along with a key to the known species.  相似文献   
中国帝斑螟属分类研究(鳞翅目,螟蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道帝斑螟属Didia Ragonot,1893在中国的分布,共记述3种:新种直突帝斑螟D.adunatarta 6sp.nov.,丘突帝斑螟D.indra Roesler&Kppers,1981和脉纹帝斑螟D.strigivenella(Hampson,1899)。提供了成虫和外生殖器特征图。  相似文献   
Prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica), a native of the Indian subcontinent, is a serious weed of the grazing areas of northern Australia and is a target for classical biological control. Native range surveys in India identified a leaf webber, Phycita sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as a prospective biological control agent for prickly acacia. In this study, we report the life cycle and host‐specificity test results Phycita sp. and highlight the contradictory results between the no‐choice tests in India and Australia and the field host range in India. In no‐choice tests in India and Australia, Phycita sp. completed development on two of 11 and 16 of 27 non‐target test plant species, respectively. Although Phycita sp. fed and completed development on two non‐target test plant species (Vachellia planifrons and V. leucophloea) in no‐choice tests in India, there was no evidence of the insect on the two non‐target test plant species in the field. Our contention is that oviposition behaviour could be the key mechanism in host selection of Phycita sp., resulting in its incidence only on prickly acacia in India. This is supported by paired oviposition choice tests involving three test plant species (Acacia baileyana, A. mearnsii and A. deanei) in quarantine in Australia, where eggs were laid only on prickly acacia. However, in paired oviposition choice trials, only few eggs were laid, making the results unreliable. Although oviposition choice tests suggest that prickly acacia is the most preferred and natural host, difficulties in conducting choice oviposition tests with fully grown trees under quarantine conditions in Australia and the logistic difficulties of conducting open‐field tests with fully grown native Australian plants in India have led to rejection of Phycita sp. as a potential biological control agent for prickly acacia in Australia.  相似文献   
中国蛀果斑螟属分类研究(鳞翅目:螟蛾科:斑螟亚科)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对中国蛀果斑螟属Assara Walker进行了系统研究,结果表明我国该属有昆虫共11种;突蛀果斑螟As-sara tumidula sp.nov,该种与白斑蛀果斑螟A.korbi(Caradja)相似,两者前翅后缘中部都有一白斑,但新种沿前翅前缘仅有一块白色区域,雄性外生殖器抱器瓣末端略微膨大,呈指状,阳茎端基环两侧臂锥形,雌性外生殖器第8腹节的长大于宽,后表皮突达第8腹节前缘,囊导管端部1/3加宽;蔺江蛀果斑螟A.linjiangensis sp.nov,该种与仓白蛀果斑螟A.palliaella Yamanaka在外形上相似,但前翅有3个黑色圆点,亚外缘线模糊,雌性外生殖器的后表皮突仅达第8腹节后缘,囊突新月形;苍白蛀果斑螟A.pallidella Yamanaka,中国新纪录种;井上蛀果斑螟A.inouei Yamanaka,中国新纪录种;芒果蛀果斑螟A.seminivalis(Turner)中国新纪录种寄主是芒果Mangifera indicaL.和银叶树Heritiera littoralis Aiton;白斑蛀果斑螟A.korbi(Caradja)取食鸦胆子Rhus javanica(L.)上的五倍子;丽江蛀果斑螟A.incredibilis Roesler;黑松蛀果斑螟A.funerella(Ragonot)寄主为黑松Pinus thunbergii Parl;松蛀果斑螟A.hoeneella Roesler寄主马尾松Pinus massoniana Lamb;台湾蛀果斑螟A.formosana Yoshiyasu取食栓叶安息香Styrax suberifolia Hook.et Arn,上蚜虫的虫瘿;白缘蛀果斑螟A.albicostalis Walker。文中编制了中国蛀果斑螟属的分种检索表,并提供了新种和新纪录种的外生殖器特征图,研究标本包括新种模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   
Samkosia gen. n. and its type species, Samkosia cambodiensis sp. n. , are described and illustrated from Cambodia. The new combination S. rufimaculella (Yamanaka, 1993) comb. n. , is suggested. The adults and genitalia of the new species are illustrated.  相似文献   
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