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笔者对东北地区12个样点的芦苇叶片的植硅体进行了分析,探讨了芦苇植硅体在空间上的分布规律,揭示芦苇植硅体的环境指示意义,为定量恢复古环境提供参考。实验结果表明:12个样点中芦苇植硅体基本类型相同,共有5种主要植硅体类型,即中鞍型、帽型、芦苇扇型、尖型和棒型;但芦苇植硅体的浓度随着纬度的变化而相应的发生变化。总体来说,纬度较低的样点芦苇植硅体的浓度较大,而纬度较高的样点芦苇植硅体的浓度相对较小;随着纬度的变化,芦苇的特征植硅体中鞍型的浓度也呈现波状变化,牡丹江以南的几个样点中鞍型植硅体浓度相对较大,9、10两个月牡丹江以北的几个样点中鞍型植硅体浓度迅速减少。芦苇扇型植硅体则呈现出纬度较高的样点植硅体浓度较大,纬度较低的样点植硅体浓度较小的特点,芦苇扇型植硅体的空间变化规律与扇型植硅体的不同。  相似文献   
1961-2005年东北地区气温和降水变化趋势   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
利用东北地区96个气象站1961-2005年的日平均气温和日降水量资料,采用线性倾向率法,累积距平法,Mann-Kendall法和Morlet小波分析等方法,对东北地区近45年来的气候变化和突变现象进行了研究.结果表明:近45年来,东北地区年平均气温变化在2.45-5.72℃之间,年均温呈现显著上升趋势,气候倾向率为0.38 ℃/10 a(P<0.01),1988-1989年间发生了由低温到高温的突变;东北地区四季平均气温均呈现增高的趋势,其中冬季气温增幅最大,气候倾向率达到0.53℃/10 a,夏季气温增幅最小,0.24 ℃/10 a.东北地区年均温和季节均温年代际变化亦呈现明显的增暖趋势,年均温,春季均温和冬季均温均在1981-1990年开始变暖,夏季均温和秋季均温在1991-2000年开始变暖.东北地区气温增暖幅度随纬度的升高而增大,大兴安岭北部和小兴安岭地区是增温最明显的地区,增暖幅度较小的地区为辽河平原,辽东半岛和长白山南部地区.东北地区年降水量变化在430.40-678.72 mm之间,降水量变化趋势不明显,整体呈现减少趋势,气候倾向率为-5.71 mm/10 a(P>0.05),1981-1990年为降水最多的年代,1982-1983年间发生了降水量由少到多的突变.四季降水量变化呈现不同的趋势,其中春季和冬季降水量呈现增多的趋势,夏季和秋季降水量呈现减少的趋势.降水量减少较明显的地区为辽东半岛和长白山南段,降水量增多较明显的地区为大兴安岭北部和松嫩平原.Morlet小波分析结果表明,东北地区年平均气温存在11a的强显著周期,此外还有24 a和6a尺度的变化周期;东北地区年降水量存在16a的强显著周期和6 a的小尺度变化周期.通过以上分析,近45 a东北地区总体气候呈现明显暖干化趋势.  相似文献   
典型气候条件下东北地区生态系统水源涵养功能特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
东北地区是我国重要的生态功能区,其包含的典型生态系统具有独特的水源涵养功能,在防洪减灾,保障生态安全和人居安全中发挥着关键作用。以往有关水源涵养功能的研究主要是依托不同水文模型方法,从单一年份或多个年份的角度进行研究,较少考虑不同气候条件下水源涵养功能的空间分异特征。采用标准化降水蒸散发指数(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index,SPEI)划分研究区的典型气候年份(干旱、正常和湿润);基于水量平衡法,结合SCS-CN模型以及Penman-Monteith方程对东北地区典型气候条件下生长季内的水源涵养功能进行研究。结果表明:(1)研究区水源涵养功能在不同气候条件下差异明显,三个典型气候年份生长季内的水源涵养总量分别为:干旱年(SPEI=-1.26)为2214.64亿m~3、正常年(SPEI=-0.22)为3231.49亿m~3和湿润年(SPEI=1.05)为3969.33亿m~3。(2)水源涵养功能空间变异突出,但在三种典型气候条件下呈现出一致变化,均表现为长白山地区水源涵养量最大,大小兴安岭地区次之,水源涵养量最低的地方主要出现在呼伦贝尔以西的草原地区,在东北平原的部分地区也有低值的出现,如白城、通辽、鸡西等地区,水源涵养量较一般的地方出现在东北平原大部分以农田为主的地区。(3)水源涵养功能除受气候因素的影响外,还取决于土地利用类型的变化,对于整个东北地区来讲,水源涵养总量表现为林地农田草地湿地,单位面积水源涵养量在干旱年和正常年表现为林地农田湿地草地,在湿润年份表现为林地湿地农田草地。研究结果揭示了东北地区三种典型气候条件下重要生态系统的水源涵养功能大小、空间分布特征及其主要驱动因素,可为区域生态空间规划和生态系统管理提供科学指导。  相似文献   
东北地区位于我国东北部,共有维管束植物164科928属3 103种。根据野外调查结果及相关资料,报道了东北地区草本植物1个新记录科—粟米草科(Molluginaceae)和3个新记录属—粟米草属(Mollugo L.)、牛膝属(Achyranthes L.)和秃疮花属(Dicranostigma Hook. f. et Thoms.),以及对应的3个新纪录种—粟米草(Mollugo stricta L.)、牛膝(Achyranthes bidentata Blume)和秃疮花[Dicranostigma leptopodum(Maxim.) Fedde]。新记录种凭证标本保存于大连自然博物馆植物标本室。这些新记录草本植物的发现,对东北地区生物多样性的研究具有重要意义,为其在我国的地理分布研究提供了新资料。  相似文献   
Rice-based (Oryza sativa L.) rainfed lowlands are the major cropping system in northeast Thailand. Average yields are low, which is generally explained by frequent drought events, low soil fertility, and poor fertilizer response. However, neither the relative importance of these factors nor their interaction is well understood. Therefore, we analyzed an existing database on fertilizer trials conducted between 1995 and 1997 at eight different sites in northeast Thailand with the objective to determine indigenous nutrient supplies, internal efficiencies, and recovery efficiencies of applied nutrients in rainfed lowland rice. Of particular interest was the effect of variety type (traditional) and water supply on these components. Comparison of N, P, and K concentrations in grain and straw (average N–P–K grain concentration of 11.0–2.7–3.4 g kg−1; average N–P–K straw concentration of 5.2–0.9–16.4 g kg−1) in the traditional-type varieties used at all trial sites with literature values showed no differences for these parameters between traditional and modern-type varieties or between irrigated and rainfed environments. In contrast, internal efficiencies of N, P, and K (average IEN: 46 kg grain per kg N uptake; IEP: 218 kg grain per kg P uptake; IEK: 25 kg grain per kg K uptake) were much lower than reported for irrigated systems, and the difference was greatest for K, which is mainly accumulated in the straw. Indigenous nutrient supply (average INS: 38 kg ha−1; IPS: 10 kg ha−1; IKS: 89 kg ha−1) and recovery efficiency (average REN: 0.28 kg kg−1; REP: 0.13 kg kg−1; REK: 0.49 kg kg−1) were low but comparable to the lower values reported from irrigated systems. Average seasonal field water resources seemed to reduce the indigenous nutrient supply but had no or little effect on internal efficiency and recovery efficiency. We concluded that the main reason for the low system productivity without and with fertilizer in northeast Thailand is the dominant use of traditional-type varieties with low harvest indices, which was the dominant cause for the observed low internal nutrient efficiency. Therefore, intensification of rainfed systems through substantially increased nutrient inputs can be recommended only where varieties with an average harvest index of close to 0.4 or higher are available.  相似文献   
Black soils in Northeast China are characteristic of high soil organic carbon (SOC) density and were strongly influenced by human activities. Therefore, any change in SOC pool of these soils would not only impact the regional and global carbon cycle, but also affect the release and immobilization of nutrients. In this study, we reviewed the research progress on SOC storage, budget, variation, and fertility under different scenarios. The results showed that the organic carbon storage of black soils was 646.2 TgC and the most potential sequestration was 2887.8 g m−2. According to the SOC budget, the net carbon emission of black soils was 1.3 TgC year−1 under present soil management system. The simulation of CENTURY model showed that future climate change and elevated CO2 concentration, especially the increase of precipitation, would increase SOC content. Furthermore, fertilization and cropping sequence obviously influenced SOC content, composition, and allocation among different soil particles. Long-term input of organic materials such as manure and straw renewed original SOC, improved soil structure and increased SOC accumulation. Besides, soil erosion preferred to transport soil particles with low density and fine size, decreased recalcitrant SOC fractions at erosion sites and increased activities of soil microorganism at deposition sites. After natural grasslands were converted into croplands, obvious variation of soil chemical nutrients, physical structure, and microbial activities had taken place in surface and subsurface soils, and represented a degrading trend to a certain degree. Our studies suggested that adopting optimal management such as conservation tillage in black soil region is an important approach to sequester atmospheric CO2 and to slow greenhouse effects.  相似文献   
China's Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) is aimed at improving the fragile and unstable ecological environment and has become one of the largest ecological restoration programs in the world because of its enormous investment and effects. It is important to work out and strengthen new measures to overcome difficulties to promote more ecosystem services and human well‐being in the NFCP. This study focused on how to evaluate the ecosystem services change brought about by implementing the NFCP. Taking the key state‐owned forest areas in the Northeast and Inner Mongolia as the study area, we provide a basic overview of development and construct an evaluation index system and a distributed calculation method for the NFCP to analyze the implications of the NFCP on ecosystem services combined with multi‐source data coupling. An evaluation index system for NFCP ecosystem services was constructed. The system includes five ecological service functions and 12 evaluation indices. The trade‐off and/or synergistic analysis of ecosystem services were carried out. The regional characteristics and changes in the NFCP ecosystem services were emphasized. Although it has not been implemented for a long time, the NFCP has had a great impact on ecosystem services because it reduces soil and water losses, increases soil fertility, strengthens the forest carbon sink and helped the forest accumulate nutrients and purify the atmosphere. Socioeconomic factors affect the NFCP ecosystem services, such as the implementation area of NFCP, investment amount of NFCP, area ratio of nature reserves, and yield of tree stock volume. Policy drivers of the NFCP, changes in the economic structure and reductions in forest yield are the main factors affecting the change in NFCP ecosystem services. Although the NFCP has positively affected the society, the economy, and the ecological environment, it has also generated some problems, such as the improper management of forest resources, shortage of capital investment, staff transfer, etc. The social and economic problems will be transient with implementation of the NFCP, and the structural changes in forestry and agriculture may eventually benefit the forestry workers and other stakeholders.  相似文献   
Harvesting may be a potent driver of demographic change and contemporary evolution, which both may have great impacts on animal populations. Research has focused on changes in phenotypic traits that are easily quantifiable and for which time series exist, such as size, age, sex, or gonad size, whereas potential changes in behavioural traits have been under‐studied. Here, we analyse potential drivers of long‐term changes in a behavioural trait for the Northeast Arctic stock of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, namely choice of spawning location. For 104 years (1866–1969), commercial catches were recorded annually and reported by county along the Norwegian coast. During this time period, spawning ground distribution has fluctuated with a trend towards more northerly spawning. Spawning location is analysed against a suite of explanatory factors including climate, fishing pressure, density dependence, and demography. We find that demography (age or age at maturation) had the highest explanatory power for variation in spawning location, while climate had a limited effect below statistical significance. As to potential mechanisms, some effects of climate may act through demography, and explanatory variables for demography may also have absorbed direct evolutionary change in migration distance for which proxies were unavailable. Despite these caveats, we argue that fishing mortality, either through demographic or evolutionary change, has served as an effective driver for changing spawning locations in cod, and that additional explanatory factors related to climate add no significant information.  相似文献   
中国东北地区非点源污染研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为掌握东北地区非点源污染研究动态和明确研究中存在的问题和不足,对近20年(1991-2008年)东北地区有关非点源污染研究成果进行检索、分类和统计分析,以便更好地进行区域水环境治理和污染防治.东北地区非点源污染研究总体呈增加趋势;研究内容包括水环境污染源调查分析与评价、污染负荷量化、机理探索、模型模拟和污染防治5类;研究对象包括氮、磷、泥沙、农药和重金属;经验方法估算污染负荷较多,机理模型应用成功实例较少;研究性论文中以农业非点源污染较多,城市非点源污染较少;治理措施停留在水土保持措施层面上,缺乏对水土保持措施的优选评价和对最佳管理措施的评价研究.目前,东北地区非点源污染研究处在理论探索阶段,非点源污染是否是主要污染源还存在争议.今后应着力于措施应用、评价和基础数据收集及区域非点源污染物的确定和污染负荷的量化研究;尝试新技术和多领域交叉合作,为区域水环境治理提供科学依据.  相似文献   
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