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记述了中国花天牛亚科1新纪录属角花天牛属Munamizoa Matsushitaet Tamanuki,1940及1新种长白山角花天牛Munamizoa changbaishanensis sp.nov.,模式标本采自吉林省长白山,保存在北华大学林学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
中国花天牛亚科三新种记述(鞘翅目:天牛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
训国花天牛亚科3新种--黑角瘤花天牛Gaurotina nigroantenata,sp.nov.,青海皮花一在牛Rhagium qinghaiensis,sp.nov.,四面山华花天牛Sinostrangalissimianshana,sp.nov.。模式标本存西南农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   
记述采自云南和西藏的中国花天牛亚科1新纪录种,拉维花天牛Leptura lavinia Gahan,1906。检视标本保存在广西师范大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
本文了中国花天牛亚科3新种-卵斑长颊瘦花牛Gnathostrangalia elliptica,sp.nov。,暗背脊花天牛Stenocorus fuscodoralis,sp.nov.,四斑短腿瘦花天牛Pedostrangalia quadrimaculata,sp.nov。模式标本存西农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   
金丝花天牛Leptura aurosericans Fairmaire,1895广泛分布在中国南方与东南亚地区,而金绒花天牛Leptura auratopilosa(Matsushita,1931)仅分布于台湾岛。最近10年,国内在金绒花天牛与金丝花天牛的鉴定及分布记录方面出现了一些不一致的报道。为了澄清这些问题,在核对模式标本及检视系列标本(包括许多正在自然交配的成对标本)的基础上,重新描述了这两个种的形态特征,给出了这两个种的鉴别特征并提供了彩色照片,认为金绒花天牛是台湾特有种,目前在大陆尚未发现。  相似文献   
记述中国花天牛亚科1新种--裂跗脊花天牛Stenoconus schizotarsus, sp. nov., 模式标本存西南农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   
When assessing changes in populations of species, it is essential that the methods used to collect data have some level of precision and preferably also good accuracy. One commonly used method to collect pollinators is colour pan traps, but this method has been suggested to be biased by the abundance of surrounding flowers. The present study evaluated the relationship between pan trap catches and the frequency of flowers on small (25 m2) and large (2–6 ha) spatial scales. If pan traps work well, one should assume a positive relationship, that is, more insects caught when they have more food. However, in contrast, we found that catches in pan traps were often negatively affected by flower frequency. Among the six taxa evaluated, the negative bias was largest in Vespoidea and Lepturinae, while there was no bias in solitary Apoidea (Cetoniidae, Syrphidae and social Apoidea were intermediate). Furthermore, red flowers seemed to contribute most to the negative bias. There was also a tendency that the negative bias differed within the flight season and that it was higher when considering the large spatial scale compared to the small one. To conclude, pan trap catches may suffer from a negative bias due to surrounding flower frequency and color. The occurrence and magnitude of the negative bias were context and taxon dependent, and therefore difficult to adjust for. Thus, pan traps seem less suited to evaluate differences between sites and the effect of restoration, when gradients in flower density are large. Instead, it seems better suited to monitor population changes within sites, and when gradients are small.  相似文献   
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