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记述了中国同脉缟蝇亚属20个种团,其中17个种团,即异突同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)abnormis group,双带同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)bistriata group,短突同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)brevis group,台湾同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)formosae group,河南同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)henanensis group,叉突同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)laticosta group,李氏同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)lii group,背斑同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)notostigma group,美额同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)ornatifrons group,多斑同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)picta group,五斑同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)quiquenotat group,单突同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)singularis group,纹额同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)striatifrons group,斑腿同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)substigmata group,西藏同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)tibetensis group,三尖同脉缟蝇种团H.(H.)trispina group,爪突同脉缟蝇种团日.(H.)unguiculata group为首次提出,并描述了2新种,平截同脉缟蝇H.(H.)trunciformis sp.nov.和长膜同脉缟蝇H.(H.)longinotata sp.nov.,提供了该亚属分种团检索表.所有观察标本均保存于中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   
对缟蝇科同脉缟蝇属Homoneura4种、黑缟蝇属Minettia和双鬃缟蝇属Sapromyza各1种的异物同名进行了修订,并建议给以新名,即Homoneura(Homoneura) conjunctiva nom.nov.,Homoneura(Homoneura) oceaniensis nom.nov.,Homoneura(Homoneura) laoensis nom.nov.,Homoneura(Homoneura) singaporica nom.nov.,Minettia(Minettiella) sasakawai nom.nov.,Sapromyza(Sapromyza) sasakawai nom.nov.。观察标本保存于中国农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   
Adults of Korscheltellus gracilis (Grote) are crepuscular. Flight is restricted to two 20–40 minute periods each day: the first flight follows sunset during evening twilight, the other precedes dawn. Four to five times as many adults are active during the evening when courtship, mating and oviposition occur. Of these behaviours, only oviposition occurs during the pre-dawn period of activity. Field observations indicate that females release a sex pheromone while fanning their wings. Females usually fly before pairing. There is no obvious female choice or stereotyped courtship behaviour prior to pairing.
In some hepialid genera females attract males, while in others ( Hepialus Fabricius, Phymatopus Wallengren, Sthenopis Packard and Zenophassus Tindale) the calling system is reversed, with males attracting females. Cladistic analysis of the Hepialidae suggests that the plesiomorphic condition for the family is for females to release the long-distance attractant, and that the reversed calling system represents a derived condition restricted to lineages within a single clade.
Available information on the mating systems of other basal lepidopteran lineages and Trichoptera support the hypothesis that ancestral Lepidoptera possessed a female-released, long-range attractant. Support for this position comes from (1) published literature; (2) field observations made by DLW; (3) the apparent absence of male scent structures and recognizable male calling behaviour among the pre-Neolepidoptera; and (4) cases of male antennal elaboration in several basal lepidopteran lineages.  相似文献   
首次记述了云南缟蝇科Lauxaniidae同脉缟蝇属Homoneura van der Wulp 1新种及1新纪录种,即云南同脉缟蝇H.(s.str.)yunnanensis sp.nov.,褐带同脉缟蝇H.(s.str.)comptusis sasakawa,2001,并讨论了它们与近似种的区别。模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   
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