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The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of Afp1m as a cryopreservative agent for skin by examining the transplanted skin histological architecture and mechanical properties following subzero cryopreservation. Thirty four (34) rats with an average weight of 208 ± 31 g (mean ± SD), were used. Twenty four (n = 24) rats were equally divided into four groups: (i) immediate non-cryopreserved skin autografts (onto same site), (ii) immediate non-cryopreserved skin autografts (onto different sites), (iii) skin autografts cryopreserved with glycerol for 72 h and (iv) skin autografts cryopreserved with Afp1m for 72 h at −4 °C. Rounded shaped full-thickness 1.5–2.5 cm in diameter skin was excised from backs of rats for the autograft transplantation. Non-cryopreserved or cryopreserved auto skin graft were positioned onto the wound defects and stitched. Non-transplanted cryopreserved and non-cryopreserved skin strips from other ten rats (n = 10) were allowed for comparative biomechanical test. All skin grafts were subjected to histological and mechanical examinations at the end of day 21. Histological results revealed that tissue architecture especially the epidermal integrity and dermal-epidermal junction of the Afp1m cryopreserved skin grafts exhibited better histological appearance, good preservation of tissue architecture and structural integrity than glycerolized skin. However, there was no significant difference among these groups in other histological criteria. There were no significant differences among the 4 groups in skin graft mechanical properties namely maximum load. In conclusion, Afp1m were found to be able to preserve the microstructure as well as the viability and function of the skin destined for skin transplantation when was kept at −4 °C for 72 h.  相似文献   

Under greenhouse conditions, the experiment was conducted to test the efficacy of opportunistic and nematophagous hyphomycete, Paecilomyces lilacinus against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on Eclipta alba. The treatment comprised inoculation of E. alba with M. incognita alone (N) and in combination with P. lilacinus (one week before (T1), simultaneously (T2), one week after (T3), two weeks after (T4) and three weeks after (T5)). The results showed that the application of P. lilacinus before one week of nematode inoculation (Tl) was more effective than other treatments. A significant enhancement was noticed in the growth and yield of E. alba. Root-knot and egg mass indices were suppressed due to destruction of the mature females and the egg masses. Histopathological studies revealed the presence of P. lilacinus hyphae in and around the females and the eggs.  相似文献   
虚拟仿真实验课程建设,是推进现代信息技术与实验教学项目深度融合、拓展实验教学内容广度和深度、延伸实验教学时间和空间、提升实验教学质量和水平的重要举措。开展虚拟仿真实验教学能够强化学生实验基本技能、激发学生求知欲、培养学生创造性、提高学生专业技能,在组织学与胚胎学实验教学中具有重要意义。  相似文献   
硕士研究生通过参与本科生组织学与胚胎学实验课教学,可加深对本专业知识的理解,建立更合理的知识结构,完善自身的思维体系,提高综合能力,从中发现自身不足之处并积极弥补。硕士研究生参与本科生教学具有独特的优势,对提升其综合素质有所助益。  相似文献   
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - Bixa orellana L. (Bixaceae) is a multipurpose tree grown for the production of commercially important dyes. In the present study, an efficient,...  相似文献   
Theory assumes that postcopulatory sexual selection favors increased investment in testes size because greater numbers of sperm within the ejaculate increase the chance of success in sperm competition, and larger testes are able to produce more sperm. However, changes in the organization of the testes tissue may also affect sperm production rates. Indeed, recent comparative analyses suggest that sperm competition selects for greater proportions of sperm‐producing tissue within the testes. Here, we explicitly test this hypothesis using the powerful technique of experimental evolution. We allowed house mice (Mus domesticus) to evolve via monogamy or polygamy in six replicate populations across 24 generations. We then used histology and image analysis to quantify the proportion of sperm‐producing tissue (seminiferous tubules) within the testes of males. Our results show that males that had evolved with sperm competition had testes with a higher proportion of seminiferous tubules compared with males that had evolved under monogamy. Previously, it had been shown that males from the polygamous populations produced greater numbers of sperm in the absence of changes in testes size. We thus provide evidence that sperm competition selects for an increase in the density of sperm‐producing tissue, and consequently increased testicular efficiency.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate the effect of temperature (20 °C, 24 °C, 28 °C and 32 °C) on the heamato-biochemical and histological alterations of Cyprinus carpio communis. Increase in the temperature showed significant decrease in the serum protein, while a reduced level of blood glucose at high temperature of 32 °C was observed leading to hypoglycemic conditions in the experimental fishes. A significant correlation (P<0.01) was observed between cholesterol (Cho) and triglycerides (TG) for different temperature treatments. Elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) at high temperatures was a good indicator of gill osmoregulatory failure. A variation of 86.40% and 38.33%, respectively, was noticed in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) at 32 °C over minimum experimental temperature of 20 °C. The increase in red blood cell (RBC) and Heamoglobin (Hb) concentration is associated with the decrease of mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), could be the reason for observed poikilo-anisocytosis. Histological studies of different organs of experimental fishes showed accumulation of MMC's (melanomacrophagic centers) and atrophy of the interrenal tissue on exposure to various levels of temperature. These changes were related to severity of thermal stress, being most marked when high temperature was prolonged during acclimatization. Some fishes were found infested by protozoan parasite at elevated temperature of 32 °C. Increased levels of certain biochemical and haemotological parameters studied were strongly correlated with disease in the Cyprinus carpio communis species.  相似文献   
组织学与胚胎学PBL教学对学生创新能力的培养   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国医科大学组织学与胚胎学教研室承担了CMB03-#793项目,连续五年在临床医学七年制日文班实施了PBL(problem based learning)的教学模式,根据其教学特点确立了组织学与胚胎学(组胚)PBL教程,编写了"组织学与胚胎学PBL病例集"并制作了多媒体课件。学生在PBL中受到启发,激发了主动学习积级性,也制作了多媒体课件。同学课下查阅文献,准备资料。讨论病例分组进行,同学主持。大家踊跃发言,举证说明,用学得的知识,联系组胚理论去解释生命现象并和疾病相联系。我们对实施过PBL教学的几个年级的学生257人进行了追踪问卷调查,结果看出得到明显提高的依次是学生的主动学习的能力,独立查阅资料的能力、拓宽知识面、对相关领域感兴趣、分析解决问题的能力及对知识的理解能力。提高的相关指标就是创新思维的基础和前提。学生拓宽了知识面、开阔了视野,自然就会产生兴趣迸发出学习的生机去主动思维,也就有了分析解决问题的能力。由此产生不同以往的看法和想法,有了新的认识、新的观点和新的所为,丰富的想像力就会迸发出创造力,这些就是创新的萌芽。这是PBL教学带给学生的新的理念。刷新理念将会产生更多的创新。  相似文献   
经过两年多的组织学与胚胎学双语教学改革,我们在双语教学大纲编写、课程设置、教材建设、教学工作安排和学生考试等方面,已取得了阶段性的成果,达到了学校批准立项的教学改革专项(双语课程建设)研究课题预期目标,为我们进一步完善组织学与胚胎学双语教学改革打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
为顺应时代发展的需要,改善教学质量,提高医学生专业外语水平,我们在五年制中有选择的进行了多年的组织学与胚胎学双语教学改革。本文就授课对象的选择、教材的选用、教学方法、考核方法、教学效果分析和出现的问题及对策等方面进行了分析和小结。旨在总结经验,并不断的改进和完善双语教学。  相似文献   
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