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Heterodichogamy is a form of sex expression in which protandrous and protogynous individuals coexist, and is considered to be a mechanism that avoids selfing and promotes disassortative mating. We examined mating patterns in a heterodichogamous maple, Acer mono, using microsatellite markers. Parentage analysis revealed a selfing rate of only 9.8%. Disassortative mating between flowering types significantly exceeded within-type mating, but the mating patterns were better explained by flowering phenology (i.e., the temporal overlap between the female and male stages). Heterodichogamy in A. mono thus appears to promote outcrossing without requiring obligate self- or cross-incompatibility systems, although it did not guarantee disassortative mating. Multiple-regression analysis suggested that successful reproduction of pollen parents significantly increased with increased flower production and reciprocal flowering synchrony, but decreased only marginally with mating distance, although the distribution of mating distances suggested leptokurtic dispersal of pollen.  相似文献   
The effects of local population density, sex morph [protogynous (PG) or protandrous (PA)], and individual tree size on the demographic processes of seed production were investigated in a heterodichogamous maple, Acer mono Maxim. var. Marmoratum (Nichols.) Hara f. dissectum, in a temperate forest of Japan. As the distance from conspecific reproductive adults increased, the percentage of immature seed fall and empty seeds increased significantly, indicating higher pollination success along with local population density. Although the difference was not distinct, pollination success was affected by the local population density of the reciprocal sex morph rather than that of both sex morphs. The trees at higher local population density sites suffered higher seed mortality due to predation and decay, and tended to produce smaller seeds. Thus, the impacts of local population density operated both positively and negatively on reproduction. As a factor of individual traits, tree size scarcely affected any demographic processes. On the other hand, sex morph did affect pollination success. Trees of PG type had lower immature seed fall than those of PA type, suggesting that the former has higher efficiency of pollen acceptance than the latter. The results on seed demography presented here partly support previous suggestions that heterodichogamous plants exhibit reciprocal cross-pollination and gender specialization as reproductive traits.  相似文献   
 We investigated the degree of organogenesis completed at the end of the growing season in pistillate flowers of heterodichogamous Juglans regia, English or Persian walnut. Terminal buds from paired cultivars, one each protandrous and protogynous, chosen to represent early, midseason and late leafing walnuts, were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Results indicate that pistillate floral primordia in protandrous individuals had not progressed beyond involucre initiation during the season prior to bloom. In protogynous individuals, floral differentiation had progressed to the initiation of perianth primordia. These observations are compared with an earlier report on staminate flower differentiation in the same cultivars where a comparable, but opposite, relationship exists. We conclude that the degree of differentiation in both staminate and pistillate flowers that must be completed between the time growth resumes in the spring and anthesis is a developmental determinant of the mode of heterodichogamy in walnut. Received: 15 June 1996 / Revision accepted: 25 October 1996  相似文献   
花柱卷曲性异交机制及其进化生态学意义   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 有花植物具有纷繁复杂的繁育系统,以避免或促进自交或异交。花柱卷曲性异交机制(Flexistyly)是最近在热带山姜属(Alpinia)植物中发现的一种促进异交的行为机制。具有这一机制的种类其自然种群中的个体根据开花行为的不同分为两种表型:一种上午散发花粉而其柱头向上反卷,远离昆虫拜访的通道;另一种其柱头上午垂向唇瓣,能够接受拜访昆虫的传粉,但自身的花药却不打开。到中午时分,两种表型花通过互为相反的柱头卷曲运动转换性别——前者柱头向下卷曲,后者柱头向上卷曲且花药打开。每朵花的花期为12 h,两种表型在自然种  相似文献   
The flowers of many Lauraceae have two kinds of glandular organ: paired glands at the base of the filaments of the third androecial whorl, and staminodes with a glandular head, corresponding to a fourth, sterile androecial whorl. So far, it is unknown why there are two different kinds of organ with apparently the same function. Observations now show that the staminal and the staminodial glands secrete nectar at different times in the heterodichogamous flowering cycle, and are therefore essential for the pollination of bisexual Lauraceae flowers.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Heterodichogamy differs from normal dichogamy, in that it involves two mating types (protogyny and protandry) that occur at a 1 : 1 ratio in a population. Flowering phases of the two mating types are synchronized and reciprocal, which was considered to ensure between-type outcrossing. This study aims to quantify the flowering pattern and pollination efficacy in Juglans mandshurica, a wind-pollinated heterodichogamous tree. METHODS: The pattern of flowering phenology was monitored within individual trees and pollen traps were used to measure air-borne pollen loads during the spring in 2003 and 2004. Pollen longevity was determined by staining technique. Also a pollen supplementation experiment was performed in 2004 to assess pollen limitation of fruit production. KEY RESULTS: There was no overlap between sexual functions within individual trees. Flowering periods of the two mating types were reciprocal and synchronous in both 2003 and 2004. Air-borne pollen loads were large, and protogynous and protandrous individuals each produced a high pollination peak, consistent with the two blooming periods. Maximum pollen longevity was about 4 h for protandrous individuals, and 3 h for protogynous individuals. Pollen supplementation did not increase fruit production in either protogynous or protandrous individuals. CONCLUSIONS: Heterodichogamous flowering in Juglans mandshurica effectively avoids selfing, promotes between-type outcrossing, and leads to efficient pollination in a natural population.  相似文献   
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