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This paper presents a first account of the salão vegetation of southwestern Amazonia, a frequent but poorly known formation and unusual in that it is a lowland moist tropical environment in which virtually all of the plant diversity is accounted for by herbs. The salões occur along canalized portions of the Purus and Juruá river basins, and their substrates consist of exposed parent materials that characterize much of this sector of Amazonia but are usually overlain by a relatively thin (<1 m) layer of soil. They are constantly moist seeps or ‘seepage banks,’ and the lower portions are seasonally submerged. Strata are recognizable in the vegetation, and the physiognomy and composition of each vegetation band of the salões is likely determined by the slope, the parent material, and (for lower bands) the duration of flooding. To date the salão flora has registered 66 species: 11 bryophytes, 12 ferns, and 43 angiosperms. Five of the bryophyte species, two ferns, and one grass, Arundinella berteroniana, are found in most if not all salões and can be considered indicators of this vegetation type, while most of the pteridophytes and other angiosperms occur more sporadically. None of the species is endemic to the formation and only four to the region; most are associated generally with the margins of rivers, lakes, and streams, often on rocky or sandy substrates. The floristic and conservation significance of this formation lie in its apparent affinities with montane regions, in the fact that 21 species and eight genera are recorded for the Acre flora only from the salões, and in its local value as a source of filtered potable water.  相似文献   
浙江丽水生态示范区植物的分布特点   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1999年底被国务院批准设立为全国第4个生态示范区的丽水市(包括莲都区,缙云县,云和县,松阳县,遂昌县,庆元县,青田县,龙泉市和景宁畲族自治县),由于地形复杂,原生,次生林等保存较好,生态环境保持良好,植物资源极为丰富。笔者根据多年来对该地区的资源调查和标本采集统计,已知有维管束植物206科,94属,2881种,其中蕨类植物的种类和数量在中国东半部仅次于台湾和海南,尤其是鳞毛蕨属和复叶耳蕨属可以认为是在我国的一个分布中心,种子植物的种类和数量与邻近周边地相比也占有明显优势,区内珍衡濒危植物众多,区系起源古老,不乏古老的种,属及残遗种,且区系成分复杂,来源于多种地理成分。  相似文献   
Many of the natural forested ecosystems that still remain in mainland China are being cleared with potentially detrimental effects on woody plant species diversity on both local and regional scales. The most extensive stand of subtropical broad-leaved forest remaining in China is located in Yunnan Province. In an effort to document the influence of human-induced disturbance on Yunnan's woody flora, floristic inventories were conducted in a stand of primary forest and in regrowth stands located in its interior and along its outer margin in the Xujiaba Nature Sanctuary in the Ailao Mountain Range. Of particular interest was the location of the disturbance relative to the primary forest source area. A total of 134 woody plant species representing 74 genera and 43 families were recorded. The floristics of the two regrowth stands were significantly different from each other, with < 10% of their respective floras comprised of co-occurring species. The interior regrowth stand had a higher number of co-occurring species with the primary forest; however, > 40% were still non-co-occurring.The principal families represented in the primary forest and the interior regrowth stand were Aquifoliaceae, Berberidaceae, Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Rosaceae, Smilacaceae, Symplocaceae, Theaceae, and Vacciniaceae. The three dominant species with relative importance values ranging from > 5% to 18% in both the primary forest and the interior regrowth stand were Castanopsis wattii, Lithocarpus jingdongensis, and Symplocos sumuntia. The edge regrowth stands had the lowest species diversity and were dominated by the native pine Pinus yunnanensis, with a relative importance of 24%. The principal families represented in the edge regrowth stand were Betulaceae, Ericaceae, Fagaceae, Myricaceae, Pinaceae, and Theaceae. Only the Fagaceae and Theaceae were well-represented in all three stands. The results of the study document the low species diversity in post-cutting regrowth on the margins of the primary forest as compared with post-cutting regrowth in the forest interior.  相似文献   
Vegetation formations of Tatoi district (38°07 N–23°47 E) of Attica (Greece) are described. In this district covering an area of 60 Km2 434 taxa were recorded. We document and describe the following:a. Formations of sclerophyll evergreen vegetation (Ceratonio-Pistacietum Lentisci and Andrachno-Quercetum ilicis), b. Formations of needle-woods (Pinus halepensis and Cupressus sempervirens), c. Formations of phrygana (Cistus incanus subsp. creticus and Sarcopoterium spinosum), d. Formation of weeds and e. Formations of the deciduous trees (Platanus orientalis and oak-trees).Abbreviation ACA= Agricultural College of Athens  相似文献   
江西热带性植物的区系地理研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文通过对江西热带性植物区系成分各个分布类型的统计分析,阐述了本省热带性植物具有地理成分复杂,区系联系广泛,以泛热带和热带亚州分布型成分占优势;间断分布多样,残遗植物丰富;热带成分与温带成分交汇过渡,成为许多热带区系成分分布的北界。并初步探讨了江西植物区系地理的分界问题,笔者认为在江西境内,华东区系与华南区系的分界大致位于北纬25°(西)—25°20′(东)一线;中亚热带与北亚热带的区系分界约为北纬29°(西)—29°40′(东)一线;中亚热带两个亚热带的区系分界应在北纬27°(西)—27°40′(东)一线。此3条植物区系地理分界线由西向东有向北逐渐斜升的趋势,这是由于受太平洋湿热季风气候的影响所致。同时亦表明,某一地区植物区系的性质和特征主要是受其所处纬度(或海拔高度)的地带性气候因素长期孕育的结果。  相似文献   
浙江珍稀濒危保护植物的地理分布及其区系特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文分析了浙江珍稀濒危保护植物56种的地理分布和51属的分布区类型及其区系特征,其结果如下: 1.本区存在较多的我国特有属,单型属、少型属的事实,说明浙江省的珍稀濒危植物区系的古老性和相对原始性。2.根据51属的分布区类型的分析,其属具有明显的温带性质,而56种的地理分布则以亚热带区系成分为主,它们与华中亚热带区系植物关系密切。  相似文献   
指出《中国植物志》77(2)中掌叶橐吾(Ligularia przewalskii)在江苏有分布的记载极可能是将文献中的"Kansu"(甘肃)误为"Kiangsu"(江苏)的结果。该种目前仅知分布于甘肃、青海、内蒙古、宁夏、陕西、山西、四川,在江苏决无分布。这一不经意的疏忽而引起的错误后来不断出现在我国出版的有关植物志书中。对我国植物志书尤其是省级植物志书存在的突出问题及其他一些相关问题进行了述评。  相似文献   
The Nuweveldberge forms the central and most arid component to the southern Great Escarpment in South Africa. Situated between the Sneeuberg in the east and the Hantam-Roggeveld in the west, the Nuweveldberge has elements of both the Succulent Karoo and Grassland Biomes. The Nuweveldberge has low endemism (0.5%) compared to the adjacent Sneeuberg (2.3%) and Roggeveldberge (ca. 8%). Following an extensive floristic survey of the Nuweveldberge, a contribution of 473 taxa is provided. Together with the flora by Rubin et al., 2001 for the Karoo National Park this provides a total flora of 1139 taxa for the Nuweveldberge. Numerous range extensions of (previous) Sneeuberg endemics and Drakensberg near-endemics onto the Nuweveldberge are recorded. Although the Nuweveldberge may have been a corridor facilitating the movement of species from the Cape Floristic Region via the Komsberg through the Nuweveldberge onto the Sneeuberg (and of Drakensberg elements westwards from the Sneeuberg) there is currently little evidence of such connectivity. This is postulated to be due to aridification of the Nuweveldberge since the Last Glacial Maximum, and also likely explains the low endemism on the Nuweveldberge.  相似文献   
Despite the Roggeveldberge comprising the montane heart of the celebrated Hantam-Roggeveld Centre of Plant Endemism (HRC), this section of the southern Great Escarpment in South Africa is botanically poorly known. A detailed physical, historical and phytogeographical overview of the Roggeveldberge is thus presented, and a checklist of 513 plant taxa is provided as a contribution towards a more complete flora for the Roggeveld-Komsberg Escarpment. The HRC is considered in detail, including various delimitations, and all species purported to be endemic to the HRC are reviewed and separated into actual endemics, near-endemics and species incorrectly considered as endemic.  相似文献   
The structure and dynamics of approximately 64 ha of undisturbed gallery forest were studied over six years. Trees from 31 cm gbh (c. 10 cm dbh) were measured every three years from 1985. They were in 151 (10×20 m) permanent plots in the Gama forest in the Federal District of Brazil. Natural regeneration (individuals under 31 cm gbh) was measured in subplots (of 2×2 m, 5×5 m and 10×10 m) within the 200 m2 plots. The total tree flora (gbh31 cm) consisted of 93 species, 81 genera and 44 families in 1985. The Leguminosae, Myrtaceae and Rubiaceae were the families richest in number of species. Most individuals and species were under 45 cm diameter and 20 m high while the maximum diameter per species ranged from 30 to 95 cm. The density structure of trees and natural regeneration was similar, in which the densities of c. 80% of the species represented less than 1% of the total density. The periodic mean annual diameter increment for trees from 10 cm dbh, was c. 0.25 cm/year. Variability was high with coefficients of variation c. 100% or more. The Gama community may maintain tree diversity and structure in undisturbed conditions. Regeneration of c. 80% of the species was found in the establishing phase (poles); the diameter structure was typical of native forests with the number of individuals decreasing with increasing size classes and showing little change over the six years; recruitment compensated for the mortality of most of the abundant species. The soils in Gama gallery forest were dystrophic with high aluminium content. Multivariate analysis suggested the stream, natural gaps and edges as the main causes of floristic differentiation at the community level.  相似文献   
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