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Li K  Gao Z 《Bio Systems》2012,109(2):87-90
In the world, great natural disasters frequently occur. Along with these disasters, large-scale cooperative searches for missing persons are exigent. Because of the lack of experiments to reproduce the disaster rescue processes, our understanding of how to regulate the collective cooperative searches is still elusive. Here we use an improved Lévy walk model to simulate the rescuers' movements in which direction choice is considered. In our study, we systematically analyze the diffusive mechanism of rescuers' movements, and find that the search pattern shows a high degree of spatial order which displays some inherent features. Our results also indicate that cooperative search promotes rescuers' movements to disperse determinately.  相似文献   
辽东山区天然次生林雪/风灾害成因及分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
对2003年春发生在辽东山区的森林雪/风灾害的成因、过程、受灾情况、造成的危害、与林分结构特征的关系以及对未来次生林生态系统的影响等进行了调查分析。结果表明,雪/风的发生是在一个大的降水天气过程基础上,由于气温的异常变化形成的,受灾严重区多分布于海拔高、坡度大,林型比较单一的桦树、柞树、色树、胡桃树和杨树等林分,林分密度和受灾率及土层厚度和受害株数均呈显著的线性负相关;受灾数量与径级和树高分别呈指数负相关和指数正相关,同时探讨了雪/风害对天然次生林生态系统内病虫害发生、林下植被、生境因子和建群种变化产生的可能影响。  相似文献   
根据自然灾害医学救援要求及组织体制,结合灾害救援过程中的心理压力来源及心理需求,提出心理卫生支援分队建设指导:人员需具备专业技能,兼顾全面技术;采取的工作方式主要为团体合作、小组协作和单人干预等;日常训练重点在于做好实战训练、预案、心理和物资方面的准备,力求使心理卫生支援分队满足新时期非战争军事任务的需要。  相似文献   
A coalition of environmental activists and professionals created the San Diego Fire Recovery Network (SDFRN) while the largest wildfire in California history was still burning at the city’s edge in October 2003. Acting quickly while the citizenry questioned governmental ability to protect their rapidly growing region, SDFRN proposed to reduce fire risk in a way that altered residential knowledge practices and identity while reshaping governance relationships. While this effort stalled after governmental agencies restored public confidence through massive fire prevention initiatives, SDFRN’s efforts may not have been in vain. Retained within collective memory, SDFRN contributed to community resilience by diversifying possible responses to environmental change and uncertainty. In this way, flexible, informal learning organizations such as SDFRN may serve as “skunkworks,” seizing on disaster in order to incubate social–ecological relationships that might avert greater tragedies to come.
Bruce Evan GoldsteinEmail:
西溪湿地封闭水塘浮游植物群落特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以首个国家湿地公园——西溪国家湿地公园为研究区域,于2009年9月对该区域费家塘生态保育区内31个池塘水体浮游植物进行研究,并结合环境因子,探讨其空间分异特征及主要影响因素。结果表明:调查期间共观察到浮游植物124种,隶属7门(绿藻门、蓝藻门、硅藻门、隐藻门、裸藻门、甲藻门和金藻门),61属;物种数上,绿藻门最多,蓝藻门和隐藻门的物种数虽少,但数量上却占优势;基于浮游植物的物种组成,利用双向指示物种分析(TWINSPAN)将31个样点分为4组,各组样点在除趋势对应分析(DCA)第一轴上得到较好的分化,说明研究区域浮游植物群落存在明显的空间差异;典范对应分析(CCA)显示,硝态氮、磷酸盐、透明度、色度、高锰酸盐等是影响区域浮游植物空间分布的主要因素。  相似文献   
This ethnographic study of organic farmers affected by radioactive contamination in Japan illuminates responses to situated uncertainty as an everyday mode of subjectivity and practice. The farmers' strategies vary along a continuum from accommodation with dominant institutions to precautions of possible uncertainty to innovations and oppositions of potential uncertainty. Significantly these strategies are contradictory and they show variations in power and morality. The data indicate a subjective- and practice-oriented response that I call localized, relational uncertainty. It is contextualized in farms and villages with responsibility for family, consumers, and organic agriculture itself and it enables farmers to embrace multiple strategies. Thus, uncertainty brings loss and limitations, but also produces opportunities through, for example, expanded trust in relationships, deepened commitment to place, reinterpretation of organic agriculture, and sharpened critique of Japan's trajectory of economic growth.  相似文献   
张剑锋  李浩  严若谷  李其斌  李超乾 《蛇志》2012,24(1):13-14,21
目的了解医学研究生对灾难医学相关知识的认知情况。方法通过发放调查问卷,对我校2008-2011年入学的458名医学研究生进行灾难医学相关知识调查分析。结果医学研究生对灾难医学的基本概念、基本急救技术、灾后心理援助以及传染病的预防及处理相关知识掌握较好,但对灾难伤员的检伤分类、灾难医学管理相关知识掌握明显不足。结论医学研究生掌握灾难医学相关知识已明显提高,但仍存在不足,应加强医学研究生急救技能培训、开设灾难医学选修课,以提高我国灾难医学救援整体水平。  相似文献   
Global increases in the magnitude and frequency of flood events have raised concerns that traditional flood management approaches may not be sufficient to deal with future uncertainties. There is a need to move towards approaches that manage the resilience of the system to floods by understanding and managing drivers of vulnerability and adaptive capacity. Here we pilot an approach to measure the resilience of a system to a flood. A method is presented in which indicators are used to measure and map the spatial distribution of the levels of flood resilience across a landscape. Using three flood affected municipalities in South Africa, 24 resilience indicators related to floods and its relevant social, ecological, infrastructural and economic aspects are selected, and integrated into a composite index using a principal components analysis (PCA). A fifth component of institutional resilience is used to explore levels of disaster planning, mitigation and public awareness capacities and where these can be increased. The PCA transformed the 24 variables into four main components, the first of which was strongly correlated with underlying social variables, while the second and third correlated well with economic and ecological variables respectively. Distinct spatial variation of flood resilience was found across the study area, with highest flood resilience in main cities, and lowest in wards located on the periphery of cities often the location of peri-urban informal settlements. The disaggregation of underlying indicators showed wards with lowest flood resilience also had the lowest social, economic and ecological resilience. The flood resilience index was sensitive to the exclusion of all three components highlighting the importance of capturing the multidimensionality of flood resilience. The approach allows for a simple, yet robust index able to include an array of datasets generally available in flood prone areas with potential to disaggregate and trace variables for management and decision making.  相似文献   
An uppermost Permian-Lower Triassic biota of brachiopods, conodonts, algae and foraminifers from the Pamucak and Kokarkuyu formations at Çürük Da? (Antalya, Turkey) is here described. The brachiopods belong to two different assemblages: a lower assemblage, early Wuchiapingian in age, with Spinomarginifera cf. S. helica, Spinomarginifera cf. S. iranica, Alatorthotetina sp. ind., Orthothetina sp. ind., Ombonia antalyensis nov. sp. and few specimens of Pennospiriferinoidea; an upper assemblage, Changhsingian in age, comprising S. cf. S. iranica, Spinomarginifera cf. S. spinosocostata, Spinomarginifera sp. ind. and Orthothetina sp. ind., characteristic taxa of the low diversity survival brachiopod faunas of latest Permian age (Survival Fauna 1). The occurrence of the conodont Hindeodus cf. praeparvus above the brachiopod fauna confirms its Changhsingian age. The oolitic grainstones at the top of the Pamucak Formation contain Permocalculus sp., Macroporella cf. apachena, species of Hemigordius and Palaeozoic Lagenida. Coarse calcite fibrous cements pervade the oo-bioclastic grainstones, suggesting early marine cementation. The base of the Kokarkuyu Formation is characterized by the disaster forms Earlandia amplimuralis and “Cornuspira” mahajeri, gastropods and ostracods. The conodont Isarcicella lobata has been recovered 31 m above the base of the Kokarkuyu Formation, indicating the occurrence of the second Triassic conodont zone above the parvus biozone and below the staeschei biozone. The faunal content at the transition of the Pamucak and Kokarkuyu formations records the biotic survival in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction. Facies evolution from lower energy inner platform wackestones and packstones to higher energy open platform oolitic grainstones indicates a transgression at the top of the Pamucak Formation, which continues into the Lower Triassic Kokarkuyu Formation.  相似文献   
洞庭湖区洪涝灾害形成机理与生态减灾和流域管理对策   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:31  
洞庭湖是承纳湘,资,沅,澧四水和蚕吐长江的洪道型调蓄湖泊。湖区发展过程中忽视了环境整治与生态建设,没有协调好人地,人湖关系,中上游干支流水土流失加剧,湖泊泥沙 与过度围湖垦殖,高水位地段农业布局与种植制度不合理等人为因素导致湖区调蓄能力下降,洪水位抬升且历时持久;垸高田低,外洪内涝交织,灾害频率上升,灾情增大,为抗御洪水,堤防越筑越高,出现了“水涨-堤高-水再涨-堤再高”的恶性循环现象,造成抬高洪  相似文献   
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