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采用2013—2014年四季度月在金门岛北部海域获取的浮游植物及环境因子监测数据, 分析该区浮游植物的群落结构和季节变化及其与温度、盐度、悬浮物、营养盐、叶绿素等的关系, 初步探讨涉海工程建设对浮游植物群落的潜在影响。结果显示, 鉴定出的浮游植物隶属3门43属82种(不含未定种), 群落构成以硅藻为主, 其次是甲藻, 蓝藻仅1种。物种组成的季节差异较大, 3月物种贫乏, 1月次之, 7月和11月最丰富。四季丰度平均为47.09×103 cells/L, 1月丰度最高, 7月次之, 11月最低, 3月高于11月少许。四季优势种均为硅藻, 13个优势种分别为柔弱几内亚藻(Guinardia delicatula)、短角弯角藻(Ecampia zoodicaus)、骨条藻(Skeletonema spp.)、具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、微小海链藻(Thalassiosira exigua)、标志星杆藻(Asterionella notula)、旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)、新月菱形藻(Nitzchia closterium)、派格棍形藻(Bacillaria paxillifera)、异常角毛藻(Chaetoceros abmormis)、小细柱藻(Leptocylindrus minutum)、宽角曲舟藻(Pleurosigma angulatum)和美丽曲舟藻(Pleurosigma formosum)。不同季节优势种有一定程度交错, 仅在单季占优的有6种, 有2/3在3个以上季节出现, 具槽帕拉藻、骨条藻为四季优势种。浮游植物物种多样性和均匀度总体较好, 群落结构稳定。与毗邻海区相比, 本区物种丰富度偏低, 丰度高于毗邻海区, 种类组成相似, 优势种却有较大差别。Pearson相关分析表明, 溶解无机氮及活性磷酸盐仅在1月与丰度存在极显著的正相关, 是促使丰度为四季最高的原因。涉海工程施工产生的悬浮物和冲击波是影响浮游植物群落的主要因素, 大量海洋工程建设案例表明, 施工期造成的浮游植物丰度下降趋势和优势种更替混乱在工程结束后能得以恢复。  相似文献   
The evaluation of the data obtained during the behaviour tests always leads to the problem of multiple correlation, very often with non-linear dependencies on the target. All mathematical and statistical procedures that have been used so far are based on the assumption of an equation for the desired correlation for which parameters and related statistical equivalents are determined eventually. The MODAK system applied here (MODAK = algorithms of modelling for the calculation of multi-dimensional non-linear mathematical models) breaks down a complex correlation into individual dependencies in a mathematical and statistical way and selects suitable equations for each of them independently and determines the corresponding parameters. The numerical example evaluates data of behaviour tests on rats. First results obtained on the correlations of various behaviour tests indicate both the possibility of selecting suitable tests independent of each other and a better interpretation of the observed patterns of behaviour taking into account the interrelations between the tests. In addition, MODAK is a method which can be applied as a matter of course in a general way to all cases which call for the reduction and analysis of data occurring in process and system analysis and in the evaluation of test results requiring statistical modelling. So far, MODAK applications range from engineering sciences to medicine.  相似文献   
300例慢乙肝病情轻重的相关危险因素临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨慢乙肝病情轻重程度与相关临床因素的相关性。方法选择300例慢乙肝患者,按照标准分为慢乙肝轻度、中度、重度,慢乙肝重型,肝炎肝硬化五个观察组,分析乙肝病毒DNA载量、中草药干预、饮酒、合并症用药,HBeAg+/HBeAg-及年龄等因素在不同观察组中的分布情况。结果以上相关因素在慢乙肝重度、肝硬化观察组的分布与轻、中度观察组相比有明显差异;相关因素并存越多,病情越重。结论乙肝病毒DNA载量、中草药干预、饮酒、合并症用药,HBeAg+/HBeAg-及年龄等与慢乙肝病情轻重之间存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   
胃癌是起源于胃粘膜上皮细胞的恶性肿瘤。近年来,虽然大部分国家胃癌发生率呈下降趋势,但我国胃癌的发病率和死亡率仍居高不下。胃癌的发生是多因素共同参与的复杂过程,如与种族、遗传、年龄、性别、幽门螺旋杆菌感染、饮食等因素相关,其中饮食及生活习惯被认为与胃癌的发生关系密切。而且早期胃癌的预后相对良好,降低发生率是防治胃癌的一项关键措施。因此,通过了解饮食及生活习惯因素与胃癌之间的关系,可以加强胃癌的一级预防,从而改善胃癌患者预后。本文就高盐、高脂饮食,蛋白质、蔬菜水果摄入以及吸烟、饮酒等因素与胃癌关系的研究进展进行综述,以期对胃癌的预防奠定一定基础。  相似文献   
为了研究不同植物和基质组合的小型湿地模型净水效果及其与基质酶活性(脲酶和磷酸酶)之间的相关性, 并选出净水效果最佳的模型, 通过对两种植物(茭白和慈姑)和两种基质(石榴石和磁铁矿)进行组合构建不同的湿地模型, 对不同湿地模型进出水口水质和基质酶活性进行测定并加以分析进行优化选择。结果表明: 湿地模型对亚硝态氮的去除率最高, 最高能达到98.87%, 最低也能达到58.06%, 对高锰酸盐的去除率最低, 最高37.91%, 最低2.51%; 湿地模型X5-X6对各污染物的去除率基本上都比X1-X4高, 总氮去除率平均高3%, 氨氮去除率平均高10%, 亚硝态氮去除率平均高10%, 总磷去除率平均高15%, 正磷酸盐去除率平均高20%, 高锰酸盐去除率平均高8%; 在相同种植数量的情况下, 茭白和慈姑混合种植的湿地模型总体上比茭白和慈姑单一种植的湿地模型具有更好的净水效果, 是实验中的最佳湿地模型; 湿地模型的脲酶活性与总氮去除率具有显著的相关性(相关系数为0.903—0.980), 脲酶可作为判定人工湿地去除养殖水体中总氮效能的指标, 湿地模型磷酸酶活性与高锰酸盐去除率总体上具有显著相关性(相关系数为0.821—0.992), 磷酸酶可作为判定人工湿地去除养殖水体中高锰酸盐效能的指标。研究为人工湿地植物和基质优化选择和基质酶活性评价净水效果提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
目的:分析髋关节周围滑膜组织CD11b表达水平与人工髋关节置换术后无菌性松动的相关性。方法:以2006年5月至2016年5月于西京医院接受人工髋关节置换的患者为研究对象,对其髋关节周围滑膜组织进行CD11b免疫组化染色,并随访术后5年和10年无菌性松动的发生情况,通过单因素分析及logistic回归分析讨论CD11b表达与无菌性松动之间的相关性。结果:共300例患者纳入研究,全部获得随访,CD11b表达阳性患者163例,阳性率为54.33%;术后5年松动患者29例,术后5年无菌性松动发生率为9.67%;术后10年无菌性松动患者49例,术后10年无菌性松动发生率为16.33%;单因素分析结果表明CD11b表达阳性患者5年及10年松动率均高于CD11b表达阴性患者(P0.05);logistic回归分析结果表明CD11b过表达是髋关节置换术后无菌性松动发生的危险因素。结论:髋关节周围滑膜组织CD11b过表达是人工髋关节置换术后无菌性松动发生的危险因素,该分子或可作为无菌性松动的辅助诊断指标及潜在治疗靶点。  相似文献   
Abstract. Three term covariance analysis is used to investigate interspecific association at a range of spatial scales, using both density and presence/absence data to evaluate the strength of species interactions. This procedure also investigates the relationship between the spatial patterns of species. These methods are applied to the vegetation on a series of glacial moraines near Mt. Robson, British Columbia, Canada, in order to test whether the plants of different species and their patterns become more independent and more random during succession. Another hypothesis tested is that if a species exerts a positive influence on others by increasing soil nutrients, this effect decreases with surface age. The vegetation analysed supports both these hypotheses to the extent that most species pairs have maximum covariance intensity on medium aged surfaces. The covariance-blocksize graphs derived from density data and from presence/absence data were qualitatively similar in their trends; however, the results are sufficiently different to suggest that the relationships among species can be subtle, affecting density rather than presence. The results also show that the affect of scale on species associations is more complex than simple models predict.  相似文献   
Studies carried out for more than 10 years by the Task Group to establish GSSPs at the base of the Moscovian–Kasimovian and Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundaries have resulted in the proposal that the level at which the conodont species Idiognathodus simulator (Ellison, 1941) first appears be selected to mark the base of the Gzhelian Stage. This expands this eastern European chronostratigraphic unit to a global scale.I. simulator (sensu Barrick et al., 2008) has been identified so far in Midcontinent and eastern North America, the Moscow and Donets basins and southern Urals of eastern Europe, and in south-central China. Correlation of this level based on this species and other conodont species can be reinforced in some areas by ammonoid and fusulinid data.  相似文献   

The vegetation of the study site near Rome (Castelporziano Estate), where different woodland types occur, was analysed on the basis of ecological indicator values (Zeigerwerte) for light, temperature, continentality of climate, soil moisture, soil pH and nitrogen. Indicator values were estimated with Hill's reprediction algorithm for the flora of Central-Southern Italy relying on a database of 4,207 original relevés representing a balanced survey of the vegetation of this and surrounding areas. It was possible to obtain indicator values for an important fraction of the Italian Mediterranean flora. Results are ecologically reasonable, and it was possible to find strong correlation between the recalculated values and a few environmental variables. These correlations were not significant in an analogous test with subjectively derived scores of Ellenberg indicator values.  相似文献   
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