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不同海拔藜芦种群繁殖特征的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 在北京东灵山地区,沿一定海拔梯度,对藜芦(Veratrum nigrum)这一雄花两性花同株的多年生草本植物的繁殖特征进行了初步研究。结果表明:藜芦开花植株的生物量显著大于未开花植株的生物量。藜芦开花植株大小存在最小临界值,总种群的最小临界值为2.61 g,不同种群的繁殖临界值存在一定的差异。根据花粉/胚珠比(Pollen / ovule ratio,P/O比)推测,藜芦应属于以异交为主的混合交配系统。雄花的大小与生物量都比两性花小,而且其开放时间也晚于两性花,但二者的花粉生产量却没有显著差异。这种现象与人们针对雄花两性花同株植物的雄花功能所提出的最优资源分配假说(Optimal resource allocation hypothesis)是一致的。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In andromonoecious taxa with separate floral types along the inflorescence, architectural or plastic effects can simulate floral sexual dimorphism. Both the primary and secondary sexual characteristics of the cyathia of the protogynous andromonoecious species Euphorbia nicaeensis were analysed according to their sex and arrangement on the inflorescence. METHODS: The production of male and hermaphrodite cyathia at each inflorescence level was surveyed in two natural populations. The longevity, size, pollen production and viability, and nectar secretion of both types of cyathia were checked between inflorescence levels and between sexes at the only level at which they occur together. This sampling method makes it possible to know whether differences between cyathia types are based on sex or are attributable to inflorescence development. KEY RESULTS: Male cyathia were produced predominantly at the first and second inflorescence levels, whereas at levels 3-5, the cyathia were almost exclusively hermaphrodite. Viable pollen production by male cyathia at the second inflorescence level was higher than that of hermaphrodite cyathia at the third level but, when males and hermaphrodites at the same level were compared, their pollen production was similar. Male and hermaphrodite cyathia were similar in size, irrespective of the inflorescence level, although the exclusively hermaphrodite cyathia of the last level were smaller. Both cyathium types produced similar amounts of sugar. However, male cyathia produced nectar during their whole lifespans, whereas hermaphrodites produced it exclusively during their male phase. Moreover, the nectary activity of male cyathia started earlier in the day than that of hermaphrodites. CONCLUSIONS: An apparent floral dimorphism exists in the primary sexual characteristics of Euphorbia nicaeensis because differences in pollen production between cyathium types are due to theirs positions. Similarly, differences affecting most secondary sexual characteristics are only apparent between the two cyathium types. However, E. nicaeensis shows a true but slight floral dimorphism in some of the secondary sex characters related to nectar secretion. The lack of nectar production by the female phase of the hermaphrodite cyathia of E. nicaeensis indicates that this is a deceit-pollinated species.  相似文献   
Few observations have been made on temporal changes in the siring success of flowers in the male stage. In this study, we estimated both male and female contributions to fitness for 21 plants of protandrous andromonoeciosHeracleum lanatum with differing dates of first flowering. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that total male fitness significantly increases with the advance of the first-flowering date but does not depend upon plant size, whereas female fitness increases with plant size but does not depend upon the first-flowering date. We also showed that the earlier-flowering plants have more late-blooming male flowers in their secondary umbels. Based on these results, we suggest that polymorphism of the early- and late-bloomers may be maintained by frequency-dependent selection through temporally changing male reproductive success.  相似文献   
Summary Cashew trees produce four types of pollen from the large and small stamens of the hermaphrodite and male flower (HL, HS, ML, MS). Comparative studies were made of the grain number, structure, viability, vigour, and sugar and amino acid composition of the four pollen types. Anther and pollen grain numbers and dimensions of the four pollen types were similar, as were pollen structure and staining characteristics. The fluorescein diacetate test showed that the HL pollen had the highest percent fluorescence, and viability of all pollen types had declined by 48 h after anthesis. Following controlled hand pollination, the ML pollen had the highest capacity to germinate on the stigma and penetrate the ovule, followed by the MS, HL, and HS pollens. Glucose and fructose and 19 free amino acids were present in all pollen types, with higher levels in the hermaphrodite than in the male flower pollen. The results indicate that the pollen of the male flower is specialised for pollination and fruit set, whereas that of the hermaphrodite flower may be specialised for insect attraction.  相似文献   
澜沧舞花姜繁殖生物学特性及其进化意义探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 舞花姜属(Globba)植物具有多样的繁殖策略。分布于西双版纳的澜沧舞花姜(Globba lancangensis)自然条件下既能结实,同时又能在花序下部产生珠芽。通过对澜沧舞花姜的花部性状、花粉活力、传粉昆虫的访花行为、结实状况、珠芽产量等多方面的观测,初步了解了澜沧舞花姜的繁殖生物学特性。结果表明,澜沧舞花姜具有雄花及两性花同株的性表达特征。雄花及两性花的花粉在中午12∶00以前活力很高,之后雄花的花粉活力急剧下降,而两性花的花粉到16∶00仍有萌发能力。澜沧舞花姜在花序上产生雄花及两性花,每个花序每天仅开少量的花,其中50%的时间仅开雄花或两性花,在整个种群中形成了一定程度的暂时性的雄花两性花异株现象,从而增加了异交的可能性。澜沧舞花姜雄花的存在为P/O低的两性花提供了花粉补贴,这使得它可以通过调节雄花与两性花比例来调节种群的P/O,从而保证一定的结实能力。人工自交与异交下结果率没有差异,但自交结实率显著低于异交结实率,表明澜沧舞花姜有明显的自交不亲和现象。排蜂(Megapis dorstata)和黄绿彩带蜂(Nomia strigata)是澜沧舞花姜的主要访花昆虫,其中排蜂是它的有效传粉昆虫。澜沧舞花姜可能通过雄花两性花同株与自交不亲和相结合来促进异交。  相似文献   
We studied the relationship between inflorescence size and male fitness in the andromonoecious lily Zigadenus paniculatus, using experimentally manipulated inflorescences to eliminate possible correlations between flower number, resource availability, and other floral traits. Allozyme markers were used to determine the siring success of large versus small plants in 14 arrays of plants, each array containing five large and five small plants. The inflorescence size of small plants was held constant both within and among arrays; the size of large plants was held constant within an array but was varied among arrays. Large plants sired more than half the seeds in 12 of the 14 arrays, and significantly more than half in six of these 12. However, in eight of the arrays, large plants sired significantly fewer seeds than expected on the basis of their size advantage. Furthermore, there was no significant relationship between relative size and relative siring success in comparisons among arrays. A maximum-likelihood model estimated that 28% of seeds were sired by imported pollen, with 95% confidence limits of 13% and 50%. Within these limits, high import rates tended to mask the relative success of large plants in several arrays. These results suggest that the evolution of inflorescence size in Z. paniculatus is at least partly driven by selection for increased male success, assuming genetic variation for flower number. However, the data also support a growing body of evidence that estimates of male fitness in plants can be highly variable. We discuss the sources of this variability and the possible effects of inflorescence design on the relationship between inflorescence size and fitness.  相似文献   
Abstract: The proportions of hermaphrodite to staminate flowers in inflorescences of the andromonoecious species Caesalpinb calycina vary. Analysis of fruit position along the flowering rhachis, and also of the sex of floral buds in inflorescences with fruits set in different positions, indicate that fruiting success influences the sex of flowers in distal positions along the rhachis. Other reports of andromonoecy in caesalpinoid species are examined with reference to floral sex lability and the influence of fruit set.  相似文献   
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACS) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of the plant hormone ethylene. Recently, a new biological role for ACS has been found in Cucumis melo where a single point mutation (A57V) of one isoform of the enzyme, causing reduced activity, results in andromonoecious plants. We present here a straightforward structural basis for the reduced activity of the A57V mutant, based on our work on Malus domestica ACS, including a new structure of the unliganded apple enzyme at 1.35 Å resolution.  相似文献   
Two non-mutually exclusive hypotheses regarding the benefits of andromonoecy (producing perfect and female-sterile flowers on the same plant) are tested using Solanum carolinense. Results indicate that (1) staminate flowers are cheaper to produce than perfect flowers, even after correcting for their relative position in the inflorescence; (2) the resources saved by producing staminate flowers are not re-allocated to other fitness enhancing functions; and (3) the main morphological characteristic of staminate flowers, pistil reduction, does not increase either pollinator visitation or siring success of open-pollinated plants. These results indicate that neither the resource savings hypothesis nor the increased pollen donation hypothesis explains the evolution and maintenance of andromonoecy in S. carolinense.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Andromonoecy, as a breeding system, has generated a considerable body of theory in terms of sexual selection, but extended records comparing the performance of pollen grains from staminate versus hermaphrodite flowers are still sparse. The objective in this study was to elucidate the role of staminate flowers in the andromonoecious breeding system of olive (Olea europaea). METHODS: To determine the meaning of staminate flowers, an evaluation was made of resource allocation to, and phenology of, staminate and hermaphrodite flowers in the cultivar 'Mission', and a comparison was made of the male function between both kinds of flowers. KEY RESULTS: Dry weight of hermaphrodite flowers was 19 % greater than dry weight of staminate flowers arising in comparable positions of the panicle. This difference was mainly due to pistil and petal weight; there were no significant differences in stamen weight. There were no significant differences between staminate and hermaphrodite flowers in either amount of pollen per anther, or pollen quality as determined by pollen viability, germinability or ability to fertilize other flowers. There was no significant link between gender and time of anthesis. However, position of the flower within the panicle correlated with time of anthesis and gender. Flowers at the apex and at primary pedicels tended to be hermaphrodite and open earlier, whereas flowers arising in secondary pedicels were mainly staminate and were commonly the last to reach anthesis. CONCLUSIONS: It is proposed that the main advantage provided by production of staminate flowers in olive is to enhance male fitness by increasing pollen output at the whole plant level, although a relict function of attracting pollinators cannot be completely discarded.  相似文献   
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