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研究表明,骨钙素(osteocalcin)是由骨骼中成熟的成骨细胞合成并分泌的一种非胶原蛋白质,在骨骼的合成和重建过程中起着重要作用。近年来研究显示,骨骼亦可作为一种分泌器官,通过分泌骨钙素,作用于胰腺、脂肪、睾丸等器官,调节能量代谢、雄性生殖能力。此外,临床研究表明,骨钙素与糖尿病、心血管疾病等也有着密切的联系。因此,本文一方面概述了骨钙素的基本特征,另一方面着重介绍了骨钙素在调节能量代谢等方面的研究进展,以便为治疗糖尿病等代谢性疾病提供新的治疗靶点。  相似文献   
刘宏迪  曹旭 《微生物学报》1990,30(2):98-104
A new system for selection of transformed Aspergillus foetidus was reported. In this system, TK- A. foetidus which were constructed by homologous recombination of mutated TK gene of vaccinia virus with TK gene of A. foetidus were screened by adding BUdR in agar plates. Conditions for screen of TK+ A. foetidus strain, transformation of A. foetidus and selection of transformed TK- A. foetidus have been studied. By using this system, several transformed A. foetidus which contained HBsAg gene derived bf a promoter H8 cloned from genomic DNA of A. foetidus were isolated. It was demonstrated that HBsAg gene was integrated into the chromosome DNA of A. foetidus by Southern blot after many passages of spores. ELISA showed that HBsAg was positive in the growth medium (p/n = 20). The 22 nm particles which were very similar to the HBsAg particles in human serum were found in the growth medium by immunoelectromicroscope. Western blot also gave the specific bands. All these data showed that HBsAg gene was expressed in A. foetidus and the products were secreted into the growth medium. The selection system using TK gene as marker could generally be used to study the expression of foreign gene in A. foetidus.  相似文献   
This study compares results on reconstructing the ancestral state of characters and ancestral areas of distribution in Cornaceae to gain insights into the impact of using different analytical methods. Ancestral character state reconstructions were compared among three methods (parsimony, maximum likelihood, and stochastic character mapping) using MESQUITE and a full Bayesian method in BAYESTRAITS and inferences of ancestral area distribution were compared between the parsimony-based dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA) and a newly developed maximum likelihood (ML) method. Results indicated that among the six inflorescence and fruit characters examined, "perfect" binary characters (no homoplasy, no polymorphism within terminals, and no missing data) are little affected by choice of method, while homoplasious characters and missing data are sensitive to methods used. Ancestral areas at deep nodes of the phylogeny are substantially different between DIVA and ML and strikingly different between analyses including and excluding fossils at three deepest nodes. These results, while raising caution in making conclusions on trait evolution and historical biogeography using conventional methods, demonstrate a limitation in our current understanding of character evolution and biogeography. The biogeographic history favored by the ML analyses including fossils suggested the origin and early radiation of Cornus likely occurred in the late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary in Europe and intercontinental disjunctions in three lineages involved movements across the North Atlantic Land Bridge (BLB) in the early and mid Tertiary. This result is congruent with the role of NALB for post-Eocene migration and in connecting tropical floras in North America and Africa, and in eastern Asia and South America. However, alternative hypotheses with an origin in eastern Asia and early Trans-Beringia migrations of the genus cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
《呼啸山庄》,是英国文坛上一颗璀璨的明珠。20世纪以来,外界对它的定位解释层出不穷。从最初的批评指责,到现在的备受推崇,一直都是文学界的焦点。如今,作者艾米丽?勃朗特凭借业内人士对《呼啸山庄》的超高评价,被公认为是唯一一个可以同莎士比亚齐名的伟大作家。然而,小说的男主人公希斯克里夫,特别是他中间的人性扭曲,却一直遭受非议。尽管少数评论家对他的复仇表示理解与同情,指出他的疯狂报复是极度的虐待背叛所致,但大多数评论家仍认为他的报复惨绝人寰,毫无人性。甚至认为小说的主题应是黑暗与报复。本文认为要准确客观地评价希斯克利夫,需要充分考虑到他复仇的前因后果,不能仅仅以他复仇过程中所展示出的黑暗面而一概而论。无论多么绝望的世界里,人性的回归与复苏,爱在人间我们才是我们所追求的主题。仇恨能蒙蔽双眼,麻痹心灵,造成人的扭曲和堕落。但即便如此,人的本性依然会追寻爱的方向,再强大的仇恨也磨灭不了人们追求美好的本心。  相似文献   
需氧芽胞杆菌在自然界广泛存在,少数为致病菌,大多数营腐生或寄生生活。其生存方式除了细菌营养型的正常分裂繁殖以外,还有几种特殊的生存与繁殖方式:如芽胞型的休眠状态存活,菌丛的孵育点繁殖,细菌的L型生存繁殖,以及可能还有活的非可培养的生存方式等。研究了解芽胞杆菌的这些特殊的生存方式,具有重要的细菌学理论意义和医学实际应用价值。  相似文献   
2012年在云南省南部中老缅边境地区采集的库蚊中分离到3株病毒(YN12039、YN12040、YN12060),该病毒只引起C6/36细胞发生病变。负染电镜观察病毒颗粒呈球形,直径60~80nm,有囊膜,表面有刺突。采用RTPCR方法对分离株的RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶(RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase,RdRp)、HEL1(superfamily 1helicase)、S蛋白(spike protein)基因进行扩增,同源性分析显示3株云南新分离株与Nam Dinh病毒(NDiV)RdRp、HEL1、S蛋白氨基酸序列相似度最高,均为98%以上。系统进化分析结果表明,3株云南新分离株与NDiV的亲缘关系最近,处于同一进化分支。该研究结果丰富了NDiV病毒的信息,对NDiV病毒分子特征、分布区域和物种嗜性等特征提供了数据参考。  相似文献   
黑籽南瓜(Cucurbita ficifolia)是云南特有的具有高抗枯萎病遗传性状的瓜类种质资源。为鉴定黑籽南瓜中NBS-LRR类基因的抗病功能,该研究从其叶片中克隆了NBS类基因CfRFN2 (GenBank ID:MK618462),测序全长为4 303 bp,完整的编码框长度为4 092 bp,编码1 363个氨基酸残基,该基因注释为拟南芥抗病蛋白At4g27190类转录体X1的同源基因,含有1个NB-ARC和2个LRR结构域,属于具有信号肽的可溶性蛋白。核苷酸相似性分析显示,CfRFN2与其他瓜类NBS类基因相似性在87%~98%之间;系统进化树分析表明,CfRFN2蛋白和瓜类的其他NBS类抗病蛋白聚为一个分支,其中CfRFN2蛋白与中国南瓜和美洲南瓜的RPS2、印度南瓜的RPS2-like亲缘关系最近,其次是黄瓜的At4g27190和苦瓜的At4g27220,与甜瓜的Atg27190亲缘关系相对较远;组织表达特性分析表明,CfRFN2基因在黑籽南瓜叶片中表达量最高,其次是茎,而在果皮和根中表达量较低。该研究采用烟草脆裂病毒载体系统,构建了黑籽南瓜VIGS沉默载体pTRV2-CfRFN2,含沉默载体的农杆菌侵染黑籽南瓜幼苗后接种枯萎病菌,qRT-PCR检测表明,接种后2 d和4 d的转pTRV2-CfRFN2沉默组植株的CfRFN2基因表达量比接种后同时期的野生型植株显著降低(分别下降34.75%和98.27%),病情指数增加为野生型的1.32倍,初步证明黑籽南瓜CfRFN2基因具有抗枯萎病的功能,推测该基因可能在黑籽南瓜抗枯萎病防御过程中发挥着重要作用。该研究中NBS类基因CfRFN2的克隆和VIGS验证为黑籽南瓜更多优异基因的克隆和功能验证奠定了前期基础,也为发掘黑籽南瓜优异抗病基因和开展瓜类分子育种提供新信息。  相似文献   
目的 蛋白质纯化是医学与生物学实验教学课程中的一个重要内容,本文通过设计新的蛋白质纯化虚拟仿真教学内容,开发虚拟仿真教学系统,希望学生能够更有效率地掌握蛋白质纯化技术的要点,提升教学质量。方法 利用3D虚拟仿真技术,构建虚拟仿真实验室。结合线下教学经验,确定虚拟仿真教学中需要体现的教学内容、教学重点、核心仪器的特色、评分指标、考核方式、操作体验等。结果 本文基于3D虚拟仿真技术构建了蛋白质纯化虚拟仿真实验室,和传统教学相比,虚拟仿真教学可以提高教学效率,节省教学成本和场地占用;教学设计和虚拟仿真教学系统融合了教学、练习和考核模块,根据以往的教学经验优化了评分体系,保证学生更加有效、严谨地掌握技术细节;涵盖了全新的教学内容——荧光检测联用的分子排阻层析,添加了蛋白质层析的常用案例,保证了内容的新颖与实用;完全再现了现实实验室中仪器设备的搭建模式,实现虚拟学习与实际操作的无缝衔接。结论 蛋白质纯化虚拟仿真教学系统由虚及实,由点及面,把控细节,保证学生动手能力和探索能力的提高,学以致用,并且拥有传统教学模式不可比拟的优势。  相似文献   
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