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崇明东滩人工湿地越冬水禽行为观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2006年12月上旬-2007年2月下旬,在崇明东滩堤内次生人工湿地(鱼-蟹塘)对7种优势种水禽的昼间(6:30-17:30)行为进行了观察.结果表明:白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)、苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)和斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)以停伫行为为主,分别占全天行为的34.09%、45.45%和54.55%;白骨顶(Fulica atra)、普通鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo)取食行为较活跃,分别占全天行为的32.58%和35.00%;小鹛鹧(Tachybaptus ruficollis)和银鸥(Larus argentatus)游水活动分别占全天行为的44.70%和31.82%.此外,环境温度和光照与水禽活动呈正相关,与风速负相关,湿地内水位由于变化不大而对越冬水禽行为影响不显著.  相似文献   
为探讨北方迁徙性鸟类北红尾鸲(Phoenicurus auroreus)在越冬环境的代谢特征及体温调节,本文采用开放式氧气分析仪和数字式温度测量仪测定了在环境温度(Ta) 5、10、15、20、25、27.5、30、32.5、35、37.5、40℃条件下的代谢率(MR)和体温(Tb),并计算不同温度的热传导(C)。结果表明:在Ta为5~35℃范围内,北红尾鸲的Tb基本维持恒定,平均为40.3±0.1℃;热中性区(TNZ)为25~35℃;基础代谢率(BMR)为50.25±1.35 mL O2·h-1,是Londo1o等(2015)体重预期值的151%;在Ta为5~25℃范围内,MR随Ta的降低而显著增加,回归方程为:MR (m L O2·h-1)=99.65-1.93Ta(r=-0.707,P<0.001);高于35℃时,MR随Ta升高增加;当Ta为40℃时,MR达到59.78±1.31 mL O2·h-1;在Ta为5~25℃范围内,北红尾鸲的C最低且基本保持恒定,为0.17±0.01 mL O2·g-1·h-1·℃-1,是Aschoff(1981)体重预测值的111%;北红尾鸲的基本热生物学特征为较高的Tb、BMR和C以及较宽的TNZ,具有北方地区小型鸟类的代谢特点。  相似文献   
大型动物用来监测环境温度变化的传感器在身体周围,人们普遍认为小型动物也是一样的。例如,人们假设昆虫是通过它们的触角来探测环境温度的。但科学家却在果蝇身上发现了能探测环境温度的大型热响应神经元,而且这些神经元还位于脑内。4种前脑神经元通过激发dTrpA1离子通道来对温度做出反应,研究人员假设,这样可提示果蝇去寻找更为适宜的环境。这些通道是破坏有害昆虫及传播疾病的昆虫热喜好行为的潜在目标。  相似文献   
灰蓝姬鹟的孵卵节律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾陈喜  王众  孙悦华 《四川动物》2003,22(4):238-240,F004
2 0 0 2年在莲花山自然保护区使用温度自动记录装置对灰蓝姬的孵卵节律进行了研究。研究表明 ,灰蓝姬雌鸟日平均离巢 31.2 5± 7.5 0次 (n =8天 ) ,平均每次离巢持续时间为 7± 2min (n =2 6 4 ) ,平均在巢持续时间 2 1± 9min (n =2 5 6 )。雌鸟在巢率与环境温度间存在显著的负相关关系 (Spearman相关 ,r =- 0 .30 4 ,P <0 .0 1)。进一步的分析表明 ,灰蓝姬雌鸟每次离巢持续时间与环境温度呈显著的正相关 (Spearman相关 ,r =0 .2 6 1,P <0 .0 1) ,每次在巢时间和离巢次数均与环境温度无关 (在巢时间 ,r =0 .0 2 6 ,P =0 .6 82 ;离巢次数 ,r =0 .0 14 ,P =0 .879)。认为灰蓝姬雌鸟主要通过调节离巢时间的长短来控制孵卵节律  相似文献   
能量代谢在教学中是一个很抽象的概念,为了激发学生的学习兴趣和热情,适应当前高考“探究性实验”试题的需要,我们组织学生进行了“环境温度对不同动物能量代谢的影响”的探究实验,此实验是以学生为主体,在教师的指导下,由学生自己独立操作完成实验。意在通过教师的引导与点拨,让学生亲身体验探究性实验的全过程,复习已知的知识,对问题进行回答和说明,并与别人交流结果等。从而在探究实验中培养学生的探索精神和创新能力。现把实验设计方案介绍如下。  相似文献   
Leaves from annual young grape plants (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Jingxiu) were used as experimental materials. The ultrastructural characteristics of mesophyll cells in chilling-treated plants after heat acclimation (HA) and in heat-treated plants after cold acclimation (CA) were observed and compared using transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that slight injury appeared in the ultrastructure of mesophyll cells after either HA (38℃ for 10 h) or CA (8℃ for 2.5 d), but the tolerance to subsequent extreme temperature stress was remarkably improved by HA or CA pretreatment. The increases in membrane permeability and malondialdehyde concentration under chilling (0℃) or heat (45℃) stress were markedly inhibited by HA or CA pretreatment. The mesophyll cells of plants not pretreated with HA were markedly damaged following chilling stress. The chloroplasts appeared irregular in shape, the arrangement of the stroma lamellae was disordered, and no starch granules were present. The cristae of the mitochondria were disrupted and became empty. The nucleus became irregular in shape and the nuclear membrane was digested. In contrast, the mesophyll cells of HA-pretreated plants maintained an intact ultrastructure under chilling stress. The mesophyll cells of control plants were also severely damaged under heat stress. The chloroplast became round in shape, the stroma lamellae became swollen, and the contents of vacuoles formed clumps. In the case of mitochondria of control plants subjected to heat stress, the outer envelope was digested and the cristae were disrupted and became many small vesicles. Compared with cellular organelles in control plants, those in CA plant cells always maintained an integrated state during whole heat stress, except for the chloroplasts, which became round in shape after 10 h heat stress. From these data, we suggest that the stability of mesophyll cells under chilling stress can be increased by HA pretreatment. Similarly, CA pretreatment can protect chloroplasts, mitochondria, and the nucleus against subsequent heat stress; thus, the thermoresistance of grape seedlings was improved. The results obtained in the present study are the first, to our knowledge, to offered cytological evidence of cross-adaptation to temperature stresses in grape plants.  相似文献   
环境温度对社鼠能量需求和食物同化的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Niviventer confucianus is a common species of rodent in South China. We designed an experimental protocol to determine the influence of temperature on energy requirement and food assimilation of the N. confucianus . In our feeding trials, four experimental temperatures were applied: 17℃,22℃,27℃ and 32℃. The energy requirements of N. confucianus under different temperature were:107 43±6 44 KJ/animal/day (17℃),94 76±4 46 KJ/animal/day (22℃),73 96±5 65 KJ/animal/day(27℃),and 62 80±5 15 KJ/animal/day(32℃),respectively. Moreover, the energy intake, digested and assimilated energy of N. confucianus decreased with temperature increase. However, no significant differences on digestibility and assimilation rate of N. confucianus were found among four experimental temperatures. It indicated that, during a range of particular temperatures, N. confucianus might maintain relatively high digestibility by change of digest tract morphology.  相似文献   
动物能量代谢相关的生理生态特征与其地理分布密切相关。为探讨温州地区迁徙鸟类小杓鹬(Numenius minutus)的代谢产热特征及体温调节,本文在环境温度(Ta)5.0~42.5℃范围内,测定了小杓鹬的代谢率(Rm,以单位时间耗氧量表示,ml/h)和体温,并计算不同环境温度的热传导。结果显示:在环境温度为5~35℃的范围内,小杓鹬的体温维持相对恒定,平均体温为(42.8±0.10)℃;热中性区为27.5~40.0℃;在热中性区温度范围内,代谢率即基础代谢率为(221.31±6.01)ml/h,是体重预期值的141%;环境温度在5.0~27.5℃范围内,代谢率与环境温度(Ta,℃)呈负相关,回归方程为Rm=587.10﹣11.78 Ta;在5.0~27.5℃的环境温度范围内,小杓鹬的热传导最低,平均为(0.11±0.00)ml/(g·h·℃),是体重预期值的212%;代谢预期比和热传导预期比的比值(F值)为1.21,表明该物种有较好的体温调节能力。小杓鹬具有较高的体温和基础代谢...  相似文献   
目的: 观察不同环境温度对有机磷杀虫剂毒死蜱(CHP)引起大鼠体温变化的影响.方法: 用数字体温仪测量大鼠的结肠和尾部皮肤温度,观察25℃、16℃和32℃环境温度对口饲CHP引起结肠温度和尾部皮肤温度变化的影响.结果: 给置于25℃和16℃环境中的大鼠口饲CHP (20 mg·kg-1) 后,均可引起结肠温度明显的降低,尾部皮肤温度明显升高;但32℃环境中大鼠口饲CHP后却引起了明显的升温作用,而尾部皮肤温度无明显影响.结论: CHP对大鼠体温的影响与环境温度有关.  相似文献   
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